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Hurricane Ida


Jan 9, 2021

Told my aunt about 5 days ago. Told her to come back to the GOAT.
Hoping for a 3 right now. That thing is going to grow.
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Jan 9, 2021
Just messaged cousins down there and, she said they will wait till sunday to make a decision. Oof. They have a condo down here so I don't know what her thinking is.


Dec 10, 2020
Something wrong psychologically when you are so obsessed with politics you can’t see beyond it. Have you considered medication?
Its such an obvious comparison though. Kinda like Magic Johnson getting aids and bragging about not wearing condoms with hos. Its really easy to say "I guess you should worn a jimmy if you are going to sleep with 100's of randoms"....


Jan 9, 2021
Gonna be some very interesting live streams tomorrow. My Louisiana friends bolted day before yesterday to various parts.

Edit: later today.


Jun 23, 2021
Not the entire state, as a matter of fact once it does come ashore it will start that eastern track. Half the state won't feel the high winds and the western side of the state is sprinkled with large rivers and lakes that already see lots of rain. I could be wrong but at 6:10 am this morning I am 35 miles west of Baton Rouge but have yet to see any wind or rain other than an occasional slow short sprinkle. I know it could change at any time since landfall is now near Grand Isle which I think is about 65 miles from my nest but it will veer more east once the gulf influence is lost. If we get winds it shouldn't be that ultra high wind NRLNs is going to see. I am still hoping our power stays on on this side of the state. It will be brutal heat with the humidity and no way to stay cool if you're old. I plan on just wetting a cold towel and nap with the cool towel on top of me until the power comes back. My truck is still not fixed so I have no way to go two blocks and get ice at the local high school. I took those large folgers coffee plastic containers and filled 6 with water and have that frozen in the top of the fridge so it will keep what little I have fresh for one or possibly two days. We have our own water plant here with generator so the water will stay on and that's a good thing since you can always fill the bath tub with cool water and just go lay down in the cool water if the heat becomes too unbearable. The worst place is to be out riding around because if we do get wind there will be crap scattered everywhere on the roads, the stations all have the overheads which is always the first thing to fly out into the road and it takes days for it to be removed. My community has one bayou not far from me and it will take out flooding waters and eventually dumps into the Mississippi at Baton Rouge. I have seen the water all the way to the top of bridge frame heading north. It looks really weird to see that much water when normally the bayou is shallow and nasty. My lower step will be under water if it rains consistently for hours


Jun 23, 2021
Couple yrs ago a big one hit myrtle beach. My sister he husband and kids went to Disney for a week. O was very impressed w my sister's fuck it attitude
3 Bad hurricanes for me, other small ones that never had any influence on my area or home. In 85 I went to work about 3 miles west where I live now and a hurricane came ashore down towards New Iberia and by noon it was getting bad at work so we all closed down and left for home, I had a hard time finding a way out to the highway leading home due to large oaks down in the downtown area. I also had a few bad times driving over a 4 mile bridge going to and coming from work. One morning the bridge was frozen so bad I had to ride against the curb to keep from spinning. Coming home one friday after closing the shop early due to a hard freeze I was the last car to come across the 4 mile bridge before the HP shut it down for the entire weekend, if you were unlucky there was no way to get home. I like to think they would have allowed me to go across because I lived just at the opposite end of that bridge so I would have been home, I could have parked the car and walked but man that would have been one slippery cold ass walk.

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