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May 7, 2024
I was reading online how lesbian only groups get cancelled for being trans exclusionary.

I myself cannot ever attend any gay mens shit because every other member is a tranny or a cross dresser.

The useless 'T' overriding and dominating the entire 'LGB' spaces (Yes I am a firm believer of LGB without the T).





The heteronormative groups I attend / used to attend run many womens only groups - straight women only that is. Not one single man pretending to be a woman in them. Also a heteronormative mens only support group I attended a couple of times - no trannies in the room.

Why are biological women / men only groups allowed for straight people, but not for LGB people????

What the fuck?????

New. Fucking. Social. Challenge. For. Me. To. Fight. For.


May 7, 2024
How foids and faggots want to be treated in our heads and shit we love to read, irl they would call this abuse and whine about toxic masculinity.


Lmao, AI is just fucking awesome. I bumped it up a notch from 'brutal' to 'merciless' lulz.
Jul 9, 2022
You faggot s are dumb, and hypocritical, especially the LGBTQZ!@#ABC fucks.

Why cant yall faggots just say that you are "GAY"?

A person who likes the same sex is just gay.

In one breath you faggots speak of inclusivity, but then divide your various members by their sex.....which is not supposed to exist, Therefore adding to exclusivity.


May 7, 2024
You faggot s are dumb, and hypocritical, especially the LGBTQZ!@#ABC fucks.

Why cant yall faggots just say that you are "GAY"?

A person who likes the same sex is just gay.

In one breath you faggots speak of inclusivity, but then divide your various members by their sex.....which is not supposed to exist, Therefore adding to exclusivity.
Sexuality and sex / gender are not the same thing.

The only problem here again is your 60 IQ.
Jul 9, 2022
Sexuality and sex / gender are not the same thing.

The only problem here again is your 60 IQ.
Sure, but answer the question.....

Why does it matter what you call yourself then. Why LGBTQXYZ, why not just one race, united, and not categorized? Call it the "gay" group.

Instead of all that bullshit acronym, would not a G be better for the environment? Less printer ink, less power to print it on paper, less keystrokes, seems to me to be a win, just to go with a G. Or F.


May 20, 2024
You faggot s are dumb, and hypocritical, especially the LGBTQZ!@#ABC fucks.

Why cant yall faggots just say that you are "GAY"?

A person who likes the same sex is just gay.

In one breath you faggots speak of inclusivity, but then divide your various members by their sex.....which is not supposed to exist, Therefore adding to exclusivity.
Yeah but hows that any different from "christianity"?


May 7, 2024
Sure, but answer the question.....

Why does it matter what you call yourself then. Why LGBTQXYZ, why not just one race, united, and not categorized? Call it the "gay" group.

Instead of all that bullshit acronym, would not a G be better for the environment? Less printer ink, less power to print it on paper, less keystrokes, seems to me to be a win, just to go with a G. Or F.
Because a trannie is not a gay if the gay is not a trannie.

A lesbian is not a man and is attracted to other women.

The issue with the alphabet mafia was it was supposed to end at LGB. The rest of the letters added are just woke shit to include whatever the other fuck into it when their issues are entirely separate.
Jul 9, 2022
Well, I did not want to imply one thing or the other, as you were the one who posed the question.

But since you wont answer, I will assume you are meaning the hypocrisy in the different denominations of Christianity.

To that, I have no defense, as I agree with the notion, that it is hypocritical.

I am and have publicly opposed these false doctrinal groups.

Is that what you meant?
Jul 9, 2022
@weaponoffreedom is severely brain damaged by the look of it, 60 IQ was an overstatement, definitely 30-40 range.

He can't understand jackshit. He cant make even the simplest logical leaps.
Kind of correct. Beyond guns and plumbing I don't really know very much about anything.

I do understand simple things, to a point. Like the notion of logic. Logical thinking connects various fact patterns from one "thing" to the next "thing", in its simplest forms, cause and effect.

The problem that some have is that correlation and causation are not the same thing, which is where "smart" people like you fall short sometimes. But frown not high speed, it happens to us all.

Further, "leaps" in logic as you stated are not by definition very logical. They are however, a function of faith. They do not go hand in hand.

Funny thing is, that, the most logical thing, is that there was a creator, or an "uncaused causer". Both logical and illogical, but true.

Think on that one for a bit, maybe it will cause your IQ to go up a bit, I wish it did mine.


May 7, 2024
The problem is I can make such leaps of logic, after which I can explain the reasons why, and everyone around will just nod with surprised expressions of their jaws hitting the floor. And I dunno how I do it, it takes up zero thought process.

An idiom for this I like is 'able to talk the hind legs off a donkey'.

Kind of correct. Beyond guns and plumbing I don't really know very much about anything.

I do understand simple things, to a point. Like the notion of logic. Logical thinking connects various fact patterns from one "thing" to the next "thing", in its simplest forms, cause and effect.

The problem that some have is that correlation and causation are not the same thing, which is where "smart" people like you fall short sometimes. But frown not high speed, it happens to us all.

Further, "leaps" in logic as you stated are not by definition very logical. They are however, a function of faith. They do not go hand in hand.

Funny thing is, that, the most logical thing, is that there was a creator, or an "uncaused causer". Both logical and illogical, but true.

Think on that one for a bit, maybe it will cause your IQ to go up a bit, I wish it did mine.


May 20, 2024
Well, I did not want to imply one thing or the other, as you were the one who posed the question.

But since you wont answer, I will assume you are meaning the hypocrisy in the different denominations of Christianity.

To that, I have no defense, as I agree with the notion, that it is hypocritical.

I am and have publicly opposed these false doctrinal groups.

Is that what you meant?
Yeah probably aye.


May 7, 2024
Well then just say what you mean a quit being a pussy. I am clearly not on the same level as yall, so please spell it in crayon for me next time as not to confuse me. Thanks.
I get confused from incomplete information sure, but not mere questions.

Its like your brain literally cannot think anything for itself.

On par to all the stupids these days that think everything is an attack or offensive just if they disagree or don't understand.
Jul 9, 2022
I get confused from incomplete information sure, but not mere questions.

Its like your brain literally cannot think anything for itself.

On par to all the stupids these days that think everything is an attack or offensive just if they disagree or don't understand.
I dont see it as an attack, I think you POV is funny.


May 20, 2024
Well then just say what you mean a quit being a pussy. I am clearly not on the same level as yall, so please spell it in crayon for me next time as not to confuse me. Thanks.
🤔...level? Yeah nah ain't got no idea what cha talkin' about there aye.

And I ain't tryna do shit to ya mate.

Your assertion is probably based off of your own interpretations & conceptions as subjectively perceived by yourself.

Subsequently projected at me.

Now, unless somehow I magically control your every thought & action....

Do I?

Control what you think and do?

Obviously fuckin' not right.

So kindly don't ever fuckin' blame me for your choices.

I ain't carryin' your shit.
Got plenty enough of my own to carry already mate


May 7, 2024
@weaponoffreedom Imagine literally asking us to tell you how to think.

Like seriously, what level of retardation is that?

As MrFiend pointed out, that would be a form of controlling behaviour from us.

Why are you using a free speech site if you can't even think for yourself?
Jul 9, 2022
🤔...level? Yeah nah ain't got no idea what cha talkin' about there aye.

And I ain't tryna do shit to ya mate.

Your assertion is probably based off of your own interpretations & conceptions as subjectively perceived by yourself.

Subsequently projected at me.

Now, unless somehow I magically control your every thought & action....

Do I?

Control what you think and do?

Obviously fuckin' not right.

So kindly don't ever fuckin' blame me for your choices.

I ain't carryin' your shit.
Got plenty enough of my own to carry already mate
Again, no fucking idea what you are talking about. Never said anyhting about control or anything like that.

I think that having sock accounts is dumb.


May 7, 2024
Again, no fucking idea what you are talking about. Never said anyhting about control or anything like that.

I think that having sock accounts is dumb.
You exhibited the need to be controlled as a 'symptom'. Needing to ask others how you should be thinking.

As per a recent thread of yours, you simply believe things that mass public hysteria has you believe.

You are pretty much the government and medias wet dream. Whatever shit they put in the media you will outright believe just cos its in the media, or the people in charge have told you how to think and what to believe, instead of ever forming your own opinions or thoughts.

You exhibit zero self assurance, zero assertiveness, and zero ability to think for yourself, and so many such smooth brains that I come across are likewise - incredibly draining, weak willed, and not worth any emotional investment whatsoever.
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