Undefeated Lounge

Juse b
How's life and the Holidays? Still rocking that funny purple pillow case

Friday before Thanksgiving I totaled my chevy quad cab. Which sucks. I'm gonna get my 2008 Tahoe running and drive it in to the ground. Went to mb Wed night. Just got home. Friday night my mom went down and couldn't get up. My dad is fucked up. My arm os fucked and I had to pick up her large ass up and get her in a wheel chair. My arm held up so that was good. Took my dad to church this morning. My folks anniversary today married 60 years. I'm the youngest. Whilenmany part sucked it was great. I'll be going up there about every weekend til they die I suppose now. Getting old is a dirty job. Only the good die young. All in all od do ot again and be happy to not change any of it.

How was yalls?I hope well.

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