Loved the movie. Must watch in the theater when you get a chance!!
Couple things about the F-14 I wanted to throw my two cents in. It was an Interceptor and it’s bread and butter was BVR or Beyond Visual Range because of the radar and Phoenix missile. This is where it wins but that missile with its range was always intended for Soviet Bombers not fighters.
To paint a picture, when the crew gets Radar returns on an aircraft the symbology of the Contact will display on the screen depending on what range it’s set to. To fire the Phoenix the RIO locks up targets in priority 1-4 in TWS or track while Scan mode. This mode is the only radar method to engage multiple targets simultaneously.
Let’s say the fired 4 Phoenix missiles on 4 TU-22 bombers inbound to attack the carrier. The Phoenix missiles would fly a flight profile that maximizes its energy. To do this they climb into less dense air to reduce drag while at the same time have altitude to trade for airspeed when on final phase of the attack. Kinda like a upward to downward curve.
The F-14s radar is steering the missile for about 80-90% of its flight time. At terminal or final phase the missile will go what is called “Pitbull” and will take over its own radar lock on target.
So Pros and Cons to this.
1. Ability to engage multiple targets at distance.
2. TWS mode uses host Aircraft radar for guidance until Pitbull which also means that the enemy aircraft will not get a launch warning only lock warning until the missile takes over its own lock. That’s when enemy pilots RWR or Radar Warning Receiver would go ballistic.
3. TWS also allows better breakup of number of aircraft threats you have if flying in tight formation.
1. Because of how TWS mode functions, it it much easier to lose Radar return on targets if their aspect changes. (Altitude, Heading). Once you lose lock and you fired the Phoenix, it will automatically go Pitbull and start heading to the Bandit early which means it’s bleeding energy early and may not have enough power to manuever against a defending aircraft.
2. Because of number 1, this is why the Phoenix was intended for larger slower targets like bombers. Doesn’t mean it can’t hit a fighter, but a pilot in a Mig-29 or SU-27 can out manuever if they are smart with their energy management.
The other radar guided missile the F-14 as well as other aircraft carried was the Sparrow or Aim-7. It didn’t have the range of a Phoenix and it required you to be in RWS or Range While Scan mode. This meant only one bandit at a time. Because of this, it required good weaponeering by its pilot to maximize the Pki or Probability of Kill. Keeping a higher Airspeed, aspect on bandit and distance were all crucial for pilot to decide when to fire.
If you are head to head at say 30nm and bandit launches on you as well, you’re gonna have to go defensive which means you lose radar lock and just wasted your Sparrow.
Sparrow Aim-7 and AMRAAM Aim-120 are similar in this except the AMRAAM can use it’s own seeker at “PITBULL “ so it can function in any radar mode.