Facing Reality: The vaccine or your career

Vaccine or Lose Your Job

  • Vaccine

  • Lose job

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Not sure how companies think they can get around HIPAA. I think the only organization exempt is the education system, but they have their own system of medical privacy laws they have to follow.

The biggest hilarity in all of this will be black and Hispanic groups being least likely to volunteer to get the shot. Are we really going to discriminate over vaccines against blacks for the job selection process?
Fuck others....take care of yourself and feel comfortable in your decision. Group think never ends well.

I’m done with this bullshit. When the deaths didn’t materialize, they said it was to flatten and not overwhelm the medical system. Medical system was never overwhelmed, so then it changed to protecting grandma and grandpa. Grandma and grandpa have the vaccine now. And many more grandmas and grandpas would be alive if the government didn’t shove a tube down their throat at the beginning of this, or stuff the sick ones in an old folks home. Then the reasoning shifted to a sign of respect... Fuck all that.

The ONLY reason I bother to wear a mask in certain places is because I worry the city is going to go after the establishment because of my choices. And that is a fucking shitty reason to have to wear it. And where the fuck is the flu? There have been 200 hospitalizations this flu season when it can normally be as high as 400,000???
This is exactly right. How can a company force a vaccine until the FDA actually approves a vaccine? What company is going to force people to take a vaccine that is not approved by the fda to prevent covid?
A company whose insurance company/s tells them that not having all their employees vaccinated or not requiring a vaccination card to enter their offices could significantly increase their business, property or health insurance premiums. The health insurance companies that went all in on Obamacare are likely being pressured, or will be, by the OBiden admin., FDA approved or not.
You’re a RRS poster right? Glad to see a familiar face, and good to know that not EVERY member of our board is a screaming lib.
There are many more non-libs on RRS. Unfortunately, if they speak up the lib-mods will send the thread to the EEF or send the poster to time-out. Look how fast they sent the video of the MD testifying before the Texas Legislature about Wuhan to the EEF. They are made from the same cloth as the censors at FB, Twitter, Google, et al.
The biggest hilarity in all of this will be black and Hispanic groups being least likely to volunteer to get the shot. Are we really going to discriminate over vaccines against blacks for the job selection process?
The black people who post on my local Nextdoor couldn't wait to get tested and can't wait to get vaccinated. Some didn't but what I've seen and heard is a large number are getting shot...with the vaccine.
The black people who post on my local Nextdoor couldn't wait to get tested and can't wait to get vaccinated. Some didn't but what I've seen and heard is a large number are getting shot...with the vaccine.

I think a certain kind of suburb black person on next door isn’t necessarily indicative of the bulk norm black people.

or maybe I’m wrong and the media is lying about the level of disenfranchisement.
I think a certain kind of suburb black person on next door isn’t necessarily indicative of the bulk norm black people.

or maybe I’m wrong and the media is lying about the level of disenfranchisement.
One, the media, like politicians and weathermen, lie.

Most of the blacks here relocated from the inner city or have moved in from other locales. Lots of herd mentality and group think.
A company whose insurance company/s tells them that not having all their employees vaccinated or not requiring a vaccination card to enter their offices could significantly increase their business, property or health insurance premiums. The health insurance companies that went all in on Obamacare are likely being pressured, or will be, by the OBiden admin., FDA approved or not.

Same reason so many pools were closed last summer. Even though it makes zero sense, and no one has ever sued a pool owner for getting sick from someone they shared time with in the pool...still, last summer insurance companies were sending letters to HOAs, condos, etc, saying that if their pool was open, and someone sued for catching covid there, the insurance policy would not pay for the defense.
If the vaccine works why does anyone care who gets it or not.

That’s the part that doesn’t make any god damn sense. The official reasoning is the variants, but the whole point of the mRNA vax is that it can respond to variants better because it doesn’t rely on a specific virus to trigger an immune response. That was the whole point of using an mRNA vax in the first place and why one could make a shot that would be able to specifically handle a rapidly changing virus like the cold.

I think the reason we “care” is in part tied to fauci being a publicity whore, government officials trying to cover their asses in how badly they’ve fucked up over the last year, and predatory business practices and advertising by pharmaceuticals. At this point we might as well lump Pfizer and moderna in with Monsanto, and big tobacco.

Also this was a good articles:

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Same reason so many pools were closed last summer. Even though it makes zero sense, and no one has ever sued a pool owner for getting sick from someone they shared time with in the pool...still, last summer insurance companies were sending letters to HOAs, condos, etc, saying that if their pool was open, and someone sued for catching covid there, the insurance policy would not pay for the defense.
Pools have chlorine which, as we've been told ad nauseum, kills Wuhan. The only Wuhan pools might not disinfect are aerosol droplets carrying virus. Those droplet eventually land in the water where the chlorine kills them. They could be transmitted being up close to another person although proving the source would be difficult, if not impossible.

Here's the issues with suing. The virus has a 10-14 day incubation period. If someone catches it, how can they prove it came from the pool and not from some other person or place? If someone files suit, it won't be for several months after catching Wuhan. Did they keep a sample of the pool water the day the victim went swimming to check the genetic code of the virus to compare to the genetic code from the victim--which they likely didn't take a sample during the illness. Will the lawyers go back to the pool several months later during discovery to take samples? Remember there is chlorine in those pools not to mention sunlight shining most of the time. If they do go back and take a sample, what is the probability the virus found (if found) months later is identical to the virus which caused the illness given it's highly unlikely anyone kept a sample of the virus initially.

The same defense scenario above could be used on any other suit. Replace swimming pool with basketball arena, football stadium, concert hall, bar or anywhere else. If someone gets sick attending any of the above, were samples of the virus saved from the victim or taken from the venue several months later after recovery and several disinfections? What is the likelihood identical viruses could be found or were saved at the time of infection?

What you described is nothing more than insurance companies using Wuhan to avoid performing according to their policies.
Pools have chlorine which, as we've been told ad nauseum, kills Wuhan. The only Wuhan pools might not disinfect are aerosol droplets carrying virus. Those droplet eventually land in the water where the chlorine kills them. They could be transmitted being up close to another person although proving the source would be difficult, if not impossible.

Here's the issues with suing. The virus has a 10-14 day incubation period. If someone catches it, how can they prove it came from the pool and not from some other person or place? If someone files suit, it won't be for several months after catching Wuhan. Did they keep a sample of the pool water the day the victim went swimming to check the genetic code of the virus to compare to the genetic code from the victim--which they likely didn't take a sample during the illness. Will the lawyers go back to the pool several months later during discovery to take samples? Remember there is chlorine in those pools not to mention sunlight shining most of the time. If they do go back and take a sample, what is the probability the virus found (if found) months later is identical to the virus which caused the illness given it's highly unlikely anyone kept a sample of the virus initially.

The same defense scenario above could be used on any other suit. Replace swimming pool with basketball arena, football stadium, concert hall, bar or anywhere else. If someone gets sick attending any of the above, were samples of the virus saved from the victim or taken from the venue several months later after recovery and several disinfections? What is the likelihood identical viruses could be found or were saved at the time of infection?

What you described is nothing more than insurance companies using Wuhan to avoid performing according to their policies.

Every word you typed is correct...and because of the insurance companies' bullshit threats, the pools were closed at 2 of our beach vacations last summer at Wild Dunes, and Litchfield Beach, SC. Not every pool closed, but tons did. Fucking sick of the nonsense...almost none of our responses to covid are based in science, or reason. The pool closings are but one minor example, in a world full of idiocy.
Every word you typed is correct...and because of the insurance companies' bullshit threats, the pools were closed at 2 of our beach vacations last summer at Wild Dunes, and Litchfield Beach, SC. Not every pool closed, but tons did. Fucking sick of the nonsense...almost none of our responses to covid are based in science, or reason. The pool closings are but one minor example, in a world full of idiocy.
Wuhan was never intended to be a scientific or medical issue. That was just the vehicle used to destroy the Constitution.
True, and sadly has shown me that most people are brainwashed sheep. Not alot of free thinkers out there.
The brainwashed people still have the potential to be educated. It's those who absolutely know the issues, Constitution and laws, and still ignore or usurp them who are the ones needed "re-education". I'm talking about media, academia, politicians-both aisles, businessmen and educated citizens.
The brainwashed people still have the potential to be educated. It's those who absolutely know the issues, Constitution and laws, and still ignore or usurp them who are the ones needed "re-education". I'm talking about media, academia, politicians-both aisles, businessmen and educated citizens.

I believe a corrupt media is the biggest threat to America today.
I mean shit I’d probably cave if it was regarding me keeping my job. Lol I may cave just to fly and go to concerts. 28 years old who hates being told what to do when covid has very little chance of effecting me. It’s all bs

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