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Trump Voters?


Sep 22, 2023
I posed a question on a number of pro-Trump sites. So far NOBODY voting for Trump wants to answer. Would you answer?

Presupposing that Tim Scott is Trump's VP, will you still vote for him?


May 7, 2024
I don't know who Tim Scott is, but judging people by the friends or company they keep is just more weaksauce narcisssm.

Like when people attacked Trump when he was chatting sexually about women with a male friend, like so fucking what? And how is that any worse than all the hedonistic lgbt bullshit?


Sep 22, 2023
I don't know who Tim Scott is, but judging people by the friends or company they keep is just more weaksauce narcisssm.

Like when people attacked Trump when he was chatting sexually about women with a male friend, like so fucking what? And how is that any worse than all the hedonistic lgbt bullshit?
When Trump is found to be senile; when he doesn't make it the full term, his VP will be President. Can that individual run the country and, since Trump won't be with us for a third term (it ain't permitted here), can Trump's VP pick make a viable candidate in the next election cycle.

You have a lot to learn about the way things work.


May 20, 2024
I don't give a shit what you believe.
Regardless, he answered the obvious antagonistic question you posed.
Yet your reaction to his answer suggests not only do you not give a shit what he believes, but that you simply don't care for genuine answers at all, rather instead your true intention is more likely provoking conflict.

If you don't give a shit for others opinions, why should others ever give a shit for your opinions.


May 20, 2024
When Trump is found to be senile; when he doesn't make it the full term, his VP will be President. Can that individual run the country and, since Trump won't be with us for a third term (it ain't permitted here), can Trump's VP pick make a viable candidate in the next election cycle.
😂 Whether or not your fantasy were to become reality, either way senility doesn't seem to be an issue with the current blithering twit of a US Prez, so why would it be different for any others.

You have a lot to learn about the way things work.
As do we all, including yourself.


Sep 22, 2023
Regardless, he answered the obvious antagonistic question you posed.
Yet your reaction to his answer suggests not only do you not give a shit what he believes, but that you simply don't care for genuine answers at all, rather instead your true intention is more likely provoking conflict.

If you don't give a shit for others opinions, why should others ever give a shit for your opinions.
I solicited the opinion I wanted. When someone backhands someone and calls them a liar, I don't give a fuck what they think at that point.


Sep 22, 2023
😂 Whether or not your fantasy were to become reality, either way senility doesn't seem to be an issue with the current blithering twit of a US Prez, so why would it be different for any others.

As do we all, including yourself.

You knowledge of American politics could be reduced to a single typed page. You don't need to try and preach about topics you have ZERO knowledge about.


May 20, 2024


May 7, 2024
You knowledge of American politics could be reduced to a single typed page. You don't need to try and preach about topics you have ZERO knowledge about.

And your understanding of human emotions / empathy / connections / friendships / relationships is exactly zero.

Attacking people for the company they keep or hire is again the lowest form of narc scum abuse.

Literally aint nobody curr who Trump keeps as his VP but a toxic narc faggot like you.


Jan 8, 2021
When Trump is found to be senile; when he doesn't make it the full term, his VP will be President. Can that individual run the country and, since Trump won't be with us for a third term (it ain't permitted here), can Trump's VP pick make a viable candidate in the next election cycle.

You have a lot to learn about the way things work.
Like presidents get removed from office for being senile. lol


Sep 22, 2023
Indeed...you did.

Ya know, thats awesome man. I'm happy for you.

Oh, and theres more good news too.

😎No one called anyone a liar.
We were in Knoxville one week and Ronnie Garvin was genuinely pissed at another wrestler. Les Thatcher told Ronnie he couldn't call him a son of a bitch on the air because it was one of seven words not allowed on tv in those days. Back then you didn't have a Vince McMahon scripting everything that was said. So, Ronnie can't say it, but he put it this way:

"Son your momma was a dog and your daddy was a dog and I don't have to tell you what that just made you."

Wherever you're from, our use of the English language is different than yours.


Sep 22, 2023
Like presidents get removed from office for being senile. lol
LOL my ass. Biden's handlers would simply tell Biden he won and can now retire and let Kamala run the Socialist States of Amerika. Biden would be happy with his "legacy" and turn the country over to the third world.


Sep 22, 2023
And your understanding of human emotions / empathy / connections / friendships / relationships is exactly zero.

Attacking people for the company they keep or hire is again the lowest form of narc scum abuse.

Literally aint nobody curr who Trump keeps as his VP but a toxic narc faggot like you.
For somebody to sling a lot of emotion laden words around your first sentence gets a ZERO for accuracy. The balance of what you say should be reserved to what you would say to a man's face. AND, finally, if IIRC you like having a man's sweaty balls in your face. If there is a narc faggot between us you see him every time you look in the mirror. If your dumb ass had any class you would save the name calling for when you look a man in the face.

Of course all that presumes you have an IQ higher than your shoe size. You don't.


Feb 4, 2021
President Trump should have someone of the caliber of Hillary as VP. Thats the only way he can insure he wont be assassinated. Just like Obama did.
Jul 9, 2022
What's wrong with Tim Scott?
Tim Scott is a fag, who cant even speak correctly.

Tactically, Tim Scott as VP would make no sense. He is an "Uncle Tom" type, and married to a white woman......this is no good for the black vote.


Trump \ Tulsi Gabbard 2024

But I will add, I give no fucks as to who wins as it is all a sham show anyway.

Liquid Reigns

Oct 31, 2023
Tim Scott is a fag, who cant even speak correctly.

Tactically, Tim Scott as VP would make no sense. He is an "Uncle Tom" type, and married to a white woman......this is no good for the black vote.


Trump \ Tulsi Gabbard 2024

But I will add, I give no fucks as to who wins as it is all a sham show anyway.
Those voters that are going to vote for Trump are doing so because "life was better under Trump than Biden". They're not voting for Trump based on who his VP is. Trump has already taken more Minority voters away from Democrats than any past Republican, and has more now then ever.

The question comes down to if Scott can run the country if something were to happen to Trump. Tulsi is a good choice, but I think she will be asked to be the UN Ambassador.


Sep 22, 2023
Oh boy. Look at mr big brain over here.
You standing up for the deranged troll is almost funny. At least I have a brain. There are the brainwashed, brain dead and brainless. Fiend is brainless. Otherwise he wouldn't be using fighting words when his candy ass is too scared to say that shit in public. As they say, you're known by the company you keep.


Dec 10, 2020
You standing up for the deranged troll is almost funny. At least I have a brain. There are the brainwashed, brain dead and brainless. Fiend is brainless. Otherwise he wouldn't be using fighting words when his candy ass is too scared to say that shit in public. As they say, you're known by the company you keep.
He’s not brainless at all. Just because you don’t care for his take doesn’t make him brainless, you faggot.
Jul 9, 2022
"life was better under Trump than Biden".
and, "I aint voting for Biden"........furthermore, Black women are unlikely to vote for Scott, being as his wife is white, just facts, yes prejudicial, but true.
The question comes down to if Scott can run the country if something were to happen to Trump.
and the answer is no, Scott cant even speak correctly............and that is to assume his position would be to '"run the country" which it is not.

All candidate we see on that level are put in front of us as a show, none of it is real, and dog and pony show.

Scott is a fag, and that is that.


SCAR Cawk Connoisseur
Apr 13, 2021
You standing up for the deranged troll is almost funny. At least I have a brain. There are the brainwashed, brain dead and brainless. Fiend is brainless. Otherwise he wouldn't be using fighting words when his candy ass is too scared to say that shit in public. As they say, you're known by the company you keep.
JFC you’re one gigantic pussy


Sep 22, 2023
He’s not brainless at all. Just because you don’t care for his take doesn’t make him brainless, you faggot.

Well, it certainly didn't take much to get you triggered. You don't have to project. I insulted your gay lover and you get all defensive. I understand. But, yeah, your lover IS brainless.

When Fiend had the opportunity to debate me on a level playing field, he passed on it. He created his own board, built up some sockpuppets and pretended to be kicking my ass with a majority of these non-existent posters. Your lover is dickless and brainless. He will come here and throw his weight around because he has butt buddies like you to back him up. He's not a man and, sadly, you've proven that you aren't either.

You push the gay shit a bit much, don't you think? Do you act this way around your mother/ wife/ daughter / sister - presuming that one or more of those apply? Yeah, the gay shit is good for an occasional joke, but when people can't get past it, they joke about what really bothers them. So, you project those feelings of inadequacy and homosexuality toward me, realizing that they are YOUR traits, not mine.

Just like a gang of Democrats, you will have a smart ass reply followed up by some chattering monkeys that think like you. But, you can't erase the facts. When people go to extremes to avoid serious discussion and debate, never able to just present their case and let the other posters decide without the jockeying and lobbying, they've lost. I present my case and let the people decide. I don't need to use mob rule with sockpuppets to prove a point. I present the case and allow it to stand on its merits. Fiend can't do that. You backing him just adds to the fact that you fear that which doesn't fit your personal beliefs. Fiend is a faggot and so are you and both of you can go get screwed.


Dec 10, 2020
Well, it certainly didn't take much to get you triggered. You don't have to project. I insulted your gay lover and you get all defensive. I understand. But, yeah, your lover IS brainless.

When Fiend had the opportunity to debate me on a level playing field, he passed on it. He created his own board, built up some sockpuppets and pretended to be kicking my ass with a majority of these non-existent posters. Your lover is dickless and brainless. He will come here and throw his weight around because he has butt buddies like you to back him up. He's not a man and, sadly, you've proven that you aren't either.

You push the gay shit a bit much, don't you think? Do you act this way around your mother/ wife/ daughter / sister - presuming that one or more of those apply? Yeah, the gay shit is good for an occasional joke, but when people can't get past it, they joke about what really bothers them. So, you project those feelings of inadequacy and homosexuality toward me, realizing that they are YOUR traits, not mine.

Just like a gang of Democrats, you will have a smart ass reply followed up by some chattering monkeys that think like you. But, you can't erase the facts. When people go to extremes to avoid serious discussion and debate, never able to just present their case and let the other posters decide without the jockeying and lobbying, they've lost. I present my case and let the people decide. I don't need to use mob rule with sockpuppets to prove a point. I present the case and allow it to stand on its merits. Fiend can't do that. You backing him just adds to the fact that you fear that which doesn't fit your personal beliefs. Fiend is a faggot and so are you and both of you can go get screwed.
Do you work out of a field office, or HQ?


Sep 22, 2023
Do you work out of a field office, or HQ?

You aren't funny at all. Do you always joke and talk about things that bother you? OR, perhaps, YOU are the fed? What's troubling you? Let me be blunt with you:

I'm probably the only swinging dick on this site that has ever had to go up against the FBI. insinuating that I have something to do with them is beyond idiotic. Rather than to be flipped by the FBI, I reported to the organizations they wanted infiltrated and warned them, knowing that the fibbies might attack me for doing so. You're barking up the wrong tree.

You have to joke every day about homosexuality. Even teens would say "that is so yesterday" and when that fails you, the accusation about feds is your default. Don't any of the people like you have any imagination? Don't you want something better for yourself? Your family? Your country? Is that the limit of your mental capabilities? If someone isn't a sick ass faggot, they have to be a fed. Why would feds waste their time with people like you? You're not posing a threat to the status quo. You're happy to go along to get along and be the feminine, keyboard pecking, time wasting subject Uncle Scam loves. Why would they send a fed to this place? To collect unpaid taxes on your kiddie porn?

Joe Kings

Jan 7, 2021
I posed a question on a number of pro-Trump sites. So far NOBODY voting for Trump wants to answer. Would you answer?

Presupposing that Tim Scott is Trump's VP, will you still vote for him?
I dont understand the issue? Why wouldn't somebody? I like Tim Scott. Also do not believe you at all.

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