How's everyone doing on the health front these days? I've been getting my workouts in, 3-4 days per week and am definitely noticing a difference now. I'm down to about 215, so the weight hasn't dropped as quickly as I'd like it to, but I've put on muscle too, so it's better than the fat that was there before.
Lately, been doing 1 full cardio day, 1 day of pushing exercises, 1 day of pulling exercises, and a fourth day of miscellaneous, depending on how I'm feeling.
I think my recent travels have messed up my overall weight loss a bit too, as I've been out of town for a bunch of weekends in a row, which usually makes for larger and more frequent meals than I would when at home. Either way, still pushing along, with my eyes still set on a 200 to 205 weight.