Shoulder Surgery part 2


TLDR: shoulder surgeon pulled a marble-sized piece of bone that was floating around in my shoulder joint last week and I am healed

I had labrum and rotator cuff repair on my shoulder at the end of October 2022. I felt I had a good recovery, but in the summer of this year I felt something pop when I was doing some light-weight chest flies. Bummed me out big time.

Went back to the surgeon and he thought it was related to my biceps. Took a cortisone shot and some anti inflammatory and hoped I recovered.

A month later, popped again, pain again, started feeling better… and then happened again. I got pretty depressed about it because I felt I had been careful about returning to weights.

Finally went back to the surgeon a month ago, and we both agreed something needed to be done. Did an MRI and there was too much inflammation to see what was going on deep in my arm, but could see a “loose body” in there that was estimated to be a few mm.

Had surgery last Tuesday, and he ended up pulling a marble sized ball of bone out of my shoulder joint. It was a bone chip from previous injury that my body kept calcifying and it just kept growing.

Now I’m one week later and basically 100%. Pretty crazy. Like pulling a massive splinter out of my arm.


I heard it's 6 weeks minimum.

Gal I know had shoulder repair. Had to wear a shoulder support that had a foam block that kept her arm slightly elevated. The PT was a bitch she said.
I had the foam block last year.

@MVTPatriot if you wake up from anesthesia with the foam pillow, you are fucked. Last week when I woke up without it I was bragging to the nurses while I was waking up
Damn that’s crazy. I feel lucky. Over the last decade I have had partially torn rotator cuffs accompanied by frozen shoulders, one worse than the other. Both recovered without surgery, though.

Picked up one of these devices below a month or two back. I was skeptical but it is really improving my strength and range of motion on the recent one that was worse. Good luck with the recovery.

Damn that’s crazy. I feel lucky. Over the last decade I have had partially torn rotator cuffs accompanied by frozen shoulders, one worse than the other. Both recovered without surgery, though.

Picked up one of these devices below a month or two back. I was skeptical but it is really improving my strength and range of motion on the recent one that was worse. Good luck with the recovery.

How does it work?
How does it work?
Puts centrifugal force on your should from various angles. You progressively add heavier balls to increase strength and spin it in rotations at whatever angles. They suggest 30 clockwise spins out to your side, 30 to the front etc. then counter-clockwise. Try putting a couple of socks inside a longer socks and spin it to get a sense of it. But this is a progressive system.
TLDR: shoulder surgeon pulled a marble-sized piece of bone that was floating around in my shoulder joint last week and I am healed

I had labrum and rotator cuff repair on my shoulder at the end of October 2022. I felt I had a good recovery, but in the summer of this year I felt something pop when I was doing some light-weight chest flies. Bummed me out big time.

Went back to the surgeon and he thought it was related to my biceps. Took a cortisone shot and some anti inflammatory and hoped I recovered.

A month later, popped again, pain again, started feeling better… and then happened again. I got pretty depressed about it because I felt I had been careful about returning to weights.

Finally went back to the surgeon a month ago, and we both agreed something needed to be done. Did an MRI and there was too much inflammation to see what was going on deep in my arm, but could see a “loose body” in there that was estimated to be a few mm.

Had surgery last Tuesday, and he ended up pulling a marble sized ball of bone out of my shoulder joint. It was a bone chip from previous injury that my body kept calcifying and it just kept growing.

Now I’m one week later and basically 100%. Pretty crazy. Like pulling a massive splinter out of my arm.

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How's the shoulder doing these days?
I'm having some weird side effects from getting my spleen removed. Hope your shoulder is doing well
How's the shoulder doing these days?
I'm having some weird side effects from getting my spleen removed. Hope your shoulder is doing well
It’s done really well. It’s not perfect, but the labrum I had an issue has not given me a problem ever since

It gets tight and crunchy in the joint sometimes, but whenever that happens I start doing some PT exercises and it clears up

I’ve been on a cruise with the fam this week so I have been out of the loop. I’ll give you a call some time next week to catch up more
How are your results after having time to heal up?

So I only had a patch put in. Most of my discomfort is from arthritis apparently. I’m back playing pickleball which was the goal.
Overall it took about 6 months with rehab. I still have pain and I’ve got to stay on the PT exercises on my own. Noticed yesterday that my shoulder wasn’t responding the way I wanted. Did my exercises this morning and I could tell a difference in the overall loss of strength.
Got to keep at it. I think everyone is going to be different when it comes to these types or surgeries.
Good luck!
So I only had a patch put in. Most of my discomfort is from arthritis apparently. I’m back playing pickleball which was the goal.
Overall it took about 6 months with rehab. I still have pain and I’ve got to stay on the PT exercises on my own. Noticed yesterday that my shoulder wasn’t responding the way I wanted. Did my exercises this morning and I could tell a difference in the overall loss of strength.
Got to keep at it. I think everyone is going to be different when it comes to these types or surgeries.
Good luck!
So now there is a thing called pickled shoulder?
TLDR: shoulder surgeon pulled a marble-sized piece of bone that was floating around in my shoulder joint last week and I am healed

I had labrum and rotator cuff repair on my shoulder at the end of October 2022. I felt I had a good recovery, but in the summer of this year I felt something pop when I was doing some light-weight chest flies. Bummed me out big time.

Went back to the surgeon and he thought it was related to my biceps. Took a cortisone shot and some anti inflammatory and hoped I recovered.

A month later, popped again, pain again, started feeling better… and then happened again. I got pretty depressed about it because I felt I had been careful about returning to weights.

Finally went back to the surgeon a month ago, and we both agreed something needed to be done. Did an MRI and there was too much inflammation to see what was going on deep in my arm, but could see a “loose body” in there that was estimated to be a few mm.

Had surgery last Tuesday, and he ended up pulling a marble sized ball of bone out of my shoulder joint. It was a bone chip from previous injury that my body kept calcifying and it just kept growing.

Now I’m one week later and basically 100%. Pretty crazy. Like pulling a massive splinter out of my arm.

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😂Geezuz cripes bro, I didn't know you could produce retarded pearls
TLDR: shoulder surgeon pulled a marble-sized piece of bone that was floating around in my shoulder joint last week and I am healed

I had labrum and rotator cuff repair on my shoulder at the end of October 2022. I felt I had a good recovery, but in the summer of this year I felt something pop when I was doing some light-weight chest flies. Bummed me out big time.

Went back to the surgeon and he thought it was related to my biceps. Took a cortisone shot and some anti inflammatory and hoped I recovered.

A month later, popped again, pain again, started feeling better… and then happened again. I got pretty depressed about it because I felt I had been careful about returning to weights.

Finally went back to the surgeon a month ago, and we both agreed something needed to be done. Did an MRI and there was too much inflammation to see what was going on deep in my arm, but could see a “loose body” in there that was estimated to be a few mm.

Had surgery last Tuesday, and he ended up pulling a marble sized ball of bone out of my shoulder joint. It was a bone chip from previous injury that my body kept calcifying and it just kept growing.

Now I’m one week later and basically 100%. Pretty crazy. Like pulling a massive splinter out of my arm.

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Where did the marble come from? Any theories/
I will say that my original issue - the torn labrum - was completely repaired and I’ve returned to full range of motion and function

It’s really a great feeling to have a ligament that was torn for so long repaired. It almost euphoric every time I move my shoulder in motions that would cause pain
I will say that my original issue - the torn labrum - was completely repaired and I’ve returned to full range of motion and function

It’s really a great feeling to have a ligament that was torn for so long repaired. It almost euphoric every time I move my shoulder in motions that would cause pain
My doc thinks I have rotator cuff problems. He said one of my shoulders is higher than the other.

I don't know what that means. He said I could try to rehab it which I am doing. I just do a bunch of chest and back exercises and no push exercises.
My doc thinks I have rotator cuff problems. He said one of my shoulders is higher than the other.

I don't know what that means. He said I could try to rehab it which I am doing. I just do a bunch of chest and back exercises and no push exercises.
I think it’s hard to know anything without an MRI. If it’s your regular doc diagnosing you, it might be good to go see an orthopedic surgeon and have an MRI

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