I think the value will go up and this ends up very dystopianYeah I was sharing so folks understand the narrative they're trying to spin.
I think it's pretty obvious they've allowed the rise of Bitcoin because they want it around to condition folks to digital currencies and to track folks against the central banking system.
Like you said if it was REALLY a threat they would have squashed it long before now.
We're never going to get an end around on the central bank with some sorta other currency or asset. The only way to beat the central banks and especially The Fed is to go at it head on and remove the whole thing. Half measures and end arounds just aren't good enough.
Looking back, it definitely came from Darpa, central authorities. The quintessential libertarian coder savant caught on to it, developed the network, helped establish bitcoin's brand as storming the bastille finance. All predicted by PhD Satoshi, as the original miners weren't going to hold on to bitcoin long term.
The rebels build the palace and the Old guard sleeps in it
Bitcoin is the shiny bridge to a dystopian nightmare in the mold of Huxley's predictions