Longtime lurker (since the Vegas days on tMB) and this is my first post. I wanted to share my experience with two of these telehealth companies to get an ivermectin prescription for preventative measures. I am exposed to 250-350 people every Sunday in a 2-hour period at my church job. I have a lot of contact with my mom who is 74 and has Type 2 diabetes. I listed this as the reason why I was seeking the prescription. Honestly, I wanted HER to get the prescription but I knew she would never take the initiative unless someone she knew personally did it successfully first. Thank you to all who took the plunge before me and shared their info in this thread and the Fraggle Thread.

This is long but I want to give info for those who are on the fence about which company to choose. I'm also a girl so I tend to give too many details!
I chose to go with America's Frontline Doctors. Filled out the application on Wednesday, 7/28, and paid $90. Never got a confirmation email. Emailed customer service and called the following day to make sure I was in the system (though the charge was pending on my bank account) but was never able to connect. I knew they were probably slammed so I just hoped for the best. Finally got a call from the doctor on Sunday, 8/1. He was GREAT. Turns out his practice is in my old hometown and he graduated from the rival high school. He asked what supplements I was taking (1000 mg of Vit C with 15 mg of Quercetin, 50 mg of Zinc, 5000 IU of Vit D). He said if I am exposed to that many people weekly, I either had it and didn't know it or I have natural immunities. He had 10 patients die over the last year from COVID and all of them had at 2-4 co-morbidities. He said a lack of vitamin D is the biggest issue for people who get really sick. He prescribed me 32 pills (3 mg) and 1 refill.
I missed a call from Ravkoo pharmacy the next day (8/2) by literally 15 seconds. Over the next few days, I called and texted the customer service number three times and only got a response when one of the texts was after hours and got an auto-reply they were closed. I think maybe this pinged me on their radar and I got a call from the pharmacy on 8/7. I did not want to deal with transferring the prescription since they were so difficult to get in touch with so I bit the bullet and paid the $192 for the prescription to be shipped to my door. I got it on 8/11. I took 4 pills on Day 1 and Day 3 and then I will take it every other week until I run out. I will save my refill for if I am ever having symptoms.
America's Frontline Doctors uses SpeakwithanMD.com. I went straight there to fill out my mom's application for her on 8/8 and was only charged $60 (so AFLD is clearly getting a consulting/connecting fee). She chose not to do a phone call but rather email. After 1 week of no contact or progress, her bank canceled the pending charge. She never heard anything from them in terms of an email or notification. My sister also tried to do an application with them a few days before me (I had no idea) and it said her application failed to submit and her card was never charged.
Two sisters and my mom's best friend all used Push Health. They all got their prescriptions (40 pills, 3 mg) within 30 minutes of applying. One sister filled it at a local pharmacy but she has a good friendship with the owner (not sure the price). My mom's best friend got it at Walmart (Cumming, GA) for $112. My other sister had it shipped to her through Honeybee Health (the pharmacy tied to Push Health) for $184. I did Push Health for my mom after my sisters had success and her prescription should be here Monday and she paid around $160 (I found a code for Honeybee Health to get 15% off).
Ultimately, I recommend Push Health. I have no way of contacting my doctor (even though he was great) through SpeakwithanMD (and their website doesn't let you log in a lot of the time). My sister's roommate starting showing symptoms this past Sunday and lost his sense of taste/smell on Wednesday. The doctor through Push Health has answered all of her questions and he prescribed an antibiotic and steriod when her roommate didn't seem to improve after one dose of ivermectin. He is mainly complaining about aches and pains. His oxygen levels are above 95 and he has never had a fever but I'm praying he makes a full recovery!
Again, sorry that was long but it is truly amazing the hoops we have to jump through to get a safe and approved medication (though my sister's doctor said it is not FDA approved for COVID. Funny, neither is the vaccine!!). I know my PCP will never prescribe this for me. And I am sure it is only going to get harder to get these prescriptions (I called one local pharmacy and the guy gave a HUGE sigh when I asked if they would fill a prescription ivermectin for Covid and then said they were running low and almost out). So I recommend doing it now and having it on hand in case you need it. Good luck!