Archived The Broken System

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Hoosier in Mad Town

I'd love to see a list of elected politicians you trust and expect others to trust at any level of government

Where the founders intended? Yes, but where does it lie now

It's just an unserious view to look at the record government intervention, record surveillance, record spending/ taxation, record depravity and then weigh that against a Carlyle group politician and decide the latter's election overrides the former realities

To be fair, a Carlyle group politician and your discussion with a big player in 2017

That's just unserious
I'm not sure I can give you a list of politicians, but I wrote down how the system works and the steps necessary to deconstruct it. Here is part 1:

Here is my take on what is actually going on in the plan. The key industries/chokepoints that have to be addressed in order to not crash the entire system, an option that would impact the least culpable in the most sever manner. I took on the task of trying to do this in a way that broke down, in a relatively simple illustration, how the system works. This is certainly long, but not something that should take more than 10-15 min to read. @Croot_Overlord , this is all original content, so feel free to do with it as you see fit.

TL:DR: this is the system being deconstructed to put power back in the hands of the people.

The “system” is constructed in a very specific manner for a very specific objective: to extract capital (power) from the people and put that capital in the hands of people who want to control the population and remove the individual sovereignty of the nation-state. We can certainly debate the “why” behind this agenda, but the agenda itself is evident.

Understanding the structure of the world’s financial system is imperative to understand the key components that derive capital value in the word:

  • Individual production
  • Equity value creation
  • Currency production
When looking at individual production, this is largely held within the construct of Gross National Product (GDP) and controlled by the government of a producing country. The top counties by GDP are here:

A few observations:

  • 25 of the countries in the world contribute to 85% of the global GDP
  • The United States and China account for 42% of the global GDP
  • 9 countries have a GDP over 2T per annum
When looking through the lens of control, it’s quite evident that there are a relatively few entities (countries) to focus efforts on influence & control to have a stranglehold on the world economy. By general monopolistic power definition (more than 25% market share), the United States has had, and still has, monopolistic control of the global economy from a pure market share perspective. China’s growth has reduced that relative power. Controlling both of those countries, gives almost complete monopolistic control.

Shifting our focus to the sectors of the global economy. The largest industries of the global economy are the following:

Financial Services - Market value: $22.5 trillion

Construction - Market value: $12.5 trillion

Commercial Real Estate - Market value: $9.6 trillion

E-commerce - Market value: $9.09 trillion

Life and Health Insurance - Market value: $8.45 trillion

Information Technology - Market value: $5 trillion

Food Industry - Market value: $5 trillion

Oil and Gas E&P - Market value: $4.6 trillion

Automobile Manufacturing - Market value: $3 trillion

Telecommunication - Market value: $1.74 trillion

These are the verticals that determine how global capital is distributed and utilized by the consuming public. The United States has been the global leader in every single one of these verticals, and only in the past 20 years, in which China has taken over the 2-4 segments, while also making strong headway into the Financial Services segment. This is also why Hong Kong is so important to China as it is the financial hub of the East. Notice any trends with O&G, Automobile and Food? They have all been put under attack by the CCP because they are industries in which China cannot compete with the United States due to natural resource differences. It’s also the reason why the Belt & Road initiative is so important for China:

This is where the Trump administration was going directly in the trade war. Bring back the supply chain, leverage our inherent strengths in Food, Energy, & Automobile production, and compete to-to-toe in Financial Services and IT as the construction and real estate boom in China winds down.

Now let’s shift our focus to the Black Market. Why do we keep seeing so many politicians and government intelligence groups closely tied to the black market? According to what is published, the Black Market has a published market size of $1.8T per year. According to more thorough investigations, it’s almost the size of the United States economy:

In short, it is the largest economy in the world when you factor in deregulation . This is why our elite care about it. It’s simply a way to accumulate more capital, and as a result, more power & control.

Now let’s shift the discussion to how the money is extracted, centralized, and put in the control of a relatively few number of global players.
Part 2:

“When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men in a society, over the course of time they create for themselves a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it.”
Frédéric Bastiat

The government is responsible for establishing and upholding the laws of the land. Unfortunately, taxation has become the best way to legally steal the gains of the productive members of society. In the United States, we call this “fiscal policy,” aligning the tax laws to the amount of spending the government provides. Where does funding come from?

  • Income taxes contribute $2.039 trillion or 49% of total receipts.
  • Social Security, Medicare, and other payroll taxes add $1.462 trillion or 35%.
  • Corporate taxes supply $371 billion or 9%.
  • Excise taxes and tariffs contribute $141 billion or 3%.
  • Earnings from the Federal Reserve's holdings add $102 billion or 2%. Those are interest payments on the U.S. Treasury debt the Fed acquired through quantitative easing.
  • Estate taxes and other miscellaneous revenue supply the remaining 2%.1
Wow, so the productive people in this country pay 49% in income taxes, another 35% in SS, Medicare and payroll. We see less than 3% for excise a tariff. The Fed is such a great contributor, 2%. Can you get more of a return in a standard money market account? But I digress a bit and we’ll come back to the Fed in a minute.

Where does that spending go? To these areas:

  • Federal agency funding, called discretionary spending—the area Congress sets annually. Discretionary spending typically accounts for around a third of all funding.
  • Interest on the debt, which usually uses less than 10 percent of all funding
  • Funding for Social Security, Medicare, veterans’ benefits, and other spending required by law. This is called mandatory spending and typically uses over half of all funding.
The discretionary spending includes about ½ for the military (remember that comment earlier about the monopoly on violence), and the other half goes to pretty much anything that has a cabinet position (i.e., education, HHS, transportation, etc.…). Historically, those cabinet positions are simply responsible for making sure the money gets appropriated “accordingly.” Not to what is needed, but to who benefits in those areas that funded the campaign of the “winner” in office.

On the mandatory spending front, we spend half of our tax revenue of funding our failing social systems. How do we fund that, but issue non-marketable securities (i.e., debt in the forms of bonds). Who holds all that debt?

Foreign countries, specifically Japan, China, UK, and a series of other EU countries with a smattering of South American and Asian counties on the radar. You start to see that continuing to extract

In short, our government uses the productive members of society to fund 80% of the government. They then turn around and direct those funds into the private sector via the government offices to ensure the capital flows into the respective places they desire. The kicker is that the tax code has been used to ensure the shape of the tax base stays the same AND to ensure those directing the funds (Congress, Government Agencies, Investors, etc.…) are provided loopholes to reduce their exposure to the tax base.

The next tool in the good old Globalist toolbox is the military. Elon Musk put it well, the government has a control on violence and wields it accordingly. You want to establish a central bank in a country resistant to the idea? Send in the military:

Want to establish the opium trade in SE Asia? Send in the military:

Need to redirect that opium trade due to new satellite technology discovery? Send in the military:

Need to control the shipping lanes? Nothing better than the US Navy to own that task (from the horse’s mouth none-the-less):

To put a bow on it, the US military has largely been used as a tool to expand the market share (black market) or scale (central bank creation) for the world banking system over the past 100 years.

I’m a free market guy. You’re a free market guy. Why don’t we just let the invisible hand go to work and knock all of this out? Great question, and the short answer is the invisible hand is tied behind it’s back in a manner Houdini wouldn’t even attempt to escape.

The first layer is in idea control. It’s hardly new with such “savants” as Edison, Bell, Singer, etc.… all having controversial stories about the originality of their idea:

This has certainly occurred more recently. The Facebook origin story is laughable to anyone who understands database design. It should be:

And this continues today, particularly as the lobbying power of Silicon Valley and Big Tech as become the dominant group in DC:

So, the question becomes, why is this important? If the best ideas can be put into the hands of people who already subscribe to the Globalist belief, then it’s makes it much easier to thwart off potential threats AND execute the plan in a more efficient fashion.

The final area the government has supreme influence is in how it directs dollars into “Research.” Most people here are familiar with the Department of Advanced Research Projects Agency:

They claim credit for creating such innovative tools, via their network of academics, private institutions, etc.… such as GPS, the internet, and even the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine. Great.

Here is a good long-form article on how Google was also created out of the DARPA network that gives great insight into how the system functions and works together to create new technology that moves the Globalist agenda forward:

Fun fact, Jeff Bezos’ grandfather was one of the early directors of DARPA. Must be a coincidence:

In summary, while we used the US government as an example here, all Governments function in a similar manner. They may use less/more aggressive tactics when it comes to managing taxation, military, IP, research (China vs. France for instance), but they are attempting to control all the same variables to drive funding into the financial system. Now we shift into how the funds are managed in the private sector.
Part 3: Investors

Beyond taxes, the next area of focus is on the funds that go into the world’s largest casino, the stock market. Let’s get straight to the point. According to Siblis Research, as of March 31, 2021, the total market capitalization of the US stock market is $49,107,685,700,000. In other words, over $49 trillion.

That’s the combination of all the publicly owned companies on the NYSE and Nasdaq, plus over the counter (OTC) markets. Of that insanely large figure, 72% is concentrated in the top 500 companies in the US ($35,385,262,300,000).

What’s interesting about this statistic is that it’s substantially more than the current amount of cash that exists in the US. That’s called the M0 money supply. As of March 2021, the M0 money supply was a little over $5.8 trillion.

As with anything, who controls the funds in the stock market matters. Here is that list:

Table of Contents
Like aynthing, the actual information gets much more interesting when you see the breakdown of who owns each of the individual mutual funds, or more specifically, who has controlling interest:

A few good articles showing how these funds are consolidated under the control of 3 (actually 4) key players.
  • Blackrock (and Blackstone they own 60% of reach other)
  • Vanguard (owned by Blackstone and State Street Capital)
  • State Street Capital
  • Berkshire Hathaway – let’s throw them in as another key owner
Now getting to the point, these companies use the funds of the productive members of society to drive their overall agenda, utilizing mutual funds that are the basis of investment accounts (401K, IRA, Roth, etc.…) via both traditional holdings of public stocks, bonds, and ETFs. Let’s take a quick look at who owns all of those “publicly” held companies in the world according to the largest sectors of the global economy:

So, we have a bit of a trend here. If you go public, the likelihood of your company being controlled (having board member influence) is almost ensured to fall into control of a handful of people. Not just companies, but the people who run those companies. We know that corporations have gone overboard in social justice/wokeness, we need to look no further than 3-4 controlling entities that are driving those decisions from the boardroom based on shareholder size.

Going “public” simply means selling out control of the company to the public money mangers of the Globalist agenda. Elon Musk had a breakdown when he realized going public was his only option. He famously & publicly flirted with the idea of taking it private in 2018. There is a reason for all that dancing.
Part 4: Investors (cont.)
Now let’s shift our focus from the publicly held companies to how private corporate ownership works in this world. You can be one of those companies that is doing great things, realizes you don’t want to cede control to one of the Big 3, but you are faced with the conundrum of returning shareholder value to your shareholders. After all, it’s not as if you can start a company with zero capital, that is what venture capital is all about. Early investing is also where you get the greatest returns. More on that in a bit.

The industry that manages the private companies in the world is Private Equity. While mutual fund behemoths will take a long-term position in key companies 5-10+ years, the PE firms buy & sell, usually in wholly owned fashion, companies on relatively short investment horizons of 3-5 years. They are pretty much the ficklest people you will meet as a result. So, who are the players in this space, and can we tell who controls them at the board room level?

In summary, we see that even the privately held companies in this country/world, are largely controlled by the same entities that control all the public corporations. Additionally, Private Equity funds, are built just like any other type of fund, via Limited Partners. A limited partnership (LP)—not to be confused with a limited liability partnership (LLP)—is a partnership made up of two or more partners. The general partner oversees and runs the business while limited partners do not partake in managing the business. However, the general partner of a limited partnership has unlimited liability for the debt, and any limited partners have limited liability up to the amount of their investment. GPs are also responsible for attaining capital commitments from investors known as limited partners (LPs). This class of investors typically includes institutions—pension funds, university endowments, insurance companies—and high-net-worth individuals.

What are the largest pension funds in the world? Here you go:

In short, they are the retirement funds for the government workers of all those countries with the largest GDPs referenced earlier (except China of course).

So the same taxation system that is used to extract wealth from the productive members of the sovereign nations ends up in the same funds that are ultimately controlled by Blackrock, Vanguard and State Street Capital via their ownership stakes in the PE or Hedge Funds that manage the pension funds, foundations, endowments (DARPA), and high-net worth individuals (aka the Managing Partners for the mutual funds and the general partners for the PE, Hedge, Venture Capital Funds). It’s all a cycle.

The Venture Capital world blew up when those running DARPA realized that most of the technology they were creating within the academic and research network, primarily used to surveil the populace, was better suited if you could put a “face” on the technology that didn’t make the primary objective as obvious. If you could appeal to the emotional instability of the populace and the desire to consumer, you had yourself some real money-making companies. When you could direct that technology into the hands of key individuals who could be the face of a tech companies (i.e., Bill Gates (Microsoft), Andy Grove (Intel), Larry Ellison (Oracle), Eric Schmidt (Google), Jeff Bezos (Amazon), Sheryl Sandberg (Facebook), etc.…). When you could insert friendlies and use the power of the Limited Partner network to provider scaling capital, and then the power of the mutual funds to extract value at IPO and beyond, and you have yourself a self-fulfilling system: the concentration of wealth via the concentration of equity.

Hedge Funds are where these folks can extract wealth coming and going. The bad thing about PE and VC is that you only make money when you have growth or a positive return. Now that isn’t necessarily true of those who manage the fund as they make sure they never lose money using the combination of the management fee (typically 1-2% of the size of the fund), but the take from the overall return of the fund (typically 20-30% net). At the core, it still requires growth, and this means you can always have ineffective management, an unlikely & fast-rising competitor, or an unexpected outcome that impacts the regulatory landscape, like the 2016 election of Donald J. Trump.

Hedge Funds provide the ability for these folks to accomplish to aims:

  • Hedge against positions they are heavy: If I’m betting heavy on Commercial Real Estate in China, but I want to hedge against that by going short in domestic real estate, the Hedge Fund provides that ability
  • Move my position in a way that allows me to profit once a particular sector/economy starts to deteriorate. This is what George Soros did by shorting the UK Pound and making billions in the process.
When all these same entities that are long in mutual funds, are consolidating companies in the private sector to eventually put into the publicly traded pot (PE) and are taking on more risk in the form of VC investments in technology, they need vehicles like a hedge fund to slowly shift a position and ensure profit along the way. Now the largest PE firms we mentioned above (Blackstone, KKR, Carlyle, etc.…) all have created their own hedge funds under the umbrella organization, but who are the other big hedge funds?

  • Blackrock (insert shocked face meme)
  • AQR
  • Bridgewater (Ray Dalla’s group)
  • Renaissance Technologies
  • Elliott Asset Management (Paul Singer’s group). I particularly like the quote in the article above here:” more than one-third of the fund manager’s portfolio is invested in distressed securities, which represent companies or governments dealing with financial hardship. “(shocked face meme)
So, there you have it. If you sense a shift in global focus from Commercial Real Estate to Information Technology (which started heavily in the 2000’s and ramped up over past decade), you use hedge funds to not just move your capital from one sector to another, but to also make money on the downside via short positions. But how do you make money on a short position? That’s right, you must take money from the public still holding the stock.


If you don’t understand basics of how fractional reserve central banking works, there are a bazillion articles, videos, etc.… that will do a much better job of explaining the particulars than I ever could. In context of what we have discussed so far, the central banks determine the velocity of the entire scam. If you want to increase the rate of wealth consolidation, you print more money via “monetary policy,” put that in the hands of banks and the producers, and then watch it flow through the engine:

Producers à Taxation à Government à Public & Private Companies à Fund Families à BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street​

If you want to make it easier for the investors to get leverage, lower the interest rates. Make borrowing money virtually free. If you want to slow down the rate of wealth consolidation, particularly in times of shifting focus (i.e., moving global supply chains, driving more power to non-elected beau acracies such as the EU/World Bank/WHO/etc.…) simply pull back the money supply and raise interest rates. Wash, Rinse, Repeat. There is a whole other angle on how this entire system is also used to launder the Black-Market funds back into the system. I’d recommend looking at Charles Ortel’s work as he shows how Private Foundations (the fastest growing Limited Partner class) has been the key to laundering trillions back into the system via funds:

He showed how the Clinton’s did it.

Those meetings at Bilderberg, Davos, Bohemian Grove are simply getting the key players facilitating the game aligned on what the play is for a specific period. Where does the money go, why, and who has to make moves?

That is how the financial system works in its entirety. Karl Marx couldn’t have drawn it up any better if he tried.
Part 5: Deconstruction

I see having to insert in these areas:
  • State and Local offices: this is where the federal laws can be countered and where federal funding gets use. These offices are no less corrupt, but incredibly important to re-establishing the government the founders envisioned
  • Congress: need to slow down, and ultimately, reduce the federal tax burden on the productive members of society. You also need Treasury and the different offices to have folks who aren’t profiting from the system (such as Fauci, but also within HHS, HUD, Education, Energy, etc..) that direct funds accordingly
  • The CIA needs shutdown and replaced completely by DIA
  • We all know the Media has to be completely reset
  • The “Party of Davos” crowd must be infiltrated and ultimately their crimes exposed. There are a lot of AUMS that probably are at risk for being seized if certain crimes are exposed
  • The Central Banking system must be re-imagined as an extension of government. The funding must be approved by a combination of Congress and State Assemblies
  • The Military must get rid of the wokeness, I mean weakness among its leaders. Anyone in command proven to be part of the Globalist game should be tried and executed for Treason
  • Government cooperation. Multiple governments, including 4-5 key members of the G8 have to work in coordination. This can’t be done solely by the United States. That window passed due to the rise of China.
There are moves in many, if not all, of these areas. Key players who have come directly from these institutions or backgrounds and made huge moves. Will we win? Sure. We know who wins :)
Part 5: Deconstruction

I see having to insert in these areas:
  • State and Local offices: this is where the federal laws can be countered and where federal funding gets use. These offices are no less corrupt, but incredibly important to re-establishing the government the founders envisioned
  • Congress: need to slow down, and ultimately, reduce the federal tax burden on the productive members of society. You also need Treasury and the different offices to have folks who aren’t profiting from the system (such as Fauci, but also within HHS, HUD, Education, Energy, etc..) that direct funds accordingly
  • The CIA needs shutdown and replaced completely by DIA
  • We all know the Media has to be completely reset
  • The “Party of Davos” crowd must be infiltrated and ultimately their crimes exposed. There are a lot of AUMS that probably are at risk for being seized if certain crimes are exposed
  • The Central Banking system must be re-imagined as an extension of government. The funding must be approved by a combination of Congress and State Assemblies
  • The Military must get rid of the wokeness, I mean weakness among its leaders. Anyone in command proven to be part of the Globalist game should be tried and executed for Treason
  • Government cooperation. Multiple governments, including 4-5 key members of the G8 have to work in coordination. This can’t be done solely by the United States. That window passed due to the rise of China.
There are moves in many, if not all, of these areas. Key players who have come directly from these institutions or backgrounds and made huge moves. Will we win? Sure. We know who wins :)
Great information! As always very well done
That's a nice write up and I'm amused this was your response to a Carlyle group stooge being put into place as governor of Virgina......followed by recommending local and state elections being the answer, knowing full well those entities are not scared of elections

The international socialists have controlled the elections for at least a century

From a material sense, I agree that fractional reserve banking is at the heart of the matter. It ensures consolidation of wealth via unlimited access to finance for the connected and inflation for the rest of us

The chokepoint is compliance and participation in this depraved system.

The answer is to leave and build anew again

At this point, no genuine person should put any faith in any of these institutions or the serpents they unleash upon us

They are all servants to the same fallen angel
Last edited:
👏🙂Props man!
This truly is a uniquely fascinating interaction.

Indeed, I am aware this had been initiated prior to the creation of this disingenuous little attempt at weaponizing a thread.

The lack of acknowledgement for your masterful response indicates a variety of shortcomings by other participants, though predominantly that of one excessive Gish Gallop enthusiast.

Clearly the rhetorical deception has served it's basic intended purpose, distorting reality just enough to deceive those unaware of such trickery before their eyes.

Unfortunate this illusion seems to have worked,....

...that is😏until now.

👏🙂Props man!
This truly is a uniquely fascinating interaction.

Indeed, I am aware this had been initiated prior to the creation of this disingenuous little attempt at weaponizing a thread.

The lack of acknowledgement for your masterful response indicates a variety of shortcomings by other participants, though predominantly that of one excessive Gish Gallop enthusiast.

Clearly the rhetorical deception has served it's basic intended purpose, distorting reality just enough to deceive those unaware of such trickery before their eyes.

Unfortunate this illusion seems to have worked,....

...that is😏until now.

View attachment 104282
Some worship their own intellect and predictably end up prisoner to the very forces they purport to freemasonry!

Or maybe he's a freemason!

But I repeat myself

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