Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
This is a much better fit for you posting this way than your other annoying shit.

May I offer a suggestion of 1 dumbass jawja post a week until cfb preseason and the you can go to 3 every 2 weeks. Sound good?
Em kay?
OK, I had been holding back. There was one that on twitter the other day about the Kirby effect forcing Bama, UF, and Tennessee to start bragging about basketball, but I held back posting it.
Acme for lunch and drinks is good if you got to Fort Sumter. Yorktown in mtp people like. They just built a pier near there and are building a park. Not sure if done yet or not.

Slave market downtown can kill half a day. Walk charleston DT other half of day. The plantation visits are really cool. Boone hall very well could be having a festival.
Palmetto Seafood has a kiosk there. All fresh off the boat except the salmon. Guys name is Paul. Tell hill Palmetto State Steel told to come by and you'll get a discount.
Best shrimp and scallops around. Mahi, tune, red,snapper, grouper, seabass, flounder, they should have it all.
Thanks! Will do!

More likely he was addicted to opiods. He severely hurt his back on the PT boat. His back was so bad at times he had trouble walking. Many photos you'll see him sitting or laying. He had to do this bc of his back.
I personally have never seen or read anything showing Kennedy was a tweeker.
Certainly he may have used meth to stay awake like during Bay of Pigs. I certainly wouldn't out any stock in to that claim

Look at that thing behind her

Seriously doubt I would motorboat any women who has a tattoo between her boobs or on them. I like well kept unadulterated playgrounds.

No way he stays without SS protection. Rich crackhead in SA... he'd get beat, robbed, raped and murdered within a week.
Don't go to S Africa. Go into a Lion's den and you might get bitten.

Trump has been on the phone with Putin for over 2 hours now, and the call is reportedly going very well.

Hopefully these two men can resolve Ukraine, and perhaps use their influence to resolve the Middle East as well.

Surely the topic of Iran/Yemen/Gaza came up at some point during this 2+ hour call, given Putin has been trying to broker an agreement between the US and Iran about their nuclear program.

As always, we will have to wait and see, but the fact that Trump and Putin are talking to each other regularly and the conversations are going well, is a good sign for peace.

I truly wonder,assuming the Plan is old, Melania(supposedly royal Csar blood) marrying Donald to bring historical Russia and America together.
I'm going to try to find that Nostradomus quatrain stating the Eagle and the Bear come together to defeat _________ ( I can't remember exactly. My memory recalls China but I'm not sure)

Roberts' statement means little. The fact that he made one means a lot.

Federal judges can be impeached for engaging in high crimes and misdemeanors. Trump is basically deporting people who are not here legally, ie breaking the law by being in the US. Trump considers the illegals here to be an invasion maybe. The fed judge then rules against him. Then Roberts chimes in.

If one were to believe that the federal judge was engaging in high crimes by preventing the removal of criminal (by their very presence) immigrants, then impeachment could be warranted.

Roberts is taking a likely purposeful narrow view that if Team Trump does not like the federal judge's opinion, they can appeal it. Trump is likely taking the broader HC & M view.

If it is up for interpretation, then Roberts issuing his statement is even more unsettling.
OK, I had been holding back. There was one that on twitter the other day about the Kirby effect forcing Bama, UF, and Tennessee to start bragging about basketball, but I held back posting it.
Start another thread...."the God of cfb says-"
We collectively need to move non dancing shit to threads. I know this thread is why the board survives. We need to self police and put OT shit in threads outside of here. I know I'm as guilty as anyone. You see or wanna write good shit that you want people to see so it goes here bc this thread has eyes.

For a board to survive we have that covered in this thread. To make @shiv the next Bama Billionaire of Huntsville we gotta spread the goods into other threads that don't fit here.
It's one of the reasons tardees clog this thread.
Ok- I'm done pontificating. It's just @shiv promised me a job as his pool boy of he makes a billion dollars. Yall I'm tired of steel work. I wanna be a pool boy and pic up 1 eyed dog's shit
What program, if any, do people here use if they want to be able to take over another computer from their home? I have used Teamviewer a long time ago. I want to be able to pay my mother's bills without going to her house which is a 2 hour round trip across Dallas traffic which is abysmal. I am also looking for a free service since I only want to do this on one computer.
Mictosoft has Remote Desktop app. I have never used it. Should be free. Google for how to use.
What program, if any, do people here use if they want to be able to take over another computer from their home? I have used Teamviewer a long time ago. I want to be able to pay my mother's bills without going to her house which is a 2 hour round trip across Dallas traffic which is abysmal. I am also looking for a free service since I only want to do this on one computer.
Microsoft has quick assist built in now, just type quick assist in the search on your task bar.

Just said a quick prayer for the ISS astronauts to splash down off the coast of GOD'S COUNTRY, otherwise known as Tallahassee, Florida, safely. Obviously because it's the right thing to do, but also I cannot wait to watch the leftist news have to report that SpaceX and Elon rescued them when Biden would not allow it.

NBC News had a report last night about it and WEIRD, they forgot to mention SpaceX or Elon at all!
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