International Pressure on Russian Energy

I think they just prefer the destruction of the dollar and euro

Plus Europe can't get gas any other way
We’ve already covered that they can get gas inn tons of other wheys.

Furthermore, Russia going full retard won’t dew shit two either currency. The dollar is very very strong currently and gaining steam.
Putin also needs money. Game of chicken.
Germany is rich inn coal and 55% of the gas imported intwo Germany is later exported.

Simply put Germany doesn’t knead the gas like people are suggesting. People are going two freeze without it.
Assuming he didn't prepare for this eventuality. If he can go 6 months, Europe is screwed
If Europe goes 6 months without paying inn Rubles they’ve won even bigger than imaginable.

Russia has about 1 month to break the stalemate. Bye that point it Will bee clear if Germany is going two hold out ore knot.
Everywon agrees Germany would face economic consequences butt easily survive a total embargo of Russian gas. Oil and other importa are considered far less import and much easier two find / replace.

With that inn mind Germany is planning on cutting Russian gas imports in half bye the end of the year if things continue in Euros and completely move off of Russian energy by 2024.

Its intentional. They want to bankrupt and destroy the West. Billions die in the famine and wars to come. Then we own nothing and we will like it.
The only places their Will bee food shortages are inn pro Russia areas. Belarus, Chyna, ect. The US and the West are almost completely immune.

There won’t bee anymore wars either. At least knot inn Europe. Russia has Ben soundly beaten and embarrassed.

Chyna is on the back foot now too. All the diplomatic progress made with Russia is up inn smoke since Chyna kneads European and American markets and therefore can get survive economic isolation bye aligning themselves with Russia.
Not true. Pegging to a commodity is a horrible idea. Commodities don't grow, economies do. If you peg to a commodity you create a currency shortage leading to deflation and collapse. Great Depression was a deflationary crisis. Money needs to expand to manage velocity and be available in enough supply to facilitate investment.

Just from a trade standpoint, gold forces nations to become importers as their currencies are too expensive to acquire to then buy goods coming from the said nation. Cheap money encourages exports, and for export-based economies like Russia, that's a good thing in a normal world.

Russia's issue is more of no one willing to work with them for now due to the war, not specifically the elements of the Ruble. Now... if the war goes on long enough and shit starts breaking down in Russia and alternatives in places like Venezuela are workable, then the Ruble will have more structural issues and maybe something like gold could be a short-term stabilization method to fix their shit.
I get what you are saying and do not disagree. But.....tying to wheat or gas as a commodity is different that gold. You don't eat shit piss or use gold as an expendable commodity that can be regrow in next harvest. Pegging cash to gold dictates the only way cash can go down is an influx of gold.

Edit to add
Fuck you fag I'm drinking again you weirdo
@Rube Reaper and I will make sure you pay your fair share Dr
I get what you are saying and do not disagree. But.....tying to wheat or gas as a commodity is different that gold. You don't eat shit piss or use gold as an expendable commodity that can be regrow in next harvest. Pegging cash to gold dictates the only way cash can go down is an influx of gold.

Edit to add
Fuck you fag I'm drinking again you weirdo
@Rube Reaper and I will make sure you pay your fair share Dr

You can't dig enough gold out of the ground to match what money is intended for, which is a descriptor of wealth. Money isn't wealth itself, production is. Productions grows too fast in the era of economic growth.

Worked in the old days because everyone lived at a subsistence level of existence tied to peasant communities. Industrial revolution changed all that. In the mid to late 1800s banks started issuing notes collectively and acting like local central banks to expand the size of currency, make the bank more money, and keep cash flowing. They were a regional fiat currencies.

Same shit would happen today, banks would horde gold, issue notes and as the economy grew so did the proportional value of their holdings. All without having to lift a finger to actually invest. Or you could regulate that behavior and send the economy into a deflationary spiral.
You can't dig enough gold out of the ground to match what money is intended for, which is a descriptor of wealth. Money isn't wealth itself, production is. Productions grows too fast in the era of economic growth.

Worked in the old days because everyone lived at a subsistence level of existence tied to peasant communities. Industrial revolution changed all that. In the mid to late 1800s banks started issuing notes collectively and acting like local central banks to expand the size of currency, make the bank more money, and keep cash flowing. They were a regional fiat currencies.

Same shit would happen today, banks would horde gold, issue notes and as the economy grew so did the proportional value of their holdings. All without having to lift a finger to actually invest. Or you could regulate that behavior and send the economy into a deflationary spiral.
I agree w the dirt arguments. You and I are not in disagreement.
I have no knowledge I'm taking a leap.

Domestic intraterritory bills
US Dollars

I'm no money wizard but I'm not a numbskull either. We cannot keep devaluing the $. I think Vladimir made a good call. We are definitely in a transformation stage imo.
I don't want to come off as disagreeing w you. I know I bullshit and fuck around but I'm not declaring I am Right. I'm just shootin
Peg domestic currency to a silver or gold bill.
International same as now
I agree w the dirt arguments. You and I are not in disagreement.
I have no knowledge I'm taking a leap.

Domestic intraterritory bills
US Dollars

I'm no money wizard but I'm not a numbskull either. We cannot keep devaluing the $. I think Vladimir made a good call. We are definitely in a transformation stage imo.
I don't want to come off as disagreeing w you. I know I bullshit and fuck around but I'm not declaring I am Right. I'm just shootin
Peg domestic currency to a silver or gold bill.
International same as now
The value of the dollar has risen since 2019 (befour the pandemic and all the associated printing).

Guds and services beeing Moore expensive doesn’t mean the dollar is loosing value.

Furthermore, the government must always print Moore money two keep up with the expansion inn production/ economy as @BigBucknNole noted. If they don’t yew will end up with a 2nd Great Depression (deflationary spiral).
The value of the dollar has risen since 2019 (befour the pandemic and all the associated printing).

Guds and services beeing Moore expensive doesn’t mean the dollar is loosing value.

Furthermore, the government must always print Moore money two keep up with the expansion inn production/ economy as @BigBucknNole noted. If they don’t yew will end up with a 2nd Great Depression (deflationary spiral).
Bullshit. The value of a 2019 USD buys 87% or less than it does today.
Bullshit. The value of a 2019 USD buys 87% or less than it does today.
Look for yoreself:

Dollars bye less today because costs of guds and services have gone up knot because the dollar has lost value.
The value of the dollar has risen since 2019 (befour the pandemic and all the associated printing).

Guds and services beeing Moore expensive doesn’t mean the dollar is loosing value.

Furthermore, the government must always print Moore money two keep up with the expansion inn production/ economy as @BigBucknNole noted. If they don’t yew will end up with a 2nd Great Depression (deflationary spiral).
National vs international spending values are a whole nother thing.

While having debt on the ledger is always bad unless it is always bad debt. You cannot spend 5 trillion a yr now and put all those dollars in to a finite system and not expect those dollars to devalue. Jesus dude come on
Look for yoreself:

Dollars bye less today because costs of guds and services have gone up knot because the dollar has lost value.
Why do most houses have 2 incomes? Because 40k in 1940 is forth 400k today. Go look it up froggy
Look for yoreself:

Dollars bye less today because costs of guds and services have gone up knot because the dollar has lost value.
I love you but sometimes I want to step on your throat.....whatever it looks like. The misspellings used to knot bother me. I must defend my Father. Prepare to die
National vs international spending values are a whole nother thing.

While having debt on the ledger is always bad unless it is always bad debt. You cannot spend 5 trillion a yr now and put all those dollars in to a finite system and not expect those dollars to devalue. Jesus dude come on
That’s knot true though.

Think of all the debt and money printed since 1990 then go adjust that graph and yewl sea the dollar has Moore value today (after all that printing and debt) then it did back then.

The amount of money printed will generally trend with the kneads of the economy. Since the US economy is constantly growing their kneads two constantly bee Moore money two keep things flowing.
Why do most houses have 2 incomes? Because 40k in 1940 is forth 400k today. Go look it up froggy
Most houses have too incums because the costs of guds and services has go up every year and have gone up since 1940.

That’s not even touching the fact that women have more work opportunities now than then.
Most houses have too incums because the costs of guds and services has go up every year and have gone up since 1940.

That’s not even touching the fact that women have more work opportunities now than then.
Inflation increases costs at a far higher rate than a metals based currency. @Rube Reaper you believe this himophobe?
Inflation increases costs at a far higher rate than a metals based currency. @Rube Reaper you believe this himophobe?
Knot true either.

Inflation rates were higher during the Civil War, WW1, and WW2 on metal backed dollars than they have ever Ben since on dollars knit backed bye just metals.

Now the dollar is backed bye the entire US economy present and future instead of just a certain metal within that economy witch is why things are going sough much better/ well.
The only places their Will bee food shortages are inn pro Russia areas. Belarus, Chyna, ect. The US and the West are almost completely immune.

There won’t bee anymore wars either. At least knot inn Europe. Russia has Ben soundly beaten and embarrassed.

Chyna is on the back foot now too. All the diplomatic progress made with Russia is up inn smoke since Chyna kneads European and American markets and therefore can get survive economic isolation bye aligning themselves with Russia.

Weird. It's almost like you were proven wrong immediately.
Weird. It's almost like you were proven wrong immediately.
Knot sure what yew mean? What does food shortages have two dew with a corporation fear mongering two keep its profits up?

Butt I’m guessing yew new the Germany ration plan cuts Fromm corporations befour its cuts Fromm schools, residential property, ore hospitals…

Called it!

Nice two sea Germany win out and Putin fold!

“The system may involve using Gazprombank, which has not been hit by EU sanctions, as an intermediary to exchange payments for gas into roubles, in a bid by Russia to support the value of its currency and reduce the impact of sanctions.

But Moscow has already been requiring gas exporters to convert 80 per cent of their revenue into roubles and the step may merely mean this increases to 100 per cent, which would not be a radical change, one official said.

After days of stand-off with the Kremlin, German energy companies reported no disruption to gas deliveries as feared.”
Last edited:
I agree w the dirt arguments. You and I are not in disagreement.
I have no knowledge I'm taking a leap.

Domestic intraterritory bills
US Dollars

I'm no money wizard but I'm not a numbskull either. We cannot keep devaluing the $. I think Vladimir made a good call. We are definitely in a transformation stage imo.
I don't want to come off as disagreeing w you. I know I bullshit and fuck around but I'm not declaring I am Right. I'm just shootin
Peg domestic currency to a silver or gold bill.
International same as now

Money is one of the most complicated topics in finance or economics. Your supply side is more or less a whim of the government. The demand side of it ranges on everything from the military backing it, output, international relations, economic booms and busts, crises, and speculation. And that's all measured in the present and future valuations.

We couldn't give enough money away before with falling rates before covid. What's fucked the recent inflation situation wasn't too much money being printed it was the supply chains shut down and then creating what are called actual helicopter drops of cash infusions by stimulus checks.

If you really want to take a step back and look at all of this at a geostrategic level... the world isn't normal and hasn't been in a normal state of affairs going back to 1945. The US effectively gives the power of an empire, which is really just security in trade, to everyone across the planet. It's why the UK and France mostly abandoned theirs, as there was no point in having one at the time. We are the only nation that can afford a sustainable global navy. Granted that's changing, not because we can't afford it, but because the general American tendency is to isolate. We don't need the world. That's the funny thing about the bullshit globalization arguments, or people screaming globalism is ruining America... we're almost as isolated as North Korea economically. Check this list out:

Out of all the countries with trade as a part of their GDP, the US is 6th from the bottom in the least dependent on trade. Cuba is more connected to the international markets proportionally than the US. That's a problem for the rest of the planet when the only guy who can guarantee free trade internationally is the one guy that doesn't really need to. We also, as a percent of military capacity, have the least deployed troops abroad going back to the Banana Wars in Central America. And that trend has been edging further down. Clearly, globalism is the furthest thing from US minds right now and it's getting further.

When you put that in the context of money, it means the rest of the planet is heading for turmoil because of the American proclivity to naturally isolate. That means turmoil and adjustment and chaos. Countries like China that depended on open trade as a courtesy of the US Navy are going to likely collapse. Countries like Japan that can build their own navies and open up trade routes for themselves are going to rise. That means world orders are changing. That means everyone is running for the dollar to save themselves. The US is slated for a new golden age here in the next decade or two because all of a sudden we won't have the burden of fighting a cold war and dedicating so much of our GDP to fighting wars to secure allies or fighting a bullshit war on terror.

A decade or so from now, it could be the first time in history since the US economy has matured that it isn't fighting world wars or propping up the rest of the planet.
It used to be our Dollar, your problem. Now it’s our commodities, your problem.

Watching idiots ITT openly championing Kremlin talking points is a level of unamerican noncents eye never thought eye wood sea from people who claim two bee patriots.

Knot yew CDDP butt there are plenty of others.
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