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Trump Biden Debate


Sep 22, 2023

You have called everyone out. So who exactly is the keyboard warrior?

I’ve been in more fights than you? Ummm how exactly do you know that? That’s like a retarded Lib claiming to be more intelligent than someone in an argument because they have a Bachelor's of Art degree.

I poke fun at you because you’re a retard and no one here likes you. You’re just like the rest of the lurkers around here trying to get your point across thinking you are holier than everyone else and nobody sees the light except you.

I pity people like you. You’re nothing. Even if I was to drive all the way to Georgia you’d never show up. So just stop. Go back to your retarded claims Nostradamus and enjoy talking to yourself ITT.

Otherwise, fuck off and do us all a favor and suck start a pistol.

I am amazed at your lack of reading skills for all the bloviating you do. Unlike you, I'm not a hard man to find. YOU are a keyboard commando. That's a start. YOU told me to name the time and place. I did. Where are you? You are trying to misrepresent me and you are trying to save face.

You're a fucking coward and a low life. You can join forces with those who have a history of being like you because you will never be in my league. You been in more fights than me? You're pretty good at projection. You keep repeating something because it reflects upon YOU more than the people you sling shit at. You called me out; I named the time and place as requested and then YOU tapped out. No amount of bullshit and bloviating will change that.


Sep 22, 2023
MAGA life!! If your not voting for TRUMP,,Then who??
One party wants communism and the other party wants as much freedom as they can get. What do you want?? I choose freedom.

Trump is just as communist as the next guy. Trump likes playing footsies with commies and dictators because, in Trump's words "they say nice things about me."

Vote for Trump. Go with God. Vote for the son of a bitch. But, if you don't have enough sense to hold his feet to the fire, you will have to accept that government that he gives you... and his record on Liberty and Freedom is NOT conducive to Freedom. The objective is to let the man know he is going to Washington to represent the people, not become a God. There is nothing evil or sinister in demanding an accounting of the man. You're probably just afraid that if you do, the people figure out he is NOT the road to Freedom and Liberty, in which case you have nothing. Trump puts his pants on the same way you do every morning. At least study the man in his own words so that you know what kind of America you are going to get.


Apr 20, 2024
Who do you think would help us more to just get on the road to freedom?
I believe TRUMP is my best bet at this point.. Who else would you recommend??

I liked Vivek also but he is out, but i hope he is trumps vp

Of all the candidates that have an actual chance of winning whom would you choose,,,,,For me common sense says "TRUMP"


SCAR Cawk Connoisseur
Apr 13, 2021
I am amazed at your lack of reading skills for all the bloviating you do. Unlike you, I'm not a hard man to find. YOU are a keyboard commando. That's a start. YOU told me to name the time and place. I did. Where are you? You are trying to misrepresent me and you are trying to save face.

You're a fucking coward and a low life. You can join forces with those who have a history of being like you because you will never be in my league. You been in more fights than me? You're pretty good at projection. You keep repeating something because it reflects upon YOU more than the people you sling shit at. You called me out; I named the time and place as requested and then YOU tapped out. No amount of bullshit and bloviating will change that.
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👌🏻 faggot


SCAR Cawk Connoisseur
Apr 13, 2021
Trump is just as communist as the next guy. Trump likes playing footsies with commies and dictators because, in Trump's words "they say nice things about me."

Vote for Trump. Go with God. Vote for the son of a bitch. But, if you don't have enough sense to hold his feet to the fire, you will have to accept that government that he gives you... and his record on Liberty and Freedom is NOT conducive to Freedom. The objective is to let the man know he is going to Washington to represent the people, not become a God. There is nothing evil or sinister in demanding an accounting of the man. You're probably just afraid that if you do, the people figure out he is NOT the road to Freedom and Liberty, in which case you have nothing. Trump puts his pants on the same way you do every morning. At least study the man in his own words so that you know what kind of America you are going to get.
I hope you get hit by a semi today


Sep 22, 2023
Let’s do. Your wife if you have one is a gigantic whore sloot
Shaun, you talk a lot of shit about people. It must be a consequence of the era people like your mother grew up in. They took lots of drugs, slept with every race, color, religion and creed on God's green earth, giving birth to multicultural mongrels like you. You're the product of a slut and a pimp. From your postings, I got that much. You have no scruples, no ethics and nothing that resembles human decency.

You told me to name the time and place. I did. You reneged and tapped out. Little else matters. Can you now return to the debate about Trump and Biden? Wait a minute... Here it comes...

Shaun, the product of the convict with a drug habit for a dad and a skid row whore for a mother has some more bullshit to sling and no intestinal fortitude to back it up with.


Sep 22, 2023
Who do you think would help us more to just get on the road to freedom?
I believe TRUMP is my best bet at this point.. Who else would you recommend??

I liked Vivek also but he is out, but i hope he is trumps vp

Of all the candidates that have an actual chance of winning whom would you choose,,,,,For me common sense says "TRUMP"

If Biden doesn't step down, Trump will be president. If Biden steps down, your next president will be Kamala Harris. It won't be because she would be the better candidate, but because those with Trump Worship Syndrome do not want Trump to be the best candidate he can be.

Trump believes in his own puffery and doesn't realize his weaknesses. Harris is a seasoned prosecutor, and a well experienced manipulator in debates and confrontations.


Sep 22, 2023

She is an idiot, a nothing burger, but with that being said........you might just be right.
She's an idiot; I agree. But, she's convinced many a jury to convict an innocent man. Someone who can work the crowd like that cannot be underestimated. I fear that bitch.

Liquid Reigns

Oct 31, 2023
She's an idiot; I agree. But, she's convinced many a jury to convict an innocent man. Someone who can work the crowd like that cannot be underestimated. I fear that bitch.
Only way she gets the nomination is if Biden steps aside, if that happens there will probably be no more debates before the election. If Trump were to debate Harris, Immigration and her being in charge of it will be the topic.
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SCAR Cawk Connoisseur
Apr 13, 2021
Shaun, you talk a lot of shit about people. It must be a consequence of the era people like your mother grew up in. They took lots of drugs, slept with every race, color, religion and creed on God's green earth, giving birth to multicultural mongrels like you. You're the product of a slut and a pimp. From your postings, I got that much. You have no scruples, no ethics and nothing that resembles human decency.

You told me to name the time and place. I did. You reneged and tapped out. Little else matters. Can you now return to the debate about Trump and Biden? Wait a minute... Here it comes...

Shaun, the product of the convict with a drug habit for a dad and a skid row whore for a mother has some more bullshit to sling and no intestinal fortitude to back it up with.
TLDR how many children have you and your whore wife aborted?


Sep 22, 2023


Jan 9, 2021
So, everybody is banking on the border issue being the only one when polling shows the economy to be far ahead in terms of importance?

Never underestimate the dipshits that vote strictly on abortion issue.


Sep 22, 2023
I think it would be funny as Hell if Trump were in a debate with Camel Hairyass and asked her why a skank so ugly she couldn't pay men to screw her was concerned she might need to get an abortion.


Apr 20, 2024
its very obvious that one of us hates trump,, now what i ask is who are you voting for?? from what i take you don't like anyone but you especially hate trump so my take on your position is that you are encouraging me not to vote? is that what your trying to accomplish?


Sep 22, 2023
its very obvious that one of us hates trump,, now what i ask is who are you voting for?? from what i take you don't like anyone but you especially hate trump so my take on your position is that you are encouraging me not to vote? is that what your trying to accomplish?

I know when the sights are pointed at me. I don't know what I have to do to convince you what I've wanted. It's very simple:

1) I want the people that vote for Trump to realize that he SCREWED them as president

2) When Trump got elected he told people like Nancy Pelosi and Diane Feinstein not to worry; he would get the NRA and other groups to go along with him

3) Bearing that in mind, I think that the people who support Trump should hold him accountable, force him to apologize OR tell you where he REALLY stands on the issues he sold the right out on

4) Once you put him on the spot and get a better idea of what agenda he is going to follow, then and only then, make a decision

Now, instead of doing that, people have cursed me and made all manner of accusations against me. I'm not telling you who to vote for. I'm asking you to look at the facts. I did and I cannot vote for anyone that would try to jeopardize the Second Amendment - and Donald Trump is more of a threat to the Second Amendment than any president in the history of our country. Without that Right, we cannot insure the security of a Free State as per the Second Amendment guarantee.

Absolutists on the abortion issue are rethinking their support as Trump walks back his agenda on that issue. I think we should all do the same thing and, instead of telling us what he wants us to hear, tell us where in the Hell he actually stands.

Would I vote for him? It depends upon people like you. Make Trump come forward, admit that what he did was wrong and tell you what it is that HE proposes to do in the future. FWIW - I've put proposed legislation on Trump's desk numerous times that would virtually eliminate most school mass shootings without any kind of gun control. We could take that off the table, save a few lives and give the left one less opportunity to attack the Second Amendment... but politicians love to keep those issues alive for their entertainment value and what it means to holding power. Let us hope and keep wasting our vote. Get a grip on your candidate, then talk to me.

Liquid Reigns

Oct 31, 2023
I know when the sights are pointed at me. I don't know what I have to do to convince you what I've wanted. It's very simple:

1) I want the people that vote for Trump to realize that he SCREWED them as president

2) When Trump got elected he told people like Nancy Pelosi and Diane Feinstein not to worry; he would get the NRA and other groups to go along with him

3) Bearing that in mind, I think that the people who support Trump should hold him accountable, force him to apologize OR tell you where he REALLY stands on the issues he sold the right out on

4) Once you put him on the spot and get a better idea of what agenda he is going to follow, then and only then, make a decision

Now, instead of doing that, people have cursed me and made all manner of accusations against me. I'm not telling you who to vote for. I'm asking you to look at the facts. I did and I cannot vote for anyone that would try to jeopardize the Second Amendment - and Donald Trump is more of a threat to the Second Amendment than any president in the history of our country. Without that Right, we cannot insure the security of a Free State as per the Second Amendment guarantee.

Absolutists on the abortion issue are rethinking their support as Trump walks back his agenda on that issue. I think we should all do the same thing and, instead of telling us what he wants us to hear, tell us where in the Hell he actually stands.

Would I vote for him? It depends upon people like you. Make Trump come forward, admit that what he did was wrong and tell you what it is that HE proposes to do in the future. FWIW - I've put proposed legislation on Trump's desk numerous times that would virtually eliminate most school mass shootings without any kind of gun control. We could take that off the table, save a few lives and give the left one less opportunity to attack the Second Amendment... but politicians love to keep those issues alive for their entertainment value and what it means to holding power. Let us hope and keep wasting our vote. Get a grip on your candidate, then talk to me.
Here's your problem.

1) Your opinion, most don't agree with you and what you want.

2) What you are trying to reference happened with the Republican Governors of the States, not Pelosi nor Feinstein. Here is what he said: "“Don’t worry about the NRA. They’re on our side,” Trump told the governors during a gathering in the Roosevelt Room on Monday. “You guys, half of you are so afraid of the NRA. There’s nothing to be afraid of.”"
So why lie about it and claim he said it to Pelosi and Feinstein? Again, your problem is either you straight up lie about things, or your just too fucking stupid. Which is it?

3)Again your feeble opinion, most Trump Supporters are actually smarter than you.

4)The decision is between 3 men, Trump, Biden, and RFKJr. The decision seems pretty fucking simple.

People have mocked you and called you what you are, a kool-aid spewing clown. You claim to know things but then you get shown how wrong and inept you actually are. You then go into mental meltdown. I suggest you do a lot of actual research and learn English comprehension when attempting to make claims that you seem to royally fuck up with your interpretation of them.

Donald Trump is no more of a threat to the 2A then any previous President, he signed no Executive Order and no Bill from Congress in regards to the 2A during his Presidency. (you now see what an actual fact looks like, try to mimic that.)

You haven't put any proposed legislation on Trumps desk at any time. The Government knows about the issue in regards to "medicines" that people are on, Congress simply refuses to do their job and legislate, instead they passed on it and allowed the federal agencies to do it, now with Chevron Deference gone, Congress may have to actually take up legislation again.
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Liquid Reigns

Oct 31, 2023
So, everybody is banking on the border issue being the only one when polling shows the economy to be far ahead in terms of importance?

Nobody is banking on the border issue being the only thing, I pointed it out because Kamala was in charge of it and she royally fucked it up. Besides, immigration is a top issue, even according to your link.

Notably, while inflation and economic matters have remained steady as top priorities, immigration saw a notable uptick in importance among voters beginning in mid-2023. In October, immigration surpassed “jobs and the economy,” and continued to rank as the second-most important issue through the end of the year, largely driven by respondents who identified as Republican or lean Republican. The significance of immigration continued to rise, ultimately becoming the primary focus for voters in the latter half of January 2024. However, if “jobs and the economy” and inflation were combined into one category, that category would consistently be the top issue.




Mar 12, 2024
Kamela, I think she's going to be better..... She's so bad.... She's so pathetic.....

Joe King

Jan 2, 2023
I liked Vivek also but he is out, but i hope he is trumps vp
He sounds good, but 've never seen a good explanation for what's in this vid. He plagiarized Obama's speeches. It just seems really weird.

I can't post the original, as it's uploader made it private, but there are clips of it in this Ruben Report vid.

If anyone can explain why he's doing that, please respond.

Of all the candidates that have an actual chance of winning whom would you choose,,,,,For me common sense says "TRUMP"
He's the only choice.

If Biden doesn't step down, Trump will be president. If Biden steps down, your next president will be Kamala Harris. It won't be because she would be the better candidate, but because those with Trump Worship Syndrome do not want Trump to be the best candidate he can be.

Trump believes in his own puffery and doesn't realize his weaknesses. Harris is a seasoned prosecutor, and a well experienced manipulator in debates and confrontations.
Kackles polls worse than dementia Joe.

1) I want the people that vote for Trump to realize that he SCREWED them as president
Exactly how?

2) When Trump got elected he told people like Nancy Pelosi and Diane Feinstein not to worry; he would get the NRA and other groups to go along with him
If he did, he was jerking their chain. He's clearly on the record as supporting 2A Rights.

Donald Trump is more of a threat to the Second Amendment than any president in the history of our country.
How so?

Post specifics please. Every quote of his on guns that I see, states the exact opposite of what you are saying.

now with Chevron Deference gone,
We can thank Trump for that. Had the hag got those picks, we would have gotten NO good SC rulings. They would have all gone the other way.


Mar 12, 2024
Personally I'd rather have Tulsi. She is a badass, and she is highly intelligent. She's not a lying fucking hypocrite and admits when she was wrong and learns. She knows DC. And she knows congress so she already has a good feel for the Senate.


Sep 22, 2023
He sounds good, but 've never seen a good explanation for what's in this vid. He plagiarized Obama's speeches. It just seems really weird.

I can't post the original, as it's uploader made it private, but there are clips of it in this Ruben Report vid.

If anyone can explain why he's doing that, please respond.

He's the only choice.

Kackles polls worse than dementia Joe.

Exactly how?

If he did, he was jerking their chain. He's clearly on the record as supporting 2A Rights.

How so?

Post specifics please. Every quote of his on guns that I see, states the exact opposite of what you are saying.

We can thank Trump for that. Had the hag got those picks, we would have gotten NO good SC rulings. They would have all gone the other way.

I don't normally respond to long winded multi quote posts. They are bullshit that NOBODY on either sides reads. Did you see the reply I got on this thread where just a couple of paragraphs were TLDR?

Trump is not the only choice. HE has to be convinced of that. None of the above is a choice. IF/ when Trump feels that he cannot control his followers, he must take a stand on what he believes in and say something.

Contrary to what you're saying the bitch is in the mix if Biden steps aside:

Harris CAN take Trump in a debate. She has decades of experience at it: Trump - none.

Yeah, Trump yanked the gun owners chain. He got their gun braces outlawed; lobbied to raise the age limit to purchase a firearm; endorsed Red Flag Gun Laws; he promoted a Universal Background Check... Look at the facts.

Click the link and follow the internal links. It will draw you a different picture of Trump IN HIS OWN WORDS. It has been posted here numerous times. What is it you are actually watching? Lies Social? You take the time to research that thread and then come back and we'll have this conversation again.

Liquid Reigns

Oct 31, 2023
Harris CAN take Trump in a debate. She has decades of experience at it: Trump - none.

Yeah, Trump yanked the gun owners chain. He got their gun braces outlawed; lobbied to raise the age limit to purchase a firearm; endorsed Red Flag Gun Laws; he promoted a Universal Background Check... Look at the facts.

Click the link and follow the internal links. It will draw you a different picture of Trump IN HIS OWN WORDS. It has been posted here numerous times. What is it you are actually watching? Lies Social? You take the time to research that thread and then come back and we'll have this conversation again.
Kamala can't take Trump in a debate, she didn't even do well in the Democrat debates in 2020, she polled at about 8% and dropped out in December 2019.

Trump didn't outlaw anything, least of all bump stocks. BATFE reclassified them, and later the SCOTUS overturned it. Then Chevron happened and Federal Agencies can no longer create rules. Trump expressed support for State Red Flag Laws in 2019, he never endorsed them. Trump didn't lobby to raise the age limit, he endorsed raising it along with mental health checks on certain firearms, not all. He later pulled back from those issues and now has clarified he's against them. I just researched your whole thread and pointed out your inane "facts".

While Trumps actions might seem contradictory to a staunch pro-Second Amendment stance, Trump has balanced these measures with actions that support gun rights, such as appointing conservative judges who uphold Second Amendment rights and opposing extensive gun control legislation proposed by Democrats. The complexity of the gun control debate means that policy positions are often nuanced and context-dependent.

Linking to your forum for facts is like the BATFE citing themselves in court cases as being credible law.
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Joe King

Jan 2, 2023
Kamala can't take Trump in a debate, she didn't even do well in the Democrat debates in 2020, she polled at about 8% and dropped out in December 2019.
Exactly. Kackles sucks. She's an example of someone being promoted to a position above their level.

Trump didn't outlaw anything, least of all bump stocks. BATFE reclassified them, and later the SCOTUS overturned it.
I think Trump knew it would get overturned, and offered that to derail the call for an assault weapons ban, like the dems were pushing for.


Sep 22, 2023
Exactly. Kackles sucks. She's an example of someone being promoted to a position above their level.

I think Trump knew it would get overturned, and offered that to derail the call for an assault weapons ban, like the dems were pushing for.
So Trump caused his own supporters to become criminals; businesses had to destroy millions of dollars worth of merchandise and he knew that after they spent millions more that his work would be undone... that is the horseshit you're selling? That don't make sense when the Senate had NO intention of allowing any assault weapons ban get by them. You have access to the links with internal links to the videos of Trump in his own words.

Trump was advocating gun control and goading the Democrats, even telling them he could get gun control enacted whereas they couldn't - because, in TRUMP'S WORDs "You (Democrats) are afraid of the NRA." You don't make compromises you don't have to make... and his weren't compromises. It was a sell out. You're afraid of the link provided. You shun the truth as if it were a disease.
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Joe King

Jan 2, 2023
So Trump caused his own supporters to become criminals;

businesses had to destroy millions of dollars worth of merchandise
What merchandise?

and he knew that after they spent millions more that his work would be undone..
what work?

That don't make sense when the Senate had NO intention of allowing any assault weapons ban get by them.
Had the hag and the dems won min '16, thats exactly what you'd have gotten after Las Vegas

You have access to the links with internal links to the videos of Trump in his own words.
If heard his own words. He says nothing of the kind.

Trump was advocating gun control and goading the Democrats, even telling them he could get gun control enacted whereas they couldn't - because, in TRUMP'S WORDs "You (Democrats) are afraid of the NRA." You don't make compromises you don't have to make... and his weren't compromises. It was a sell out. You're afraid of the link provided. You shun the truth as if it were a disease.
I been following everything he's said. He ain't said anything like that. In fact, he just spoke to the NRA and said the exact opposite of what you are saying.

Joe King

Jan 2, 2023

Trump promises NRA that if elected, ‘no one will lay a finger on your firearms’​

“Donald Trump and the NRA are like two peas in a pod: corrupt, politically toxic and more concerned with safeguarding the gun industry than American lives,” John Feinblatt, president of Everytown for Gun Safety, said in a statement. “When Trump was in office, he adopted the NRA’s extreme ‘guns everywhere’ agenda lock, stock and barrel – and now he’s promising a repeat performance if he retakes the White House.”
^^^ thats from those that hate the guy.

"Every single Biden attack on gun owners and manufacturers will be terminated my very first week back in office, perhaps my first day," he said at the event.

Everything you are talking about is old and from after the LV shooting. He was just jerking the dems chain. All he did was the bumpstock bs, but I think he knew it would get overturned. What it did, was to get the dems to shut up about it.

Joe King

Jan 2, 2023
I don't normally respond to long winded multi quote posts. They are bullshit that NOBODY on either sides reads.
You must have the attention span of a goldfish then.

I multi-quoted different people in order to make just one post. There's literally one line for most of my responses. With 3 lines in one, and two lines in another.

You bitch about that, but then post your own long winded shit all the time.

Example below.

I know when the sights are pointed at me. I don't know what I have to do to convince you what I've wanted. It's very simple:

1) I want the people that vote for Trump to realize that he SCREWED them as president

2) When Trump got elected he told people like Nancy Pelosi and Diane Feinstein not to worry; he would get the NRA and other groups to go along with him

3) Bearing that in mind, I think that the people who support Trump should hold him accountable, force him to apologize OR tell you where he REALLY stands on the issues he sold the right out on

4) Once you put him on the spot and get a better idea of what agenda he is going to follow, then and only then, make a decision

Now, instead of doing that, people have cursed me and made all manner of accusations against me. I'm not telling you who to vote for. I'm asking you to look at the facts. I did and I cannot vote for anyone that would try to jeopardize the Second Amendment - and Donald Trump is more of a threat to the Second Amendment than any president in the history of our country. Without that Right, we cannot insure the security of a Free State as per the Second Amendment guarantee.

Absolutists on the abortion issue are rethinking their support as Trump walks back his agenda on that issue. I think we should all do the same thing and, instead of telling us what he wants us to hear, tell us where in the Hell he actually stands.

Would I vote for him? It depends upon people like you. Make Trump come forward, admit that what he did was wrong and tell you what it is that HE proposes to do in the future. FWIW - I've put proposed legislation on Trump's desk numerous times that would virtually eliminate most school mass shootings without any kind of gun control. We could take that off the table, save a few lives and give the left one less opportunity to attack the Second Amendment... but politicians love to keep those issues alive for their entertainment value and what it means to holding power. Let us hope and keep wasting our vote. Get a grip on your candidate, then talk to me.

WTF, dude?!?


Sep 22, 2023

What merchandise?

what work?

Had the hag and the dems won min '16, thats exactly what you'd have gotten after Las Vegas

If heard his own words. He says nothing of the kind.

I been following everything he's said. He ain't said anything like that. In fact, he just spoke to the NRA and said the exact opposite of what you are saying.

This is the last multi quote, Joe. After that you are on your own. If you want to ask a couple of questions, I can do that, but this is bullshit and NOBODY follows that kind of back and forth.

EVERY person that owned a bump stock and all the manufacturers became criminals with a stroke of a pen

If you are disputing what Trump said, you are lying to yourself to post what you did here. It is well documented in the link provided earlier. You simply aren't reading it. You're joking (Joe King) and nobody can take you seriously if they avail themselves of the proof.

What Trump said to the NRA and what Trump told Congress are horses of a different color. Why do you think I keep bitching about it? You need to research the damn link I left earlier.


Sep 22, 2023
You must have the attention span of a goldfish then.

I multi-quoted different people in order to make just one post. There's literally one line for most of my responses. With 3 lines in one, and two lines in another.

You bitch about that, but then post your own long winded shit all the time.

Example below.

WTF, dude?!?
A few paragraphs is one thing, but to keep reading the same shit over and over and over is NOT the same or even close. NOBODY is reading the same lines over and over. Only you would benefit from such a conversation.


Sep 22, 2023
It was just a bump stock. It was a tax of three pennies a pound that started the Boston Tea Party.

AFTER Trump misused the system to outlaw bump stocks, the Biden administration outlawed 80 percent receivers, pistol braces, solvent traps and forced reset triggers. They even tried to outlaw private sales of firearms... and wouldn't have had the balls until Trump told the Dems that they were afraid of the NRA. Since Joe is such a damn dumbass (and thinks most of you won't access the thread I keep going on and on about, let me prove he's deliberately lying to you:

That is only ONE of the many things right out of Trump's own mouth. Check out the link:

I don't feel like the Lone Ranger. Now Alex Jones is calling the flip flopper out:

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Joe King

Jan 2, 2023
This is the last multi quote, Joe. After that you are on your own. If you want to ask a couple of questions, I can do that, but this is bullshit and NOBODY follows that kind of back and forth.
Aw, poor baby. Here's a multi quote just for you. lol

EVERY person that owned a bump stock and all the manufacturers became criminals with a stroke of a pen
Who exactly, was arrested for it?

If you are disputing what Trump said, you are lying to yourself to post what you did here. It is well documented in the link provided earlier. You simply aren't reading it.
Just post it here.

What Trump said to the NRA and what Trump told Congress are horses of a different color.
Again, Trump was yanking congress' chain.

A few paragraphs is one thing, but to keep reading the same shit over and over and over is NOT the same or even close. NOBODY is reading the same lines over and over. Only you would benefit from such a conversation.
If you can't handle a multi-quote, that's your problem. It saves time when scrolling through a thread to highlight what I want to respond to, and hit the Quote link. After all, that's what it's for.


Sep 22, 2023
Aw, poor baby. Here's a multi quote just for you. lol

Who exactly, was arrested for it?

Just post it here.

Again, Trump was yanking congress' chain.

If you can't handle a multi-quote, that's your problem. It saves time when scrolling through a thread to highlight what I want to respond to, and hit the Quote link. After all, that's what it's for.
Posted many times. WTF, Joe, do you have dementia or did you eat a bowl of stupid? Go to Youtube and watch the many manufacturers that got hit and how many people were visited by the BATFE - and see how many average people had to go to court for non-compliance with the bump stock and the many follow up assaults that Biden launched after Trump paved the way. I'm not your push button monkey. I've given you plenty of proof. So access it or not. We're done. Disbelief does not disprove and the proof is there if you have an IQ that is high enough to click on links, watch, read and follow internal links by clicking on them.
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