Bro what’s the word on Jewcinda? Crazy stuff
I’ve got to think the memes coming out of NZFSF completely demoralized her
Well, opinion is that it's all part of an overarching performance.
Perhaps not exactly accordingly, coz you're probably right about demoralization—and probably mortal fear.
Word gets round pretty fuckin quick and there's really only so much propagandists can do without martial law style lockdowns.
Guessin ya saw the bitch putting on crocodile tears(?)
What's your guys propagandists sayin?
¿That she's the "victim"?...or some other stupid shit?
Cunts here are trying to push that particular projection shitfuckery...kinda funny tbh.
Tucker is on point.
Stalinda ain't no victim, we know it, you guys know, heaps of others know it.
The propagandists, the "politicians", the "experts", the vaxtarded population,... they all appear to be slowly crumbling in NZ.
But...i'm highly suspicious[& stoned]...
... it's all coming apart far too easily.