Don’t buy into this bullshit of Trump loyalty. The left tries to make conservatives come off as cultist extremists. That’s horse shit. Conservatives that don’t have their heads up their asses aren’t loyal to Trump, they’re loyal to his nationalist policies and his approach to foreign policy.
We’re not driving our cars off a cliff for Trump; we’ll only follow him to a point...basically to where he begins to deviate from his philosophy. It’s not the man, it’s the direction that he led conservatives. I don’t want blind allegiance, I want someone that believes in the principles that Trump fostered and continues to push the party in that direction, but that doesn’t demand complete and total compliance and agreement on all issues.
After the election I thought we were screwed. I thought the war was lost. But now I’m seeing it differently. I feel like the seeds have been planted for the party. Rhino’s are being pushed out and the evolution of conservatives is upon us. Finally.