Transfer to our own server complete! We are now undeplatformable


Got transferred over to our own server this evening. We were running on the cloud up until today (mainly just because we had it paid through December), but we decided to go ahead and transfer. The new server is about 4 times better than the one we were on (which was considered an “enterprise option” for as far as cloud servers go)

Anyhoo, we might have a few hiccups the next few weeks as we settle in, but thanks to @JackOfSpeed and @croot_lord for making this happen.
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I got some elderberry extract

Ive been on elderberry and melatonin combo in the evening and been sleeping great the last few nights. Elderberry is expensive shit though
Since it is insomnia time, I felt like sharing...have you listened to this dude's podcast? I have been enjoying it lately. He has a bunch of interesting ones, but there are a few on sleep that might interest you-

Don’t know how I missed this before. Thanks for the rec

The melatonin/elderberry has worked pretty good lately, but I know it’s just a matter of time.

Or maybe the elderberry is really what I needed

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