I'm not sure I can give you a list of politicians, but I wrote down how the system works and the steps necessary to deconstruct it. Here is part 1:I'd love to see a list of elected politicians you trust and expect others to trust at any level of government
Where the founders intended? Yes, but where does it lie now
It's just an unserious view to look at the record government intervention, record surveillance, record spending/ taxation, record depravity and then weigh that against a Carlyle group politician and decide the latter's election overrides the former realities
To be fair, a Carlyle group politician and your discussion with a big player in 2017
That's just unserious
Here is my take on what is actually going on in the plan. The key industries/chokepoints that have to be addressed in order to not crash the entire system, an option that would impact the least culpable in the most sever manner. I took on the task of trying to do this in a way that broke down, in a relatively simple illustration, how the system works. This is certainly long, but not something that should take more than 10-15 min to read. @Croot_Overlord , this is all original content, so feel free to do with it as you see fit.

The “system” is constructed in a very specific manner for a very specific objective: to extract capital (power) from the people and put that capital in the hands of people who want to control the population and remove the individual sovereignty of the nation-state. We can certainly debate the “why” behind this agenda, but the agenda itself is evident.
Understanding the structure of the world’s financial system is imperative to understand the key components that derive capital value in the word:
- Individual production
- Equity value creation
- Currency production
A few observations:
- 25 of the countries in the world contribute to 85% of the global GDP
- The United States and China account for 42% of the global GDP
- 9 countries have a GDP over 2T per annum
Shifting our focus to the sectors of the global economy. The largest industries of the global economy are the following: https://www.insidermonkey.com/blog/5-most-profitable-industries-in-the-world-in-2021-946645/2/
Financial Services - Market value: $22.5 trillion
Construction - Market value: $12.5 trillion
Commercial Real Estate - Market value: $9.6 trillion
E-commerce - Market value: $9.09 trillion
Life and Health Insurance - Market value: $8.45 trillion
Information Technology - Market value: $5 trillion
Food Industry - Market value: $5 trillion
Oil and Gas E&P - Market value: $4.6 trillion
Automobile Manufacturing - Market value: $3 trillion
Telecommunication - Market value: $1.74 trillion
These are the verticals that determine how global capital is distributed and utilized by the consuming public. The United States has been the global leader in every single one of these verticals, and only in the past 20 years, in which China has taken over the 2-4 segments, while also making strong headway into the Financial Services segment. This is also why Hong Kong is so important to China as it is the financial hub of the East. Notice any trends with O&G, Automobile and Food? They have all been put under attack by the CCP because they are industries in which China cannot compete with the United States due to natural resource differences. It’s also the reason why the Belt & Road initiative is so important for China: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belt_and_Road_Initiative
This is where the Trump administration was going directly in the trade war. Bring back the supply chain, leverage our inherent strengths in Food, Energy, & Automobile production, and compete to-to-toe in Financial Services and IT as the construction and real estate boom in China winds down.
Now let’s shift our focus to the Black Market. Why do we keep seeing so many politicians and government intelligence groups closely tied to the black market? According to what is published, the Black Market has a published market size of $1.8T per year. According to more thorough investigations, it’s almost the size of the United States economy: https://freakonomics.com/2012/06/how-big-is-the-world-black-market/
In short, it is the largest economy in the world when you factor in deregulation . This is why our elite care about it. It’s simply a way to accumulate more capital, and as a result, more power & control.
Now let’s shift the discussion to how the money is extracted, centralized, and put in the control of a relatively few number of global players.