Ivermectin/HCQ Thread

Interesting, an article from a reputable source that talks about ivermectin being used both to treat Covid, and how it would be effective as a prophylactic, dating from April of last year.
Only to be completely buried and ridiculed by the powers that be so Big Pharma can pull off their vax BS to get billions and maybe worse. Guess we will find out in a few years.
Thanks to all in this thread. Had Covid in late December and recovered fine. I have not gotten the shot. Last Thursday (Aug 2) started with cold like symptoms. This led to sinus drainage and no energy. Now I have a nagging cough. I reached out to PushHealth and requested Ivermectin. Within 15 I had a doc reach out and agreed who write the prescription. I called my pharmacy (Publix) who confirmed that they can fill the prescription and will call me when it is ready. I update you when I pick it up.
Woman sues hospital because they won’t treat her Father with Ivermectin.
Judge orders Ivermectin.
Father is off vent.

A Dr that cared enough Drove 2 hours one way:


Here is the daughters up date



It’s ridiculous the lengths people are having to go to in order to receive the care required. Special place in hell for all of these propagandists.
Shout out to those in the thread that recommended PushHealth. I requested ivermectin on Saturday Night and had it filled by Monday morning. Dont have the rona but wanted to have it on hand if/when I do. The hard part now is finding pharmacies that have it 1st. I called around a bunch and found a Walmart that did.
Another shout out for PushHealth. I setup an account and requested some ivermectin this morning. A prescription was sent to my pharmacy in literally 15 minutes.
Is there any literature that shows if ivermectin is safe for children? My 10 year old tested positive for covid on Friday and is feeling pretty crummy. I will reach out to push health if it is approved for kids but wanted to check with the collective minds here first.
Is there any literature that shows if ivermectin is safe for children? My 10 year old tested positive for covid on Friday and is feeling pretty crummy. I will reach out to push health if it is approved for kids but wanted to check with the collective minds here first.
From everything I've seen, it's totally safe for kids as well. Some friends of mine got sick and they gave it to their 13 year old boy with no issues. It's just based on weight, so the younger they are, typically the lighter they are, therefore a lower dosage.

The article attached here shows that it's tested safe in children greater than 15 kg in weight for head lice and scabies treatment, but it's the same dosage as it is for covid treatment, so no different.
Judith Smentkiewicz seems to be doing well......


On Jan. 8, Nowak ordered the hospital to “immediately administer the drug Ivermectin” to Smentkiewicz, court papers show.

“But the judge also told us verbally that Judith’s family doctor would have to write a prescription for Ivermectin, which he did,” Lorigo said. “In 46 years as an attorney, I’ve never seen another case where a family had to get a court order to continue a treatment that had already been started by a hospital.”

“This lady was on a ventilator, literally on her deathbed, before she was given this drug,” Lorigo told The Buffalo News about Smentkiewicz, a Cheektowaga resident. “As far as we’re concerned, the judge’s order saved this woman’s life.”

Pretty darn convincing. With viable treatments now proven what’s that do to this ‘emergency use only’ vax? I mean it is only available because there was no such thing as another treatment. Right? Bastards knew all along and that is something we should all chew on. SKOL!
Fauci published a paper around 2004 which said chloroquin was very effective against SARS type viruses.
@Croot_Overlord or @JackOfSpeed

Is it possible to add a poll question in the middle of a thread? I think it would be cool to be able to do that, but not sure how difficult that sort of coding is to add in.

If not, is is possible to create a thread that has a poll in it, then merge it into this one?

My thought for a poll is in regards to the use of ivermectin. Up until fairly recently, it's been pretty taboo in the mainstream, but in the past couple of months, it seems to be catching on. I think it would be useful to see a poll to find out how many people have used it themselves as a prophylaxis, used it themselves as a treatment, or had a direct family member use it for either of those ways also.

If people see that it is actually being used widespread, and that it's not some dangerous horse drug that it's being portrayed as in the media, it could be an "Aha" moment for some of those people. The poll could be anonymous if desired, as some may not want others to see their responses. I don't care either way, but feel like it would be helpful to people that are on the fence.

FYI, I've taken the horse paste 3 times so far as a preventative measure and have not had any side effects at all. Honestly, I'm not sure if it's just placebo or what, but every time, after I've taken it, I feel that it's cleared up my sinuses and breathing in the first couple of hours.
Another success story of Ivermectin. I wrote this last night…

My wife (under 40 yo) felt like absolute shit the last 3 days. Was taking the max amount of ibuprofen and still had severe headache/body aches/nausea. She barely got out of bed for 48 hours.

She has now been on ivermectin for 28 hours and she feels like a new person. She ate 3 meals today. Was out of bed talking with the kids and puttering around the house. She even did a little cleaning in the kitchen. All without any ibuprofen since last night. She isn’t 100% but she’s also not scared that she’s going to die based on how shitty she feels. It is literally night & day.
Fauci should visit India.


If convicted WHO Chief Scientist Dr. Soumya Swaminathan could face the death penalty.


Ivermectin is a cheap drug that is prescribed as an anti-parasitic. It has been gaining in popularity for preventing COVID-19. The WHO and FDA are not approving Ivermectin but many doctors and scientists believe Ivermectin is effective. There is the claim that the Indian States that used Ivermectin had far better outcomes and far fewer COVID deaths than the Indian states that did not use Ivermectin.

Among the most prominent examples include the Ivermectin areas of Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, and Goa where cases dropped 98%, 97%, 94%, and 86%, respectively. By contrast, Tamil Nadu opted out of Ivermectin. As a result, their cases skyrocketed and rose to the highest in India. Tamil Nadu deaths increased ten-fold.
More anecdotal evidence. I ordered compounded ivermectin from our drug distributor in bulk (1000 5mg caps). Also back-stocked Vit C, Vit D, Quercetin, Zinc(elemental), ASA. So far Ive treated 3 people (2 employees, 1 friend, all positive tested with fever, respiratory symptoms) with the FLCCC protocol guidelines and 2 have recovered within first three days of treatment. The third was just started yesterday and will be following closely to report on the results. Of the two treated to completion, both were afebrile within 24 hours without return of of fever. Respiratory symptoms improved steadily from onset of treatment with resolution of cough, congestion in 4-5 days. Headaches and myalgias resolved within 48 hours. Very low power sample size but Im seeing the benefits. Interestingly, the third patient has had Covid before and is positive again and Im curious as to the benefits of this treatment algorithm with her.
More anecdotal evidence. I ordered compounded ivermectin from our drug distributor in bulk (1000 5mg caps). Also back-stocked Vit C, Vit D, Quercetin, Zinc(elemental), ASA. So far Ive treated 3 people (2 employees, 1 friend, all positive tested with fever, respiratory symptoms) with the FLCCC protocol guidelines and 2 have recovered within first three days of treatment. The third was just started yesterday and will be following closely to report on the results. Of the two treated to completion, both were afebrile within 24 hours without return of of fever. Respiratory symptoms improved steadily from onset of treatment with resolution of cough, congestion in 4-5 days. Headaches and myalgias resolved within 48 hours. Very low power sample size but Im seeing the benefits. Interestingly, the third patient has had Covid before and is positive again and Im curious as to the benefits of this treatment algorithm with her.
Are you a Doctor?
I bet you see a ton of TMJ.

Why do you think the medical industry is following Fauci's lead so much?
I hate TMJ patients and refer them all out. 99% of them are either still growing (bone pain and constantly shifting occlusion) or habitual clenchers/grinders. All of these are non-op. The 1% that IS operative I just hate the procedure. TMJ surgery is like most back/neck surgery; most only get worse over time. Ill do a handful of arthrocentesis, but that's it.

My opinion on the matter is that schools, no matter what level, don't teach people to think or question anymore. Doctors are no exception. They take the information they are fed and follow in lock-step to the marching orders just like the rest of our programmable society. You see it more prevalent in the younger docs out there now. A million tests but doesn't know the business end of a stethoscope or how to do a proper history and physical. Sure, it's a generality, but still mostly accurate. Us older docs learned to question things throughout school and we don't necessarily take everyone's or every sources word on things as gospel. This problem has been a long time in progress, steadily dumbing down Americans. I fully believe that ex-Russian KGB guy who talked about the 4 phases of societal conversion. We are in the demoralization stage and it's true, a demoralized society will hold fast to the most grossly false beliefs in spite of any and all evidence to the contrary. You cannot convince a demoralized person of anything outside of what they believe to be truth. We are here and the Communist plan to subvert the US internally is almost complete. There will be no savior for us (not referring to my Lord Jesus, etrnal salvation is another subject). My belief is that we WILL reach an inflection point, a breaking point in which the sides that have been established cannot take another jot of perceived or realistic incursion into their "rights."
I have said this before, and I will repeat it - NOBODY really knows what the hell is going on. NOBODY. It's a crap shoot if you have it. Be smart by being simple - social distance and keep your fingers out of your mouth, nose and eyes. Mask are accoutrements that make some people feel safe. Wear them if you like, but they don't prevent infection if you can't keep you distance and your fingers off your face.
A couple co workers i had close contact with have the 'vid. I hit a vape pen one of them had so probably very close contact. He started showing symptoms yesterday. I took my first dose of ivermectin and zinc this morning, I also take centrum daily. Going to have my wife go to Walgreens and get a test kit. No symptoms yet. Regretting drinking ipa's all afternoon yesterday.
looks like the 'vid has hit my household. Son had tested negative with the rapid test on Wednesday, but we made a Dr. appt on Friday since he still wasn't feeling a lot better. They ordered a PCR test, which came back positive yesterday. We've all been around him the whole week and still are, so the whole family has likely been exposed. My wife has some mild symptoms, but not feeling too bad overall. Other son has no symptoms. I have the slightest bit of head congestion, but that's pretty normal for me due to my allergies, so I'm not sure which it's related to at this point.
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