My wife: I have no memory anymore.
Also my wife: You said the cookies that I made for you that one day back in 2015 weren't your favorite, so I just won't make cookies for you anymore.
@TheNJNole we have a new Grand Dragon now right?
You'll always be my Grand Dragon!@TheNJNole we have a new Grand Dragon now right?
Man thats bullshit. I can be honorary Grand Dragon but im not that guy. I live amongst the negroe population even tgough i can afford much more. Dez niggahz get my cracka ass. They dont call the cops when im drunk posting and walking my dog. I dont call the cops when they blast. This is my second black neighborhood.You'll always be my Grand Dragon!
At this point, I will like any post poking fun at Kaepernick. Well that's not true, I have always enjoyed making fun of that doosher....
Id hangout w him