DWAC - Currently dropping the ball - Bankrupt?

I bought a chunk at 48 yesterday and sold a portion for 104 today, then 30 minutes later it was at 136.

I missed the 150 bc my E*trade account was halted for those 2 hours this morning.

Waiting to see if it drops back down in the 70s and will buy a bunch more. I think this one is going to stay high especially with the reddit folks on it.

What a big FU to big gov, big tech, and MSM.
I bought a chunk at 48 yesterday and sold a portion for 104 today, then 30 minutes later it was at 136.

I missed the 150 bc my E*trade account was halted for those 2 hours this morning.

Waiting to see if it drops back down in the 70s and will buy a bunch more. I think this one is going to stay high especially with the reddit folks on it.

What a big FU to big gov, big tech, and MSM.

Or it's speculators playing on retards wanting to throw their money away.
Sounds like a promising short. All alt-tech is crap, horrible software. Modern scum can't code. The Silicon Valley code was written before the West became retarded, so it works. Gab is based on Mastadon and Gab is the worst website that I have ever seen. Trump may understand real estate but he doesn't understand tech.
Sounds like a promising short. All alt-tech is crap, horrible software. Modern scum can't code. The Silicon Valley code was written before the West became retarded, so it works. Gab is based on Mastadon and Gab is the worst website that I have ever seen. Trump may understand real estate but he doesn't understand tech.
He doesn’t need to understand it. He just needs the platform. It doesn’t need to be great, he is the single greatest internet troll in the history of the earth. He will make
His own platform.
Sounds like a promising short. All alt-tech is crap, horrible software. Modern scum can't code. The Silicon Valley code was written before the West became retarded, so it works. Gab is based on Mastadon and Gab is the worst website that I have ever seen. Trump may understand real estate but he doesn't understand tech.

He doesn’t need to understand it. He just needs the platform. It doesn’t need to be great, he is the single greatest internet troll in the history of the earth. He will make
His own platform.
Smitty does make some good points here. It’s clear that they (Trumps team) have goofed up with their previous attempts at rolling something out.

And Mastadon is not anything new or groundbreaking so the upside is real limited from an actual software product.

Basically it will be a retread of an existing software, with just Trump as a draw. They will not swing anyone to the platform because it brings a new and exciting experience for online interaction.

Basically point I trying to make, is the upside from a technology standpoint here is incredibly limited.

Maybe @fschmidt can help me articulate better
Smitty does make some good points here. It’s clear that they (Trumps team) have goofed up with their previous attempts at rolling something out.

And Mastadon is not anything new or groundbreaking so the upside is real limited from an actual software product.

Basically it will be a retread of an existing software, with just Trump as a draw. They will not swing anyone to the platform because it brings a new and exciting experience for online interaction.

Basically point I trying to make, is the upside from a technology standpoint here is incredibly limited.

Maybe @fschmidt can help me articulate better
They don't need anything groundbreaking to be successful. All they need is to match what Silicon Valley has. But I doubt they can do this. I mean compare BitChute with YouTube. BitChute is crap with videos failing to play, no showing related videos, and horrible search. All alt-tech is like this, just horrible technology. Even Trump's big mouth can't compensate for broken technology.
Its based on Mastadon and libs are screaming that he stole the code. I can't believe that he'd have lawyers sign off on this shit if its not on the up and up. It's open source but there are rules with it and they are saying he used the code without disclosing certain info and without acknowledging Mastadon.

My bullshit detector is saying the libs are just scared as shit and trying to shut this down before it gets going.
Its based on Mastadon and libs are screaming that he stole the code. I can't believe that he'd have lawyers sign off on this shit if its not on the up and up. It's open source but there are rules with it and they are saying he used the code without disclosing certain info and without acknowledging Mastadon.

My bullshit detector is saying the libs are just scared as shit and trying to shut this down before it gets going.
Trying to drive away investor money.

The more money that flows in early means the more control Trump will have later due to ownership options.
I opened a robinhood account yesterday. Put in a buy order for $1000 worth. Those dickheads picked me up some @119/share.

This all happened while I was asleep.
That's why you don't use robinhood. You pay for it with bad fills. Plus, most of the good platforms like thinkorswim have no fees either, so there's really no reason to use robinhood anymore. It's trash.
Trying to drive away investor money.

The more money that flows in early means the more control Trump will have later due to ownership options.
that's my thought. They had software experts saying he broke the law before he even released the dang site. they argued you can go log in and see it so its still breaking the law. Mastadon's terms of service is pretty freaking simple to follow. I can't believe lawyers wouldn't get this figured out by the letter with that much money on the line.
Trump will have over 50% ownership in this:

And according to Bloomberg, citing SEC filings, it appears that Trump will own more than 50% of the combined company. Assuming that the company's initial enterprise value was $875 million (based on figures from press releases) was calculated at $10 per share offering price and the $293 million Digital World has in trust, owners of the SPAC will receive around 42% of the combined company, leaving 58% for Trump - a stake worth nearly $4.8 billion based on Friday's close. For reference, Twitter is worth nearly $50 billion.

Makes sense. Nothing appeals to America's moronic scum investors more than meme bullshit, BitCoin being another example. The sooner the American middle class is wiped out, the sooner investment assets will be priced rationally.
Agree with the bold 1000%

As far as Trump goes it’s time We, The People, return the favor for the vast amount of personal wealth he spent saving our nation.

Hopefully it sets up Ivanka, Jr, and Barron for their runs when the appropriate time comes for each. Freedom = multiple, 2 term, Trump presidencies. 🇺🇸
Trading back up around $100 this morning. Im only a buyer in the mid 70's to low 80's. We will see if it gets back down there today.
Also, you can't short DWAC, at least not the average investor. That means traders have to lead with a buy order so naturally you would expect the stock to be up in the morning and then sell off in the late afternoon. Many don't want the headline risk of holding the stock overnight and want to go home "flat" i.e. with no position so sometimes you see a sell off into the close.

Should be a tradable stock for the next few days. Main thing I'm paying attention to is the market cap of the company. $100 a share represents about a $3.1B market cap which seems pretty fair to me. Its a little high for what it is now, but it may be really low for what Trump could make it. My base case is to be long the stock but its going to be volatile so should present some trading opportunities.
Makes sense. Nothing appeals to America's moronic scum investors more than meme bullshit, BitCoin being another example. The sooner the American middle class is wiped out, the sooner investment assets will be priced rationally.
You want millions of people to lose their livelihoods so the market never moves?
sucking wind down at $68 / share.

Bullish long term but no idea where it will go short term.

I got jacked by Robinhood when I was just testing their system for a hundred bucks. Bought it for me at $120 yesterday morning because I couldn’t figure out how to put a limit on it when I set the transaction over the weekend.

Got some more today on SoFi at $60 a share (my set limit) which I think is a fair valuation and I’m bullish on the long term also.

I’ll never use Robinhood again.
Investment wise, I think this has Yuge potential. Trump starts "truthing" and he is going to drive traffic. I can hear the chatter now"Did you hear what Trump said?"

Dwac is currently trading $60 and this will eventually turn into TMTG - Trump Media and Technology Group

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