You are antisemitic if you think Isreal killed Kennedy
You are antisemitic if you think Isreal killed Kennedy
You are antisemitic if you think Isreal killed Kennedy
And nothing happens to them. There are no consequences to their violence. This path is not sustainable.
this is what Tucker keeps saying. He is pretty openly talking about the deep state answering to demons and ultimately satanHmmm, it's almost as if the D party was hijacked by an evil being....
"It's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle that a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God." A lot of the deep state have gotten fabulously wealthy lately through NSAID and more.this is what Tucker keeps hinting at. He is pretty openly talking about the deep state answering to demons and ultimately satan
You can have the Brussels Sprouts. I'll take the chili.Pretty solid menu, except for the chili. I'm sure it's good, but doesn't seem fitting to me
I can already hear it. "this is what happens when you release sensitive documents"
The stereotypes are real