Do you back into your parking spots?

I have to pull though. We have a 45’ RV that required a 1 ton truck. Even without the trailer, It is impossible to park in one spot and not block something. Also nearly impossible to park straight between the lines. You will find me out in the middle of the lot utilizing 2-4 space ZFG
Me thinks you don't know what an rv is.

Just fucking with ya.
Yeah, compared to most suv's I've ever driven, even smaller ones like an Explorer, the Yukon turns sharp as hell. I can make U-turns in places my old explorer didn't even come close.
Ya, his comment made me curious so I googled for 2 mins. Not sure what the fuck he's talking about, but he also likes to cum on his breast feeding children, so who knows.
Me thinks you don't know what an rv is.

Just fucking with ya.
I was referring to the vehicle that is required. I fucking hate driving it when not pulling the RV. I have a Polaris Ranger that is my preferred vehicle. Unfortunately the PoPo is not on board with me driving it.
I was referring to the vehicle that is required. I fucking hate driving it when not pulling the RV. I have a Polaris Ranger that is my preferred vehicle. Unfortunately the PoPo is not on board with me driving it.
Popo in Texas? Why the fuck not? In Iowa you're good to go as long as you have insurance and slow moving stickers, even tho they go fuckin 50. No different than driving a tractor to work.
I back in. I drive a lifted truck and want to be able to see when I pull out of a parking space. There's been a few times I've seen either kids or adults almost get run over while in a blindspot.
I will continue to back in like a Baaauuce.
ZFG's and don't even care if it hairlips the Pope.
Power move or cuck move?
Unexplainable move. I've seen people take more than two minutes trying to back into a parking spot. I just don't get it. I always park in a position that allows easy exit.

I also wonder about jerks who stop at a red light and leave two full vehicle lengths between their car and the one in front. What in the hell is the purpose?
Unexplainable move. I've seen people take more than two minutes trying to back into a parking spot. I just don't get it. I always park in a position that allows easy exit.

I also wonder about jerks who stop at a red light and leave two full vehicle lengths between their car and the one in front. What in the hell is the purpose?

Around here dumbasses always like to pull up to a stop light and pull past the sensor, so the light doesn't know they are there. Walking my dog, I'll see people just sitting at lights for like 5 minutes, with no other cars around, waiting for the light that will never change. Lol, people are so stupid.

We had that happen at the warehouse this week. Some arab dude was trying to back into a door for over a 1/2hour. A guy called me on the radio to come watch it. Ended up with about 6 of our employees and several of the other drivers getting out of their truck to watch. A driver ended up getting him to give up the truck and let him back it in.

Not to scare you guys but they are giving cdl's to absolute neanderthals now. Dude couldn't speak English and couldn't drive for shit.
Yeah, compared to most suv's I've ever driven, even smaller ones like an Explorer, the Yukon turns sharp as hell. I can make U-turns in places my old explorer didn't even come close.
You're a woman and you drive a big ass SUV?
Unexplainable move. I've seen people take more than two minutes trying to back into a parking spot. I just don't get it. I always park in a position that allows easy exit.

I also wonder about jerks who stop at a red light and leave two full vehicle lengths between their car and the one in front. What in the hell is the purpose?
I like laughing at the ones that pull completely past the white line at the turn lane. Idiots there is a sensor that gives you a turn light. Then they getade cause they don't get a turn light.
Unexplainable move. I've seen people take more than two minutes trying to back into a parking spot. I just don't get it. I always park in a position that allows easy exit.

I also wonder about jerks who stop at a red light and leave two full vehicle lengths between their car and the one in front. What in the hell is the purpose?
Trigger the light to change.
We had that happen at the warehouse this week. Some arab dude was trying to back into a door for over a 1/2hour. A guy called me on the radio to come watch it. Ended up with about 6 of our employees and several of the other drivers getting out of their truck to watch. A driver ended up getting him to give up the truck and let him back it in.

Not to scare you guys but they are giving cdl's to absolute neanderthals now. Dude couldn't speak English and couldn't drive for shit.
I have noticed that I’ve seen quite a few semis driving like idiots lately
We had that happen at the warehouse this week. Some arab dude was trying to back into a door for over a 1/2hour. A guy called me on the radio to come watch it. Ended up with about 6 of our employees and several of the other drivers getting out of their truck to watch. A driver ended up getting him to give up the truck and let him back it in.

Not to scare you guys but they are giving cdl's to absolute neanderthals now. Dude couldn't speak English and couldn't drive for shit.

I have noticed that I’ve seen quite a few semis driving like idiots lately

This guy really sticks the landing at the end


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