How do I argue around the extistence of animation programs?

I know this sounds like it's a breach in Terms of Use, End User License Agreement, copyright licenses, etc., but this is how we fan animators develop animation programs like Garry's Mod, XNALara, and MikuMikuDance (combined with Blender) to develop fan animation creations like Super Mario Bros. Z and Castle Calamity.

So... how do I argue or dispute this kind of situation against someone who thinks they know everything about "EULA, ToU, Copyright, etc."? I can't seem to dispute the existence of these things along with sites like P3DM, The Sounds/Models/Spriters Resource no matter what I try.

How do you think those animators made those fan Mario sprite animations? by decompiling the sprites from the said games!
Not sure I follow what you're asking. Are you in favor of fan made creations of copyrighted art? I like it but it can be shut down by the copyright holder. Nintendo is notorious for shutting down fan made games.
I have a copy of Pokemon Uranium which is a fan-made. I'm glad I got a hold of it before it was shut down.

There's also this guy remaking Ocarina of Time in Unreal Engine 5. I hope they finish it but Nintendo could shut them down at any time.

Eek. Look at 13:17 of that video. The game looks beautiful in UE5 but they somehow made Saria look super creepy.
I understand the graphics, but how do you think they got the fighting and movement to match so well?
I understand the graphics, but how do you think they got the fighting and movement to match so well?
I'm thinking they somehow deconstructed a Ocarina of TIme ROM and loaded the data into UE5 somehow.

It seems like it would be a pain to rebuild all the animations from scratch, even if they were able to play the game and try to copy everything in UE5.

It looks like most N64 games were coded in C, and UE5 runs on C++. So if they can get the game's code they might be able to get most of it to work in UE5? They might have to clean it up here and there because of different syntax but most of it should work.

I'm not familiar with C at all. I've used Python a little bit, but that's it.
Easy fix to all your issues.

Drink the magical cure all nectar called 'drain acid'.

The whole bottle. Then all your problems will be fixed.
Easy fix to all your issues.

Drink the magical cure all nectar called 'drain acid'.

The whole bottle. Then all your problems will be fixed.
😡Heard that one before.😒

Now look what they just PM'd me:

Since your ban from this / these subreddits, you've engaged in several lies / falsehoods and other problematic screeching regarding your ban here and the moderators. You continue to (and appears probably always will) make arguments on nothing other than false, dishonest, and imaginary premise basis. You really don't have to choose to lie, resort to harassment, or go on uninformed unhinged rants

Let's address your tantrums, lies, errors, and attempts at harassment​

The world is not a cartoon and does not work like one. While you may enjoy cartoons and think that is how the world isn't reality. Just because you want to ask something here does not mean it's allowed. Forums have rules and topical guard railing in place for good and necessary reasons What you tried to ask and violated site rules in trying to do so again, is clearly addressed in the rules. You may not ask how to acquire copyrighted works for free in these forums. There is no ambiguity in the rule about that or that any violation of the rule results in a ban.
You have lied about the moderators of these subs (including assuming that only one of the moderators addressed you) claiming one is preventing you from asking in other subreddits and on other sites. Nobody on the mod team has stopped you from asking anywhere else on reddit or other sites. You caused yourself to be banned from /r/piracy where you might have worded things in a way to get what you want but that ban in that sub was before you ever came to this sub ignoring and violating our rules while you were at it. No moderators work for other forums outside of reddit. ALL the troubles you caused yourself on other sites (and this one too) are solely your own doing and due to the extremely poor way you conduct yourself
You have lied about your account suspensions and bans. You are the only person responsible for your bans, suspensions, and admonishments on the various sites and forums you have so poorly engaged with. They were entirely due to your rule violations and not your fantasy falsehoods. Also, the reddit site employees are the ones suspending and shadow banning your accounts here(which was caused by your rule violations that you are the only person responsible for). We've reported a couple of your highly inappropriate activities here but nearly all of your many many many violations causing your accounts to be actioned are due to automatic flagging by the site, not anyone tattling on you. YOU are the one who when you choose to do something on the site, you do it dozens of times. When that choice is violations of site rules and you're doing it over and over, the site IS going to monitor and deal with your clown routines.
You've lied repeatedly about your ban, dishonestly claiming it was not stated why. As the ban message above states unequivocally, "piracy efforts". The sub rule very explicitly addressed your efforts to obtain copyrighted material for free. No matter how much you lie to yourself or anyone else, the valid and true facts are that the sub rules make perfectly clear your efforts here were NOT allowed, the rules and posting page warned you that it would result in a ban, you ignored them and violated the rules anyway, and in the end you got the result which was stated would happen. That forewarned result, a ban, included a very clear statement as to why in the ban message. Your bad choice to ignore the rules and the posting page was not a free pass from the outcome they told you would happen
Yes, the moderators (plural) of these related pro-audio subreddits, like the many professionals in pro-audio oriented forums DO know a great deal about usage of sound effects and music, what is allowable by streaming sites, legal cases and precedence, copyright and laws regarding music and sound effects. Every time you bring the subject up, you make clear you understand none of it. You claim to have spent nearly a decade looking into this and yet you understand nothing about it.
"someone somewhere had the sounds free once" and that means absolutely not a damned thing as to whether you get to acquire for free now. Rights to things are sold and passed on and the current rights holder certainly can cause their free status to be revoked.
The clown routine about "so-and-so made something with a sound I think I recognize so I GET TO WHAT I WANT!!!!" shows your lack of understanding how music and sfx for shows are sourced, licensed, made, layered, and integrated
You will never successfully argue that the rules of the site and these subreddits don't apply to you. They do apply to you no matter how much you don't like that reality
You have lied about the circumstances of looking into your accounts. When someone violates a sub rule, it is standard practice to review an account for other issues is a troll account or a spam account or other issue perhaps). Your /u/cartoondude135 account was reviewed when you decided to ignore and violate clear and amply stated rules. You then went on a site wide tantrum and repeatedly tagged the subreddit and have tagged a moderator which brings it to their attention but more imprtantly, because it was oongoing and there were numerous attempts by you to harass the sub and mod, you caused the site to track you for all your accounts on this site. Because you have made repeat attempts to evade your ban,violating the site's rules again, you have been flagged by the site.
You have more than implied a desire to commit violence about it. You may not ever be able to understand what things like rules and laws are or that they do in fact apply to you no matter how much you tantrum about it, but you can handle the fact that you are wrong about the the things you espouse

Which all boils down to​

You will never be allowed here in these pro-audio subreddits because;
  • you don't understand that rules apply to you
  • you therefore intentionally violate rules
  • you lie a very great deal
  • you have now intimated resorting to violence in your dishonest raging about your wholly deserved ban
Say what you want now but the lies you resort to here will be addressed. If having your lies corrected angers you (which is evidently the case), then try the truth, or just move on to a site for the kind of activity you are trying to engage in

This is still despite the fact that sites like The Models/Spriters/Sounds Resource along with P3DM, and Garry's Mod exist to help create things like Castle Calamity, Super Mario Bros Z, and LEGO Stop Motion videos!

How do I argue around or dispute this?
Everything they said to you was 💯 💯 💯 💯 💯

You're the problem, not anyone else.

A literal delusional schizo, not an autist. Entirely misdiagnosed.

ASD on any end of the spectrum would make your brain literal to a fault, often making it a struggle to understand condensed information or implied meanings (as I have and get complete social confusion, needing to ask too many questions and pissing people off irl from overbearing directness and assertiveness). Also you would gain uncontrollable open honesty and just say things as you see them and as you yourself need to understand the world around you, similar with people with ADHD.

Theres nothing as such in the tripe you write, instead disorganised ramblings of taking fucking cartoons seriously like they're the real word - A) schizophrenic, B) delusional.
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I'll give you a couple of examples of ASD at play irl.

1) The place I work takes all the kids, and me and 2 other staff to an ASD specialised cafe. We get there, everyone else sits around a larger double table, no space left, I sit on the next one. Old admin man asks me 'Would you like to sit at the end of the table here?'.

Emotional brain would say -'Oh yes please'

Logical brain - 'I can't sit on the end there otherwise there wont be enough room for everyones plates'.

Old man replies - 'Why are you so negative? I just asked so it would be more social for you'.

^ Typical aspie miscommunication.

2) We head to a newly set up kids park after. I look around and start asking questions to the lady that was there that set it up, initially about the costs and how they funded it. Then ...

'Oh, so do you just leave all these toys out afterwards (Yes) ... But wouldn't they get stolen?

No cos theres a big gate over there see?

'Oh, but wait theres a door over here, would the people who live here still be able to leave, or do they have a key to the gate?'

Thats not a house there, its a church.

'Oh I see'.

^ This is how high analytical and problem solving intellect plays out in everyday situations. I have to wear a hidden disability - autism placard on a lanyard to navigate such things otherwise everyone just thinks I'm being a bitch or negative in social situations. And tbh the lanyard doesn't even help much, neuronormative smooth brains all remain pathetic and misinterpret everything as a negative attack.
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Reddit mods are all wanna-be fascists who power trip on their ability to silence people. I can't wait for the whole website to shit the bed. The owners are planning to put reddit behind a paywall soon and nobody is going to pay money to go there lol.

I just got banned from Steam off-topic for like the thousandth time. It's just the mods on a power trip, stroking their e-peens. They see my username and stroke the boner while pushing the ban button.

It's annoying that so few people go to forums like this. Reddit has millions of users. Steam forums have millions of users. But a place that actually respects free speech and lets you post whatever? Just a handful of social outcasts.
Reddit mods are all wanna-be fascists who power trip on their ability to silence people. I can't wait for the whole website to shit the bed. The owners are planning to put reddit behind a paywall soon and nobody is going to pay money to go there lol.

I just got banned from Steam off-topic for like the thousandth time. It's just the mods on a power trip, stroking their e-peens. They see my username and stroke the boner while pushing the ban button.

It's annoying that so few people go to forums like this. Reddit has millions of users. Steam forums have millions of users. But a place that actually respects free speech and lets you post whatever? Just a handful of social outcasts.
Yes it is, but cartoon twerp is literally useless and gets himself banned anywhere other than here.
Compare how you write to anything on my blog:

This is with 128 aspie IQ (though I like to round it up to 130 and pretend to be a top 2%er).

For both of us, the words just fart out with no effort.

But I train mine for perfection, with that I believe my IQ also went up.

You remain confused, unwilling to train / improve, and disorganised & delusionally schizo, and not logical & literal which would be actual ASD.

You need to fucking do speech and language therapy / coaching / training you useless twat.
You may not ask how to acquire copyrighted works for free in these forums.
That's pretty clear.

Back in the day, anytime I wanted to violate terms of service or EULA's, I'd find what I wanted on Warez sites or find a torrent file for it.

Are those no longer options?

If you want copyrighted stuff for free, you won't find it on places like Reddit.
Warez sites or find a torrent file for it.

Are those no longer options?
Well, torrent-based subreddits don't allow to ask for specific things to torrent. - Full (4K) Movies like <movie title>, newly released or updated versions of online video games, etc.

So... I'm at a loss on what else to think or where else to try.
Well, torrent-based subreddits don't allow to ask for specific things to torrent. - Full (4K) Movies like <movie title>, newly released or updated versions of online video games, etc.

So... I'm at a loss on what else to think or where else to try.

'Torrent based subreddits' is an oxymoron as reddit despise such things.

Maybe try 4chan.

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