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Not even one ISIS fighter killed in the Biden's drone strike. Civilians only, 7 children (link)...


Jan 9, 2021
As a drone guy, it’s hard to understand how it happened but to give y’all an idea of the process,

Most of the time we have products on the targeted individual we are watching. With those products there would be pics (maybe) but mostly BDLs, known associates, and freq locations he visits. This process of watching him varies. Sometimes days but mostly weeks or even months depending on the customer we support.

Eventually we get into the “finish” phase and depending on what the Ground force commander wants we either strike the individual ourselves or the unit raids his location via vehicles or helicopters (for the most part.) sometimes you get into HALO infills but those are rare.

Now if we are given the approval to strike, a qualified JTAC gives us the 9-line which is a checklist of items i.e target coords, elevation, friendly position, type of weapon to use etc. once we provide our readbacks, the JTAC gives us the mandatory “cleared hot” call or “abort”.

A JTAC can only give us clearance if the GFC allows it unless if they are in an emergency Close Air Support(ECAS) situation. At that point the JTACs training and experience are relied on

I’ll post more later about to drive


Feb 20, 2021
As a drone guy, it’s hard to understand how it happened but to give y’all an idea of the process,

Most of the time we have products on the targeted individual we are watching. With those products there would be pics (maybe) but mostly BDLs, known associates, and freq locations he visits. This process of watching him varies. Sometimes days but mostly weeks or even months depending on the customer we support.

Eventually we get into the “finish” phase and depending on what the Ground force commander wants we either strike the individual ourselves or the unit raids his location via vehicles or helicopters (for the most part.) sometimes you get into HALO infills but those are rare.

Now if we are given the approval to strike, a qualified JTAC gives us the 9-line which is a checklist of items i.e target coords, elevation, friendly position, type of weapon to use etc. once we provide our readbacks, the JTAC gives us the mandatory “cleared hot” call or “abort”.

A JTAC can only give us clearance if the GFC allows it unless if they are in an emergency Close Air Support(ECAS) situation. At that point the JTACs training and experience are relied on

I’ll post more later about to drive
This is good stuff.


Jan 9, 2021
Now when ISIS was hot and heavy in Syria and Iraq, the gloves were off. Especially when Trump took office. The Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance (ISR) piece went right out the window.

It turned into JTACs owning their own piece of the map and once you were cleared into their Restricted Operating Zone (ROZ) it was hunting season. If you found them, expect for the JTAC to get on the radio with a 9-line to strike. They were usually in a command center watching the feeds of the drones he worked with.

Case in point this is one of my strikes that made it on YouTube


An unarmed smaller drone found these guys first. We were close by and JTAC had us meld our “eyes” with his feed and gave us the 9-line with clearance. Result was 5 enemy KIlled in Action (EKIA)

They were brand new recruits on their way to their cell


Dec 1, 2020
As a drone guy, it’s hard to understand how it happened but to give y’all an idea of the process,

Most of the time we have products on the targeted individual we are watching. With those products there would be pics (maybe) but mostly BDLs, known associates, and freq locations he visits. This process of watching him varies. Sometimes days but mostly weeks or even months depending on the customer we support.

Eventually we get into the “finish” phase and depending on what the Ground force commander wants we either strike the individual ourselves or the unit raids his location via vehicles or helicopters (for the most part.) sometimes you get into HALO infills but those are rare.

Now if we are given the approval to strike, a qualified JTAC gives us the 9-line which is a checklist of items i.e target coords, elevation, friendly position, type of weapon to use etc. once we provide our readbacks, the JTAC gives us the mandatory “cleared hot” call or “abort”.

A JTAC can only give us clearance if the GFC allows it unless if they are in an emergency Close Air Support(ECAS) situation. At that point the JTACs training and experience are relied on

I’ll post more later about to drive
Good shit. Would love to hear more. Wish I knew what all the acronyms stood for .


Apr 14, 2021
As a drone guy, it’s hard to understand how it happened but to give y’all an idea of the process,

Most of the time we have products on the targeted individual we are watching. With those products there would be pics (maybe) but mostly BDLs, known associates, and freq locations he visits. This process of watching him varies. Sometimes days but mostly weeks or even months depending on the customer we support.

Eventually we get into the “finish” phase and depending on what the Ground force commander wants we either strike the individual ourselves or the unit raids his location via vehicles or helicopters (for the most part.) sometimes you get into HALO infills but those are rare.

Now if we are given the approval to strike, a qualified JTAC gives us the 9-line which is a checklist of items i.e target coords, elevation, friendly position, type of weapon to use etc. once we provide our readbacks, the JTAC gives us the mandatory “cleared hot” call or “abort”.

A JTAC can only give us clearance if the GFC allows it unless if they are in an emergency Close Air Support(ECAS) situation. At that point the JTACs training and experience are relied on

I’ll post more later about to drive

Now when ISIS was hot and heavy in Syria and Iraq, the gloves were off. Especially when Trump took office. The Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance (ISR) piece went right out the window.

It turned into JTACs owning their own piece of the map and once you were cleared into their Restricted Operating Zone (ROZ) it was hunting season. If you found them, expect for the JTAC to get on the radio with a 9-line to strike. They were usually in a command center watching the feeds of the drones he worked with.

Case in point this is one of my strikes that made it on YouTube

View attachment 47982

An unarmed smaller drone found these guys first. We were close by and JTAC had us meld our “eyes” with his feed and gave us the 9-line with clearance. Result was 5 enemy KIlled in Action (EKIA)

They were brand new recruits on their way to their cell

Thanks for the insight here.

It’s almost like the military is just intentionally fuckin this shit up. We all know that we are way better than what has happened over the last month or so.


Jan 9, 2021
Good shit. Would love to hear more. Wish I knew what all the acronyms stood for .
Sorry I forgot to explain a few of them

JTAC-Joint Terminal Attack Controller this is a qualification not specifically a job. There are a couple Air Force specialties that automatically get this qualification, TACP and CCT.
TACP (Tactical Air Control Party) assigned to both conventional and unconventional Army units. Radio guy to call in airstrikes.
CCT (Combat Control) assigned to special ops forces only. Have their own mission set besides being a JTAC as they specialize in Airfield Seizures. They get Air Traffic Control qualified as well.

BDL- Bed down location, where target lives or occasional spends the night.

HALO- High Altitude Low Opening. Military Freefall parachute employment option for those forces qualified/trained for it. Mostly Spec Ops.

GFC-Ground Force Commander. Usually high ranking officer for large conventional force or low ranking officer or high Sergeant for spec ops team.


Jan 9, 2021
Example of 9-line. Chicago fats will be my air asset and I’ll be the JTAC I run a script but here is the procedure first.

Line 1-IP, Initial Point before proceeding to target area. Used for situations where JTAC needs to see both target and strike aircraft. Rare to use these days.

Line 2-Heading, heading the Aircraft will need to proceed to ID the target. Again rare as most aircraft are already overhead with a camera pod.

Line 3-Distance, distance to target again to give aircraft help in finding target. Rare for reasons above.

Line 4-Target Elevation. Used to help acquire target mostly with using a pod.

Line 5- Target Description. Describing what the target is and what aircraft is looking for.

Line 6- Target Coordinates. Predominately given in MGRS(Military Grid Reference System) can be given in lat/long if aircraft’s pod can’t compute one to other but I think all pods can use both now.

Line 7-Mark. Ways to mark the target for weapon guidance for the striker. A lot of possibilities here but mostly the aircraft lazes his own weapon. Another can lase for him.

Line 8-Friendly position. Usually in MGRS or distance direction from target. VERY important step so not to commit fratricide.
This has accidentally been swapped with Line 6 before numerous times in heat of battle. Mostly it’s caught by aircraft or JTAC.

Line 9-Egress. Cardinal direction the JTAC wants to aircraft to head to one engagement is complete. Really only used if it’s a drop ordinance and leave situation or if there is a surface to air threat in area to avoid. Mostly they go back to the overhead of target area.


Jan 9, 2021
As a drone guy, it’s hard to understand how it happened but to give y’all an idea of the process,

Most of the time we have products on the targeted individual we are watching. With those products there would be pics (maybe) but mostly BDLs, known associates, and freq locations he visits. This process of watching him varies. Sometimes days but mostly weeks or even months depending on the customer we support.

Eventually we get into the “finish” phase and depending on what the Ground force commander wants we either strike the individual ourselves or the unit raids his location via vehicles or helicopters (for the most part.) sometimes you get into HALO infills but those are rare.

Now if we are given the approval to strike, a qualified JTAC gives us the 9-line which is a checklist of items i.e target coords, elevation, friendly position, type of weapon to use etc. once we provide our readbacks, the JTAC gives us the mandatory “cleared hot” call or “abort”.

A JTAC can only give us clearance if the GFC allows it unless if they are in an emergency Close Air Support(ECAS) situation. At that point the JTACs training and experience are relied on

I’ll post more later about to drive
So the text message milly got from the taliban telling him the bad guy in the white car has a bomb in the trunk is not standard operating procedure?


Jan 9, 2021
Now here is how it would sound. Fats 1-1 is my A-10 and Jefe 2-1(me) will be JTAC.
Pay attention to how I treat Lines 1-3.

Jefe=Fats 1-1, say when ready 9 line.

Fats=Fats 1-1 ready to copy.

Jefe=This is type 2 control, Bomb on Target, TOT immediate. Lines 1 through 3 N/A. Line 4, 900 feet, Target is Armored vehicle, grid as follows…37 Sierra Golf Charlie 58972, 28112. Your mark with GBU-12, friendlies 2000 meters South, egress back to the overhead, no remarks, make run in west to East. How copy?

Fats=Fats 1-1 copies 900 feet, 37 Sierra Golf Charlie 58972, 28112. Friendlies 2000 meters South, will make attack heading to the East.

Jefe-Fats from Jefe, that’s a good copy, call in with direction, expect clearance on final.

(Fats is now programming his weapon and pod, lastly setting up his aircraft for a west to East run in)

Fats=Jefe 2-1, Fats 1-1 is in from the West.

Jefe=Fats 1-1, Cleared Hot, Cleared Hot, Cleared Hot.

Fats=Fats 1-1.

(Fats drops his laser guided bomb)

Fats=Weapon away, 20 seconds.

Jefe=Jefe copies.

(20 seconds later the bomb hits its target)

Fats=Jefe 2-1, Splash

Jefe=Fats 1-1, Jefe copies standby for BDA(battle damage assessment)

(Few seconds later)

Jefe=Fats 1-1, good effects, ground force commander’s intent met, 1 vehicle destroyed, you are cleared back to the overhead.

Fats=Fats 1-1 copies all, proceeding back to the overhead. Flight Level 180

Now, that’s a basic run through. There are more variables and possibilities on running that scenario. To explain more
at the beginning I said type 2 control. This is one of 3 types to use depending on the situation. Type 2 means I have sight of the enemy but not friendly aircraft and I’m ok with that.

Next I said bomb on target. The other possibility is bomb on coordinate. You only use coordinate if it’s a target that can’t move like a building.

Then I said lines 1-3 N/A. (Not applicable)This is because all aircraft are equipped with targeting pods that can acquire the target before the aircraft gets overhead but most likely he already will be. Days of Vietnam aircraft were called in from somewhere else and had no picture of the battle below them so JTACs had to use those three lines to “line up the aircraft”.

After that I said TOT immediate. (Time on Target) phrasing this I’m saying kill those bitches yesterday. Other variants would be to give him a Zulu time of when I want effects. Mostly used for hitting multiple targets in one pass.

Then I started reading off from line 4 with elevation, description, coords, mark/weapon to use, friendly location, his egress and gave him a perpendicular run in so as not to drop towards friendlies.

He only read back Line 4/6/8 and restrictions because that is all that is needed for a read back. There are some added ROEs(rules of engagement) depending on the theater but I’ll have to leave that part out on here.

Hope this helps understand the process


Jan 9, 2021
So the text message milly got from the taliban telling him the bad guy in the white car has a bomb in the trunk is not standard operating procedure?
Where the intel comes from at least originally I’m not sure of. It’s never the same. Sometimes our “customer” or team we support has his sources, sometimes they ID him themselves with a scout element, sometimes it’s through other intel channels.

By the time we get our tasking to watch his house or storage, or follow him in his car the initial intel point started. Mostly we develop his patterns by following him where he goes, stops, interacts with, and build the intel that way.every detail is recorded by a team of intel folks that draft up reports to find whatever they need to get authorization to capture/kill. That part is above my pay grade.

It’s a continuous cycle of find, fix, track, Target, engage and assess. F2T2EA

Other realms use find, fix, finish, Assess F3A

Once one cycle is met, it trends to find another target, which finds another. Sometimes by following him to an accomplice, or when the team raids his house and gets more intel on more of his buddies whereabouts.

That’s about the limit of unclass I can get into but more resources are used and I’ll leave it at that


Jan 15, 2021
Can't wait til blackwater starts offering drone services to third world countries.

You can have a private company run cyber warfare, drone strikes, and highly trained Spec Op mercs and take entire countries down without a single division of soldiers.

And nothing to worry about getting a nuke up yore ass. If I were Russia, I'd do this shit tomorrow to Ukraine.


Dec 10, 2020
As a drone guy, it’s hard to understand how it happened but to give y’all an idea of the process,

Most of the time we have products on the targeted individual we are watching. With those products there would be pics (maybe) but mostly BDLs, known associates, and freq locations he visits. This process of watching him varies. Sometimes days but mostly weeks or even months depending on the customer we support.

Eventually we get into the “finish” phase and depending on what the Ground force commander wants we either strike the individual ourselves or the unit raids his location via vehicles or helicopters (for the most part.) sometimes you get into HALO infills but those are rare.

Now if we are given the approval to strike, a qualified JTAC gives us the 9-line which is a checklist of items i.e target coords, elevation, friendly position, type of weapon to use etc. once we provide our readbacks, the JTAC gives us the mandatory “cleared hot” call or “abort”.

A JTAC can only give us clearance if the GFC allows it unless if they are in an emergency Close Air Support(ECAS) situation. At that point the JTACs training and experience are relied on

I’ll post more later about to drive
This doesn't sound like military but straight up see eye eh. Doubt we had any eyes on the ground to see any of this shit and they were probably played by source.


Dec 10, 2020
Can't wait til blackwater starts offering drone services to third world countries.

You can have a private company run cyber warfare, drone strikes, and highly trained Spec Op mercs and take entire countries down without a single division of soldiers.

And nothing to worry about getting a nuke up yore ass. If I were Russia, I'd do this shit tomorrow to Ukraine.
there was a private army in Africa that was cleaning up shit but of course the leftist got irate because they were way too effective at killing people who rape and kidnap people and force children into child armies.

I think they has 2 helo's and 1 plane.


God Fearing Patriot
Jan 9, 2021
So the administration is simultaneously saying that the drone strike killed innocent civilians, but that they're standing by the intelligence? How can both of those be true at the same time?


Dec 1, 2020
Thanks @flyerjeff. That is some cool shit and love the stories.

Question, what do clouds do to your ability to track and locate enemies? Does bad wether hinder your operations?

Detective John Kimble

Stop whining!
Dec 1, 2020
As a drone guy, it’s hard to understand how it happened but to give y’all an idea of the process,

Most of the time we have products on the targeted individual we are watching. With those products there would be pics (maybe) but mostly BDLs, known associates, and freq locations he visits. This process of watching him varies. Sometimes days but mostly weeks or even months depending on the customer we support.

Eventually we get into the “finish” phase and depending on what the Ground force commander wants we either strike the individual ourselves or the unit raids his location via vehicles or helicopters (for the most part.) sometimes you get into HALO infills but those are rare.

Now if we are given the approval to strike, a qualified JTAC gives us the 9-line which is a checklist of items i.e target coords, elevation, friendly position, type of weapon to use etc. once we provide our readbacks, the JTAC gives us the mandatory “cleared hot” call or “abort”.

A JTAC can only give us clearance if the GFC allows it unless if they are in an emergency Close Air Support(ECAS) situation. At that point the JTACs training and experience are relied on

I’ll post more later about to drive
So with all these items in the checklist, how the fuck did this happen? I get it if he was the target and his kids were unexpectedly in his vehicle. However, how do you take out a completely innocent family?


Dec 1, 2020
So with all these items in the checklist, how the fuck did this happen? I get it if he was the target and his kids were unexpectedly in his vehicle. However, how do you take out a completely innocent family?

Probably bad intel? Wouldn't it be pretty easy to throw one of your enemies under the bus and serve them up to our intel?


Jan 9, 2021
Thanks @flyerjeff. That is some cool shit and love the stories.

Question, what do clouds do to your ability to track and locate enemies? Does bad wether hinder your operations?
Yes but only if need to use the targeting pod to lase. If carrying a GPS guided bomb like a GBU-38, you can program the elev/coords and you’re fine


Jan 9, 2021
So with all these items in the checklist, how the fuck did this happen? I get it if he was the target and his kids were unexpectedly in his vehicle. However, how do you take out a completely innocent family?
I agree with you but I don’t know the exact circumstances. For example when did the crew first put eyes on Target? Did they follow for a while first before strike? Did they get moved to place eyes while vehicle was traveling? I’m just speaking from the crew’s perspective.

Plus this is shift Work for us so one crew could have been in the seat on a different target, then a fresh crew swaps out just before new target is given
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