The Portal opens today

The NCAA needs to fix this, assuming they know how. Need to go back to having to sit out a year if you transfer.

I'm not sure I agree. Yet. Coaches can move around freely for millions, why not the kids? You just have to put your portal pants on and add that extra layer to your recruiting efforts. Joey McGuire will adapt, I would think.
The NCAA needs to fix this, assuming they know how. Need to go back to having to sit out a year if you transfer.

It encourages coaches to actually develop kids and keep a competitive roster.

No reason to punish kids because guys making millions of dollars are worried about how warm their seat is. If you’re making that kind of money you figure it out.

Plus it gives kids a chance to go somewhere a make money right away. Since most of them won’t go pro this would be another major set back for the players.
Ninjas in ninjas out w a couple pcs of white chocolate. Let's see what Prime does
Good Portal QBs can make between $1.5 and $2 Million a year in NiL. Gabriel won't play in the NFL, but will make NFL money next year.
Yeah I agree but I recently heard that is inaccurate and I heard conficting from different people of teams.
My guess is some can afford and some cannot afford. But here at SCar we will employ through coke and rehab

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