Honest question, why are we still 1 country?

I will act as I see fit. My obedience is to the almighty in heavan and not to some criminal organization which is what we currently have for a government. Continuing to support this corrupt body is akin to me watching nazi's burn jews and me turning the other way. SKOL stooge!
This is pretty much how I feel about secessionists and other non law abiding citizens so at least the feeling is mutual.

Following the word of God makes it pretty easy to know that I’m on the right on the right path with this:

“Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human authority: whether to the emperor, as the supreme authority,”

1 Peter 2:13
That is kind of the point of seceedeing, is arguing over the right of power to secede. Call it what you want, we just stop sending in tax money as a state. They can't arrest us all.
“To begin with, the answer is clear. If there was any constitutional issue resolved by the Civil War, it is that there is no right to secede. (Hence, in the Pledge of Allegiance, “one Nation, indivisible.”)”

— Antonin Scalia
You 2 fuckin Wizards ......racking peoples brains daily!

do you see it....?
This is pretty much how I feel about secessionists and other non law abiding citizens so at least the feeling is mutual.

Following the word of God makes it pretty easy to know that I’m on the right on the right path with this:

“Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human authority: whether to the emperor, as the supreme authority,”

1 Peter 2:13
You just keep voting and thinking it'll all work out and the real Patriots will keep fighting the real fight. Sooner or later even your amphibious mind will realize your playing by the rules while the oppoenent threw the rule book out a long time ago. SKOL!
You just keep voting and thinking it'll all work out and the real Patriots will keep fighting the real fight. Sooner or later even your amphibious mind will realize your playing by the rules while the oppoenent threw the rule book out a long time ago. SKOL!
I already realize it and prefer it that way. It makes the victories even more sweet.

FYI the definition of a Patriot is someone who loves their country and not someone who thinks the legitimate government of their country is a “corrupt body” equivalent to nazis. Please refer to yoreself by the proper title so true patriots aren’t denigrated.
“To begin with, the answer is clear. If there was any constitutional issue resolved by the Civil War, it is that there is no right to secede. (Hence, in the Pledge of Allegiance, “one Nation, indivisible.”)”

— Antonin Scalia
It wasn't resolved constitutionally. They invaded the South at gun point and said we can't do that through force. There was nothing legal about it.

Furthermore, why was West Virginia allowed to secede from Virginia on 1863 if it is unconstitutional? No one invaded them and said they had to go back to being part of Virginia.

Now why is that I wonder.
It wasn't resolved constitutionally. They invaded the South at gun point and said we can't do that through force. There was nothing legal about it.

Furthermore, why was West Virginia allowed to secede from Virginia on 1863 if it is unconstitutional? No one invaded them and said they had to go back to being part of Virginia.

Now why is that I wonder.
States can be broken into different states. It’s a completely different constitutional process than states seceding from the union.


Yes it’s settled. There was a rebellion knowing secession was unconstitutional and they tried it anyways and lost. Use of force against domestic enemies of The Constitution (rebels & secessionists) is completely legal and righteous.

If anything the rebellious states and individuals were treated way too softly as shown by the people who still consider secession a legitimate option.
They aren’t legitimate if they are installed illegally...and if you believe this last election was legitimate...you’re lost.
It would depend who yew mean by they.

For instance Puddin was installed legitimately. Even if they’re was cheating involved (which I think there was) it’s up to Congress to determine who to certify as winner of the electoral college, constitutionally speaking, and they chose Puddin.

Cheating or illegal activity doesn’t make him or any member of Congress illegitimate. They are still installed via the constitutional process and thus legitimate.

The recourse for illegal activity would be Congress impeaching the executive, voting by a 2/3s margin to remove a Congressman they believed needed to be removed, or proving the illegal activity in a court of law before certification so that proper relief can be applied without the judicial branch over exerting its constitutional authority (that is why even the SCOTUS can’t remove Puddin, it would have to be Congress).

We live in a constitutional republic and thus the constitutional process reigns supreme and determines legitimacy.

Oh and it’s yore* BTW
It would depend who yew mean by they.

For instance Puddin was installed legitimately. Even if they’re was cheating involved (which I think there was) it’s up to Congress to determine who to certify as winner of the electoral college, constitutionally speaking, and they chose Puddin.

Cheating or illegal activity doesn’t make him or any member of Congress illegitimate. They are still installed via the constitutional process and thus legitimate.

The recourse for illegal activity would be Congress impeaching the executive, voting by a 2/3s margin to remove a Congressman they believed needed to be removed, or proving the illegal activity in a court of law before certification so that proper relief can be applied without the judicial branch over exerting its constitutional authority (that is why even the SCOTUS can’t remove Puddin, it would have to be Congress).

We live in a constitutional republic and thus the constitutional process reigns supreme and determines legitimacy.

Oh and it’s yore* BTW
I feel sorry for your horseface wife.
It would depend who yew mean by they.

For instance Puddin was installed legitimately. Even if they’re was cheating involved (which I think there was) it’s up to Congress to determine who to certify as winner of the electoral college, constitutionally speaking, and they chose Puddin.

Cheating or illegal activity doesn’t make him or any member of Congress illegitimate. They are still installed via the constitutional process and thus legitimate.

The recourse for illegal activity would be Congress impeaching the executive, voting by a 2/3s margin to remove a Congressman they believed needed to be removed, or proving the illegal activity in a court of law before certification so that proper relief can be applied without the judicial branch over exerting its constitutional authority (that is why even the SCOTUS can’t remove Puddin, it would have to be Congress).

We live in a constitutional republic and thus the constitutional process reigns supreme and determines legitimacy.
If this is bait, it's probably the best I've ever seen.
It would depend who yew mean by they.

For instance Puddin was installed legitimately. Even if they’re was cheating involved (which I think there was) it’s up to Congress to determine who to certify as winner of the electoral college, constitutionally speaking, and they chose Puddin.

Cheating or illegal activity doesn’t make him or any member of Congress illegitimate. They are still installed via the constitutional process and thus legitimate.

The recourse for illegal activity would be Congress impeaching the executive, voting by a 2/3s margin to remove a Congressman they believed needed to be removed, or proving the illegal activity in a court of law before certification so that proper relief can be applied without the judicial branch over exerting its constitutional authority (that is why even the SCOTUS can’t remove Puddin, it would have to be Congress).

We live in a constitutional republic and thus the constitutional process reigns supreme and determines legitimacy.

Oh and it’s yore* BTW
if you or anyone believe any word of this then you're part of the problem not the solution
Well this thread is embarrassing……

Not for me BUT definitely for “those people”

It would depend who yew mean by they.

For instance Puddin was installed legitimately. Even if they’re was cheating involved (which I think there was) it’s up to Congress to determine who to certify as winner of the electoral college, constitutionally speaking, and they chose Puddin.

Cheating or illegal activity doesn’t make him or any member of Congress illegitimate. They are still installed via the constitutional process and thus legitimate.

The recourse for illegal activity would be Congress impeaching the executive, voting by a 2/3s margin to remove a Congressman they believed needed to be removed, or proving the illegal activity in a court of law before certification so that proper relief can be applied without the judicial branch over exerting its constitutional authority (that is why even the SCOTUS can’t remove Puddin, it would have to be Congress).

We live in a constitutional republic and thus the constitutional process reigns supreme and determines legitimacy.

Oh and it’s yore* BTW
Yewr still lost...
Yewr problem is you put yore hope in the establishment criminals and the systems they have invaded and mastered...lost yew are. Telling yourself yore a Patriot doesn’t necessarily make it so...I’m not saying yewr not...I just don’t think yore always correct in your thinking....although yewr always telling us that...
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You just keep voting and thinking it'll all work out and the real Patriots will keep fighting the real fight. Sooner or later even your amphibious mind will realize your playing by the rules while the oppoenent threw the rule book out a long time ago. SKOL!
The opponents never even looked at the rule book, let alone followed any part of it.
I’d support them interning anyone trying to secede if they tried rebelling by not paying taxes.

If it escalated then I’d support measures significantly more extreme than what Sherman did in 1980.

Rebellion is just not an option. We all owe loyalty and allegiance to the union The Constitution creates.

If people don’t like it they’re welcome to renounce their citizenship and leave the country.
What did Sherman do in 1980.
The people that feel that way are welcome to stay and operate within the legal confines of The Constitution to get what they want or they can leave.

There is nobody that loves Trump moore than me but none of that, including the 2020 election, makes The Constitution bunk. Simply declaring that it does is the sorta weak sauce noncents I’d expect from libs.
Lincoln killed the Constitution, and he was a war criminal.
Lincoln killed the Constitution, and he was a war criminal.
From where I sit, it’s not “The People” who are killing the constitution even though their eyes have been closed and they’ve been basically uninvolved which is a problem in itself...the illegitimate politicians who have been installed by an elite and criminal class of people who actually think the constitution is bunk and will cheat to do whatever they want are the true problems...take the “weak sauce” you’re throwing at the people somewhere else, I’d say.
Yewr problem is you put yore hope in the establishment criminals and the systems they have invaded and mastered...lost yew are. Telling yourself yore a Patriot doesn’t necessarily make it so...I’m not saying yewr not...I just don’t think yore always correct in your thinking....although yewr always telling us that...
Anyone that has to self-proclaim themselves a patriot isn't one
At this point I'm certain @America 1st is either a plant, a troll savant, or has a learning disability.
He's a government sympathizer. Its on the same level as a leftwing nutjob.... so yeah he has LD
Any person fighting outside The Constitution is an enemy to it. Two wrongs doesn’t make a right.

Secession or breaking up the union is the opposite of America 1sting.

The power of the government is used on its own people all the time. We send people to jail, tax them, call in the national guard to quell riots, ect. I’m not sure what you meant to imply there?

Again just saying the words aren’t being abided by doesn’t cut it. If that’s really how you feel then leave. Otherwise work within the system.

The Founders ratified The Constitution to create the union so they definitely wanted the union. They knew the union was far superior to a confederation of states or anything else which is why they abolished The Articles of Confederation to give the federal government more power under The Constitution.
In another time your loyalty to the crown would have been epic.

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