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Putin remove Russia from Rothchild Bankng system.........why?


Jan 9, 2021
Because he doesn’t want to be at the mercy of the federal reserve.
Instead of OIl, and other commodities that Russia exports being based on USD, they’re priced in Rubles and have to be settled in rubles. This creates a demand for rubles. USD is up against all other currencies except rubles.

Russia is powerful enough, Biden cucked everyone with the embargo and not much can be done except reverse which ain’t gonna happen.
Apr 20, 2022
Lots of buzz words. If only any of it meant what the author is suggesting…

Russia still has a central bank tied to the Rothschilds and very limited access to its gold reserves. Hence why it is defaulting and it’s economy is on the rocks.


Jan 7, 2021
Jul 9, 2022
What am I suggesting?
Have you read about the csar of Russia that declined the Rothschild bank, to which they replied, "my family will see your family removed from power".

Only took them 100 yrs, but they accomplished this task.
The story of globalism is far reaching in history. You have to look past the published "reasons" and look to what makes sense. Follow the fact patterns, and decide what really happened. Russians has always wanted to be independent.

Deleted member 2886

Seems like the main idea is to create the appearance of a false dichotomy.
*IE: The "saviour" Putin
The "saviour" Trump
The evil Rocke/Roths/NWO,etc..

While also creating a massive compounded distraction with the Ukraine invasion narrative, which serves to draw attention away from the slow release genocide shots, the deliberate destruction of food production, the financial collapse, etc...

#Panem et circenses.

Been scoping out the Jesuits these past couple of days, and came across some interesting/concerning stuff.

Dunno if it's legit or merely another misdirection ploy but it's worth being aware of nonetheless.
See for yourselves:

👆Haven't yet found an exact map to match the separate regions of control shown above, but it'll be sufficient as a temporary substitute to demonstrate the concept.


Deleted member 2886

Could think of it like a sports game.
Putin & Trump = Team [A]

The "NWO" = Team

Most people would likely identify with and support their home team, or the team they hate the least:

*Russians/the East with Putin
*Americans/the West with DJT

*Cultists/the blind masses with NWO

Usually, resulting from decades of intergenerationally indoctrinated cold war ideologies, Putin & Trump would be presented to us as being diametrically opposed.

Yet now, they're suddenly presented as if teaming up against a bigger badder opponent.

So, as we've all been programmed into a lazy state of dependence on external "authority", instead of assuming our inherent self sovereignty,...we automatically submit to & worship our unconsciously chosen idols.

As ignorantly irresponsible and detrimental as this generally is, it pails in comparison if/when realizing Team [A] & Team are both owned, managed and trained by the same group of psychopathic investors.
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Deleted member 2886

Hey, sorry to be a pain @Croot_Overlord

My last post is doing that weird thing where it somehow edits out random words and has turned on the bold option as soon as I hit post.

I've tried editing it several times but it reverts back each time I smash post, lol.

Deleted member 2886

I turned the bold off but what words are being edited out?
Oh, thanks bro,...I , ah, just tried editing the words in and 🤣,. ...I seem to have broken it again by tapping post.

It's all goods, I'm sure it's somewhat understandable as it is, and tbh I can't stop laughing at this odd occurrence.😂👍

Deleted member 2886

That’s weird
When it first happened, like 3-4 months ago.
It was on this excessively long post I'd spent quite a while on.

When I hit 'post', the entire thing auto engaged strike through and ~5% of the words gapped it altogether.😆

#Hilarious af, must've confused the shit outta anyone trying to read that mess.
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