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Trump Biden Debate

Jul 9, 2022
What do you think of this sham show?

No audience?
Dead microphones on command?

For years, I have realized that the show we see on TV is to further reinforce the "show". Now it seems that the "show" is getting more and more blatant.

Why argue over these puppets?


May 20, 2024
Bread and circuses aye.

All roads lead to Rome as they say

"The Cestui Que Vie Trust"

•"A Cestui Que Vie Trust is a fictional concept."

•"It is a Temporary Testamentary Trust, first created during the reign of Henry VIII of England through the Cestui Que Vie Act of 1540 and updated by Charles II, through the CQV Act of 1666, wherein an Estate may be effected for the Benefit of a Person presumed lost or abandoned at "sea" and therefore assumed "dead" after seven (7) years."

•"Additional presumptions, by which such a Trust may be formed, were added in later statutes to include bankrupts, minors, incompetents, mortgages, and private companies."

•"The original purpose of a CQV Trust was to form a temporary Estate for the benefit of another because some event, state of affairs, or condition prevented them from claiming their status as living, competent, and present, before a competent authority."

•"Therefore, any claims, history, statutes, or arguments that deviate in terms of the origin and function of a CQV Trust, as pronounced by these canons, is false and automatically null and void."

•"A Beneficiary under Estate may be either a Beneficiary or a CQV Trust."

•"When a Beneficiary loses direct benefit of any Property of the higher Estate placed in a CQV Trust on his behalf, he do not "own" the CQV Trust; he is only the beneficiary of what the Trustees of the CQV Trust choose to provide."

•"As all CQV Trusts are created on presumption, based upon original purpose and function, such a Trust cannot be created if these presumptions can be proven not to exist."

•"Since 1933, when a child is borne in a State (Estate) under inferior Roman law, three (3) Cestui Que (Vie) Trusts are created upon certain presumptions specifically designed to deny, forever, the child any rights of Real Property, any Rights to be free, and any Rights to be known as man or woman, rather than a creature or animal, by claiming and possessing their Soul or Spirit."

"The Executors or Administrators of the higher Estate willingly and knowingly:"

•"1. convey the beneficial entitlements of the child, as Beneficiary, into the 1st Cestui Que (Vie) Trust in the form of a Registry Number by registering the Name, thereby also creating the Corporate Person and denying the child any rights to Real Property; and:"

•"2. Claim the baby as chattel to the Estate."

-"The slave baby contract is then created by honoring the ancient tradition of either having the ink impression of the baby's feet onto the live birth record, or a drop of its blood, as well as tricking the parents to signing the baby away through the deceitful legal meanings on the live birth record which is a promissory note, converted into a slave bond, sold to the private reserve bank of the estate, and then conveyed into a 2nd and separate CQV Trust, per child, owned by the bank."

-"When the promissory note reaches maturity and the bank is unable to "seize" the slave child, a maritime lien is lawfully issued to "salvage" the lost property and is monetized as currency issued in series against the CQV Trust."

•3. Claim the child's soul via the Baptismal Certificate."

-"Since 1540 and the creation of the 1st CQV Act, deriving its power from the Papal Bull of Roman Cult leader Pope Paul III, 1540, when a child is baptized and a Baptismal Certificate is issued, the parents have gifted, granted, and conveyed the soul of the baby to a "3rd" CQV Trust owned by Roman Cult, which has held this valuable property in its vaults ever since."

-"Since 1815, this 3rd Crown of the Roman Cult and 3rd CQV Trust representing Ecclesiastical Property has been managed by the BAR as the reconstituted "Galla" responsible, as Grim Reapers, for reaping the souls."

-"Each Cestui Que Vie Trust, created since 1933, represents one of the 3 Crowns representing the three claims of property of the Roman Cult: Real Property (on Earth), Personal Property (body), and Ecclesiastical Property (soul)."

-"Each corresponds exactly to the three forms of law available to the Galla of the BAR Courts: corporate commercial law (judge is the 'landlord'), maritime and canon law (judge is the banker), and Talmudic law (judge is the priest)."


Sep 22, 2023
Any debate between the two will be pure entertainment. If the polling holds, Biden will be reelected, but won't be able to fulfill a second term. It's beginning to look like we get that bitch Kamala Harris as president. The Republic is gone.


May 24, 2024
What do you think of this sham show?

No audience?
Dead microphones on command?

For years, I have realized that the show we see on TV is to further reinforce the "show". Now it seems that the "show" is getting more and more blatant.

Why argue over these puppets?

If Trump and Biden can

-Keep up with the conversation

-Not forget where they are halfway through the damn debate

-Avoid soiling themselves while on stage, require a commercial break so that they can get their Depends changed

We'll have witnessed a miracle


Sep 22, 2023
Biden can't last 90 minutes on stage. They need to bring RFK into the mix. I don't like Trump, but he's probably going to make Biden look like the buffoon he really is. You know both of them will be "fact checked" by your liberal and impartial (cough, cough) news media.
Jul 9, 2022
Biden can't last 90 minutes on stage. They need to bring RFK into the mix. I don't like Trump, but he's probably going to make Biden look like the buffoon he really is. You know both of them will be "fact checked" by your liberal and impartial (cough, cough) news media.
Nah, mark my words, Joe will "wake up", meaning they will inject him with some shit that will make him coherent.
Jul 9, 2022
So one thing I dont like about it is the lack of audience........

Who is to say that what we are watching is LIVE?

Who is to say that they are even the candidates, could AI not come into play here?

So, here are your choices, predetermined for you, and you cannot even be present for the debate, what a crock of shit.


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
Check out the complete bullshit

can yall figure a way for us to do it?
I thought they could only if comments were turned off? Working overtime to control the narrative.
Definitely got hurt pussy syndrome


Jan 8, 2021
Check out the complete bullshit

can yall figure a way for us to do it?

Definitely got hurt pussy syndrome

Yeah. There’s so much panic there’s no attempt to hide what they’re doing.


May 20, 2024
Check out the complete bullshit

can yall figure a way for us to do it?

Definitely got hurt pussy syndrome
A good olde saying was prolly once said, possibly along the lines of: "Something around and...ahh🤔...somethin' somethin!'"


Sep 22, 2023
Polling nowhere has biden remotely close to Trump. Gay boy

It's interesting that you project your homosexuality onto others. Are you that juvenile that you can't have a productive conversation without the personal attacks? You're such a cocksucker that I'd bet dollars against doughnuts that you could suck a golf ball through a garden hose.

That aside, Trump is barely ahead in the polling.

When you consider the margin of error, that's a near dead heat. Sorry dumb ass, you keep your lips affixed to Trump's poop chute and don't realize the reality of what is going on.

The worse thing the right can do is think that Biden can't win. He already has once. You don't take elections for granted. In my logical mind I don't know how anyone with an IQ higher than their shoe size could cast a vote for Biden, but they do. Maybe after tonight, it will be a different world. Until then, the next time you post, keep your dick sucking insults to yourself. The biggest faggots on this board are those that can't post without the name calling. I can feed it back to you, but rest assured, I'm the man that real men daydream about being.
Jul 9, 2022
It's interesting that you project your homosexuality onto others
read on..........
you keep your lips affixed to Trump's poop chute
You're such a cocksucker
keep your dick sucking insults to yourself
I'm the man that real men daydream about being.
....and finally this.......which takes the absolute cake.

You boast about "real men" daydreaming about you? Not something to boast about IMO.

@Joe Kings , do you really daydream about this, say it aint so.


Sep 22, 2023
read on..........




....and finally this.......which takes the absolute cake.

You boast about "real men" daydreaming about you? Not something to boast about IMO.

@Joe Kings , do you really daydream about this, say it aint so.
Real men aren't faggots. What are you doing? Protecting the honor of your boyfriend? As stated, I didn't start the bullshit. I merely fed it back to the faggot that started it. It is amusing to watch one cocksucker come to defend the honor of another by pretending that I started that shitstorm. It's obvious as to what you are.

It is something to brag about when you know that males that want to represent the heterosexual, self reliant, independent and well prepared segment (albeit it a small one) are dreaming of being what I already am.


Sep 22, 2023
From my perspective, it is a damn shame that EVERY topic on this board ultimately devolves into grown men (or some sick ass lesbians) making the thread about sucking dicks. Why don't you dumb asses grow the Hell up? That shit isn't funny as a joke any more. You should be concerned about the future of America.

There is a time and a place for everything. At the end of tonight, we may have a little more clear picture of what the next four years bring. So, get over the dick sucking shit for a minute and TRY to have a conversation about Trump v. Biden. The bullshit about homosexuality sounds more like ten year olds just learing about sexuality for the first time. Don't bother trying to one up me. Grow your dumb asses up and act your age, not your IQ.


May 20, 2024

"Are you that juvenile that you can't have a productive conversation without the personal attacks?"

Also TheResister:

~"You're such a cocksucker that I'd bet dollars against doughnuts that you could suck a golf ball through a garden hose."~

~"Sorry dumb ass, you keep your lips affixed to Trump's poop chute and don't realize the reality of what is going on."~

~"Until then, the next time you post, keep your dick sucking insults to yourself."~

~"The biggest faggots on this board are those that can't post without the name calling."~

(🤣100% Hypocritardism)
Jul 9, 2022

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