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Master Thread UnPinned: Russian invasion has begun

Master Threads


Boob Enthusiast
Jan 7, 2021
Four years ago.


Oler Ted

Apr 17, 2021
>Russia has banned all western social media
>Azov Battalion has started training volunteers in Kiev
>High-rise building in Kiev hit by missile, origins unknown, both sides claim it was the other side's missile
>Melitopol has fallen under Russian hands
>Russians advancing rapidly towards Mariupol, tanks spotted roughly 70km from it
>Civilians and the SBU (Ukrainian security forces) engaged in a gunfight last night (due to a major confusion), resulting in heavy losses
>Seven civilians died in a day in the LPR and DPR from shelling by Ukrainian security forces, LPR authorities report
>There are reports a convoy of armoured vehicles are headed towards Kiev and air raid sirens were heard there not long ago
>Russia says Sweden and Finland may face military and political consequences if they attempt to join NATO
>Russian troops already in Kiev's outskirts (~10km), entire city expected to become a warzone within days
>Kalibr cruise missile exploded over Kiev in the night. Intercepted by a SAM
>10,000 AKs given out to citizens of Kiev
>Russian websites are currently being cyber attacked
>Japanese cargo ship hit with a missile from the Ukrainian side
>Chernobyl nuclear plant under Russian contro

Oler Ted

Apr 17, 2021
>Reports that Russian strategic bombers have taken off from Crimea - may be heading to Kiev - Government instructs residents to head to bomb shelters
>Russian forces have met heavy resistance as they advance on Kiev
>Russian commander of 35th motor brigade has been captured by Ukrainian forces
>Chechen forces are on the ground north of Kiev
>Macron: World 'must be prepared' for 'long' war in Ukraine
>Russian army releases first ever video of the Chernobyl nuclear plant after capturing it (https://t.me/intelslava/20722)


Jan 13, 2021
I think the fact that CIA asset Sean Penn went from the sidelines of the Superbowl to the front lines in Ukraine tells anybody that wants to know all they really need to know. Its all so ridiculous and the same mockingbird media heads, celebrities, and world 'leaders' who have lied to us all along are at it again. They may suck in a few but they aint sucking Viking in. Cant wait for that cinematographic masterpiece to be released. I am sure it will be riveting. SKOL!
It’s a shame what happened to him since the days of Spicoli.


Dec 9, 2020
From a dude out here in the MAAP cell that knew him…

“The Ghost of Kyiv was a real dude — came out of retirement to fuck up the Russians. Was shot down yesterday. His name is Colonel Oleksanser “Grey Wolf” Oksanchenko. He was based in the 831st Tactical Aviation Brigade in Mirgorod, Ukraine. He had one more take-off than landing and would never do it any other way.”

Here’s to him
From a friend in Germany.


Dec 9, 2020
This is from my friend who lives in Germany...

Here is a cut and paste from eastern European Christian missionaries who we met while living in Germany. They have Christian friends who live in Kyiv, and provided this update yesterday to them:
"Dear friends. This night was sleepless for many Ukrainians. I think everyone was praying. Here is an update. I tried to put the most recent information so that you don't have to look at many places:
- Russian forces are approaching Kyiv from three sides and battles are taking place in many locations all across the country. Tonight the enemy entered Kyiv.
- Couple hours ago there was an intense battle near the zoo, which is on the main road from Kyiv out to the west. In order to stop enemy two bridges have been blown up in the city near metro stations. One of them was recently built. There is gunfire in other locations inside the city as well.
- Small groups of armed saboteurs are everywhere. They try to make some harm, they put special luminescent marks for helicopters and planes.
- Citizens of Kyiv have been issued arms to join in the battle against the Russian invaders. In fact there were not enough guns for everybody. They issued 18000 arms. It was informed that yesterday they got more from Poland. Thank you, Poland.
- Russian media is reporting false information, trying to cause provocation. They deny the invasion is taking place.
- Russians have fired on hospitals, schools, and many civilian locations in many cities such as Kharkiv, Kherson, Melitopol, Kyiv and others. Whether intentional or not, these buildings are being destroyed. They used all kinds of weapons.
- Ukrainian forces continue to destroy Russian tanks, vehicles, airplanes, helicopters and soldiers, but the numbers of those from Russia are overwhelming.
- It feels to many Ukrainians that no place in Ukraine is safe now because of the bombing that has taken place throughout the country. Today people heard alarm signals in Lutsk Kyiv, Uman, Rivne and Lviv, which seemed to be the safest place. They had to stay or run to shelters which are not many. Others stay at their flats.
- Russian soldiers are using Ukrainian military and police uniforms as disguises. They are trying to take out power stations, shut down electricity, and so on. They've driven up to checkpoints and shot Ukrainian soldiers. There are many such small groups all around.
- The Russian disinformation campaign is huge. Unfortunately, many western news sources get caught up in this and report wrong data. Please, please, please double-check before you post something online. Use at least two or three sources if possible before forwarding something.
- We are very very proud of all our defenders.
- We are so grateful to our God.
Thank you so much 💓for your prayers and support 🙏. Together we will have a victory💪✌️.
Praise be to the God Almighty!"


A man from Nantucket
Jan 9, 2021
This is sure to escalate things

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