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Healthy children and the vaccine


Jan 21, 2021
Curious to hear thoughts about having children vaccinated - my son is 11 and healthy and it seems most of his friends are being vaccinated.

I haven't seen numbers showing that COVID poses much of a risk to healthy children and am also aware (thanks to Open VAERS) that there are adverse reactions to the vaccine. The risks seem similar, frankly - a tiny probability that either would post a danger.

Would love to hear thoughts from both sides!


Dec 1, 2020
First off, it is not a vaccine as it does not stop the vaccinated from getting Covid or from spreading covid. It is an shot that is experimental and without any longtime studies performed on them. I think your child would have a 99.99% chance of surviving Covid on his own. Nevermind known treatments such as Ivermectin and HCQ that when prescribed early cure people. There is so much more but that would be enough for me to give a hard pass to this vaccine and my children. I have now to my youngest who are 19 and 17 respectively. Good luck and prayers to your young family especially during these crazy times.
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Dec 1, 2020
I don't know much about the vaccine because I don't really care at this point. The media and the government are like the little boy that cried wolf. I don't know whether to believe them or not. Usually when thats the case, I look at the data.

The data is clear to me that children do not need the vaccine. Other diseases that my children have been vaccinated against have the ability to harm my children. The data shows that covid does not pose that risk to my children. Therefore, until further evidence is put forth to change my mind, they will not be getting vaccinated.


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
Curious to hear thoughts about having children vaccinated - my son is 11 and healthy and it seems most of his friends are being vaccinated.

I haven't seen numbers showing that COVID poses much of a risk to healthy children and am also aware (thanks to Open VAERS) that there are adverse reactions to the vaccine. The risks seem similar, frankly - a tiny probability that either would post a danger.

Would love to hear thoughts from both sides!
Dont do it dude. Don t let your kids. That
s hit is made to go down the road. Thebcabal is real man. Do not let your kids poison their blood. Do not walk that dog


Neanderthal in Chief
Jan 8, 2021
Curious to hear thoughts about having children vaccinated - my son is 11 and healthy and it seems most of his friends are being vaccinated.

I haven't seen numbers showing that COVID poses much of a risk to healthy children and am also aware (thanks to Open VAERS) that there are adverse reactions to the vaccine. The risks seem similar, frankly - a tiny probability that either would post a danger.

Would love to hear thoughts from both sides!

First off, I'm totally anti-c19 vax, for all people. Its poison. Who knows, you might even take away your kid's ability to have kids. If you want to be the lab rat for your family, go ahead. Don't be a fucking imbecile and give that shit to your kid, you fucking putz.

That said, so I'm at least rational here

1.) Children are largely unaffected by the virus. Something like 277 people aged 0-17 in the USA died from it. Who knows if those numbers are true. Something like 41,000 deaths from all other causes in that age range for 2020, to just to put it in perspective. The virus is not even a blip for young people.

2.) There is no guarantee these injections provide any long-term protection

3.) Natural immunity (catching virus & gaining immunity the old fashioned way) seems to give a more robust immune response

4.) 5100 people DEAD in the USA following these injections, amongst other fucked up complications.

Old Glory

Jan 8, 2021
First off, I'm totally anti-c19 vax, for all people. Its poison. Who knows, you might even take away your kid's ability to have kids. If you want to be the lab rat for your family, go ahead. Don't be a fucking imbecile and give that shit to your kid, you fucking putz.

That said, so I'm at least rational here

1.) Children are largely unaffected by the virus. Something like 277 people aged 0-17 in the USA died from it. Who knows if those numbers are true. Something like 41,000 deaths from all other causes in that age range for 2020, to just to put it in perspective. The virus is not even a blip for young people.

2.) There is no guarantee these injections provide any long-term protection

3.) Natural immunity (catching virus & gaining immunity the old fashioned way) seems to give a more robust immune response

4.) 5100 people DEAD in the USA following these injections, amongst other fucked up complications.
There was also an email or two to Fauci where doctors believed that previous vaccines giving during the normal childhood vaccine schedule provided some sort of protection against covid but they wanted to test it further.

Long Cat V2.0

May 20, 2021
This seems like a troll because what sane person would give their healthy child an experimental gene therapy To stop a virus that poses no risk to the child, but I’ll bite.

First of all, this vaccine is not approved by the FDA. It is available under and emergency use authorization. If you take it, you are part of the human trials. That’s enough for me to say no, especially for my kids.

look up IFR for kids. Spoiler - kids have a 99.998% survival rate with covid, and that’s if you take the CDC’s word for it which nobody who has been paying attention does. That’s your baseline.

Then look up covid vascular complications. It increasingly appears that the spike protein found on the outside of the covid virus is what differentiates it from a bad cold or flu. At a minimum it is responsible for some complications (myocarditis, bleeding and clotting issues) associated with covid. Then consider the fact that the RNA vaccines are designed to modify your RNA to provide your body instructions to produce this (or a very similar) spike protein. This subjects whoever takes the vaccine to the effects of the protein on the body. That’s right, the “vaccine” doesn’t produce antibodies for the virus, it produces “antibodies” to the spike protein which is the outer layer of the virus.

last week a study was released by a group in Canada based on the first bioavailability report that says that the vaccine does not stay in your deltoid and local lymph system. Instead the resulting proteins are found throughout the body. It appears this is the reason for many of the 5000+ (reported) deaths in this country resulting from the vascular issues discussed above. The report says that the proteins collect in several organs, particularly the heart, liver and ovaries. No study has even been performed on the long term effects this has on the body. Could be nothing, could be significant. Some of the deaths are also attributed to anaphylaxis.

Finally, there is a lot of conjecture that the vaccine is going to take over your immune system and leave you more susceptible to serious complications from diseases that aren’t covid or susceptible to a cytokines storm. Look up Antibody dependent enhancement. This has supposedly been an issue in testing of previous RNA vaccine animal testing. It’s hard to say if this is legit because there have not been any long term studies on this vaccine.

my kids get all their vaccines including flu shots but they aren’t getting this vaccine.


Shaping the Future of Reality
Jan 12, 2021
Curious to hear thoughts about having children vaccinated - my son is 11 and healthy and it seems most of his friends are being vaccinated.

I haven't seen numbers showing that COVID poses much of a risk to healthy children and am also aware (thanks to Open VAERS) that there are adverse reactions to the vaccine. The risks seem similar, frankly - a tiny probability that either would post a danger.

Would love to hear thoughts from both sides!
Do not allow your son to have unknown and potentially pathogenic substance injected into his body. The real end game of this is that NO ONE knows what and how long term side effects could manifest themselves one, three, ten, even 20 years down the road.
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Jan 8, 2021
All you need to know is seen and heard in the propaganda videos and audios on TV and radio pushing these vaccines. Those wouldn't be everywhere if this was a good thing. They should have hired the guy who hawked all the non-stick cookware on TV. Or the Flex Seal guy.


Shaping the Future of Reality
Jan 12, 2021
All you need to know is seen and heard in the propaganda videos and audios on TV and radio pushing these vaccines. Those wouldn't be everywhere if this was a good thing. They should have hired the guy who hawked all the non-stick cookware on TV. Or the Flex Seal guy.
Love it! And towards the end of the infomercial the dude says - "But wait! There's more!" Yes, more dangers and complications coming your way.


Jan 8, 2021
Love it! And towards the end of the infomercial the dude says - "But wait! There's more!" Yes, more dangers and complications coming your way.
LOL. Bell's Palsy and Guillian-Barre or something that won't show up for a couple of years or death.

MD couldn't understand why I rejected the Shingles vaccine when the commercials on TV say there is a higher incidence of Guillian-Barre in those who take the shot. I have two friends who had/have G-B and it's no fun.


Jan 8, 2021
If you feel like helping the globalists depopulate the world and by condemning your poor kid with potential life threatening/altering issues. Have at it for a disease that has a 99.9% survivable rate for youth.

Long Cat V2.0

May 20, 2021
LOL. Bell's Palsy and Guillian-Barre or something that won't show up for a couple of years or death.

MD couldn't understand why I rejected the Shingles vaccine when the commercials on TV say there is a higher incidence of Guillian-Barre in those who take the shot. I have two friends who had/have G-B and it's no fun.
Shingles is no fun either. I’d take Rona again over shingles again. I might deal with either one again than getting either of those vaccines. At least the shingles vaccine has been around for a while to develop a track record to let you make an informed decision.

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