Hurricane Ida

They were going to go up anyway. This is just more propoganda from big oil. The vaccine crew could learn from these evil bastards. Oh wait they already have.
Can you please explain what you mean by this comment? Maybe a bit of detail?

This sounds like something when you’re having a proper bourbon for a few beverages and then went straight in to tequila shots with a line of blow instead of salt.
Reed was doing Reed things again and running in to the eye wall. As a few said over on Discord, there’s a reason why tWC doesn’t send people in to the heart like this.

I have sat through a couple of hurricane eye's pretty eerie experience was in Ivan and Opal's eye. Goes from balls to the walls to calm as a funeral.
I have sat through a couple of hurricane eye's pretty eerie experience was in Ivan and Opal's eye. Goes from balls to the walls to calm as a funeral.
The inside of an eye is so bad ass. East coast guy so it was only Cat 1’s 2’s and 3’s. But still, super cool when you look up and it’s just gorgeous.
Its… called… futures.
Power went off at exactly 11:45pm last night. It just came back on 30 minutes ago. I suspect a transmission line over the Ms La border may have been in play. It was like someone just flipped a switch and it was off, no bumping or stuttering just off !. Mercifully the clouds kept it comfortable all day but the blue skies returned and started heating up again. I was laying there napping when the power came back on and I just said out loud don't be messing with me, I waited 15 minutes before getting up and getting things in order. In the past I've seen them turn power on for 10 minutes then it goes off again for hours. I also think there is a possibility they are sharing power with other grids east of us. If they are it should be disallowed simply because we pay for this and expect to be online 24/7 not outsourced at the whim of some executive. 7 days of today and it would have been terrible now due to my old age. Putting those frozen coffee containers into the freezer kept the ice box cold top to bottom all this time.
Can you please explain what you mean by this comment? Maybe a bit of detail?

This sounds like something when you’re having a proper bourbon for a few beverages and then went straight in to tequila shots with a line of blow instead of salt.
Nah cocaine and tequila don't pair well. You see the coke numbs your face and you can't taste the tequila as well.

Anyway, oil companies always look for a reason to raise prices. They never claim prices drop because of something happening. They have these built in excuses. Conveniently so do big pharma. The costs of medicine never go down always up. The prices are like my wife. Just once I wish they'd go down.
The strangest thing to see after a bad hurricane in our area is the highways are totally covered with leaves. You can't even see any pavement.
One of the best building code changes is the steel brackets used in home construction. All the frame work is held in place with bracket and not just a nail or two. The only structure that might survive this kind of wind damage would be a domed one. Quite a few are popping up on areas next to the Gulf. They still have to be high to ride out storm surge but overall the high winds need something to grab to do damage and a domed building provides very little, the winds just follow the contour. Most are made of solid concrete and reinforced so they are pretty safe. My Uncle built a home in Galveston in the 60s using telephone poles sunk deep into the ground for a foundation. Even with that and being 3 city blocks from the beach the house always had water in the first floor still causing costly repairs. The last one my three cousins decided it was time to stop spending money every other year. They did the repairs for the last one 13 years ago and sold the house. It is still solid and strong but just not high enough even at 3 feet above ground level.

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