How many of you have mowed your lawn as of 3/29? I broke the seal yesterday.
My fescue was getting shaggy, but it was by design. I overseeded in some areas and wanted to make sure the root systems had a chance to develop as much as possible before cutting.
First cut is in the books, which means I'm likely on a 1 time per week schedule until mid July, when the temperature slows the growth rate.
I changed thread title name to possibly get a universal thread/conversation going, as this is a topic that is talked about year-round.
Second, my apology to
@absoluteUnit . You started a first mow of the season thread just few days ago.
@HnstTune What breed of zoysia you running? How far into shady areas does it grow, and how does it handle long stretches of 90+ temperatures? I love fescue, but the summers here makes it wilt and turn brown without copious watering. I think I'd like to try a fescue/zoysia combo...allowing the zoysia to penetrate as far as possible into shaded regions and fescue remaining where the zoysia can't reach.
@4n6tox Tell me about scalping, as this is something I think I **need** to know about. Have a neighbor a block over that has a lawn service. Once I year I notice his front yard is basically flat dirt. Then a month or so later fescue starts poking out. Another few months after that, he's got what could pass as perfect carpet for an early Spring lawn when nobody else has any green showing.