Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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I was thinking about 8 mile today. Remember the end rap battle? I just realized how racist that was. Em was making fun of Papa Doc because he went to a good school and had both parents. that shit is crazy. If a dude with a southern accent made that comment to a black person, it would be national news.

Even though I do usually post one per...

There's also the 'Flood control' on the board. Have to wait 60 seconds before posting another post. That means one has to wait 60 seconds before posting! Stuffing a post with several links removes that problem.

HOWEVER!!! Did you know that you can 'Quote' the thread in question? If there are more than one post/links in there, you can count down 1, 2, 3... and in the quoted post you can ERASE 1 & 2 and then reply to it that you LIKE it? OR you can hit the upper right page looking icon with the spyglass to SEE what it will appear like after posting?

Sometimes things are moving fast and it's hard enough to sus all these posts and put them here for all to enjoy.

Reminds me of this:

One day a hard-working hen sees a bush full of raspberries, and decides to make a cake. Will her friends help her to make it? Or are they too busy watching TV?

Your in my book.
She’s super smart and stuff.

Owen Shroyer had a dude who's running against Crockett on his show today. Expect a bunch of bad news to come out about her soonish. He said she's not from the district and just kind of showed up and the politicos put her in there. He said she made a whole lot of enemies and people are talking. Not sure anyone is alleging crime but she's not a nice person was what it sounded like.
Owen Shroyer had a dude who's running against Crockett on his show today. Expect a bunch of bad news to come out about her soonish. He said she's not from the district and just kind of showed up and the politicos put her in there. He said she made a whole lot of enemies and people are talking. Not sure anyone is alleging crime but she's not a nice person was what it sounded like.
There was a guy named Paul Bondar who ran a big $$ campaign against Oklahoma Congressman & incumbent Tom Cole last spring/summer. He lived in Dallas, but supposedly bought property in the district to build a house and move in. There were probably 4-5 ads/hour on every station for months.
I'm not a huge Tom Cole fan, but this was the same thing. Guy was obviously backed by some money, and trying to primary Tom...
There was a guy named Paul Bondar who ran a big $$ campaign against Oklahoma Congressman & incumbent Tom Cole last spring/summer. He lived in Dallas, but supposedly bought property in the district to build a house and move in. There were probably 4-5 ads/hour on every station for months.
I'm not a huge Tom Cole fan, but this was the same thing. Guy was obviously backed by some money, and trying to primary Tom...
Crockett was from St Louis. They are bringing in radicals.

About Gunther

A little more about me…
- I am 50 years old
- I have 4 kids (2 adopted)
- I am a Straight, White, Christian man
- I have never been fired from a job
- I have never been charged with a crime (2 speeding tickets)
- I lived in commie CA until moving to Texas in 2007
- I left police work to buy back a company I sold in 2014
- I’m a Proud America First MAGA Patriot
- I have NO pronouns and laugh at those who do
- I am NOT vaccinated or boosted
- I never wore a mask
- I do NOT support funding wars overseas
- I want our borders closed
- I will never stop advocating for real conservative candidates
- I will always fight against RINO’s and fascist Liberal fcks
- I know Climate Change is a hoax
- I know J6 was not an insurrection
- I know 2020 election was stolen
- I know Barack Obama is a Kenyan
- I know George Floyd OD’d
- I will never give up my guns
- I stand with President Trump
- I’d call our government a shitshow

And until proven otherwise, I believe Michelle Obama is a dude.

About Gunther

A little more about me…
- I am 50 years old
- I have 4 kids (2 adopted)
- I am a Straight, White, Christian man
- I have never been fired from a job
- I have never been charged with a crime (2 speeding tickets)
- I lived in commie CA until moving to Texas in 2007
- I left police work to buy back a company I sold in 2014
- I’m a Proud America First MAGA Patriot
- I have NO pronouns and laugh at those who do
- I am NOT vaccinated or boosted
- I never wore a mask
- I do NOT support funding wars overseas
- I want our borders closed
- I will never stop advocating for real conservative candidates
- I will always fight against RINO’s and fascist Liberal fcks
- I know Climate Change is a hoax
- I know J6 was not an insurrection
- I know 2020 election was stolen
- I know Barack Obama is a Kenyan
- I know George Floyd OD’d
- I will never give up my guns
- I stand with President Trump
- I’d call our government a shitshow

And until proven otherwise, I believe Michelle Obama is a dude.

This shit needs to be prosecuted and stopped. Swiftly.
Owen Shroyer had a dude who's running against Crockett on his show today. Expect a bunch of bad news to come out about her soonish. He said she's not from the district and just kind of showed up and the politicos put her in there. He said she made a whole lot of enemies and people are talking. Not sure anyone is alleging crime but she's not a nice person was what it sounded like.
Yup I saw the dude. Thank fucking God cause I hate having that bitch as my rep since I'm uptown Dallas lol.

Can you guys just post one x link per your post. Some of them have something funny and something maddening. I stare at it for too long debating in my mind whether to click “like” or “angry”. So i don't click anything.

Or you do as you do. Most of you are all good in my book. Thats where i keep the likes and dislikes.
I'm not following. You mean copy past contents and post it below the link so you can read it w no acct?
I normally try to do that w anything meaningful
I got the flu shot 2 years in a row. Never had allergies until after the first one. Took 15 years to get over it. I'll never take another one. Felt like shit for a week afterwards.
I was a Corpsman in the Navy. Annually we gave the entire base flu shots using the "air gun" and blasted it into their arms. We would tell the people to not flex when the gun was placed on their arms. Many did and many had to get their arms sewn up as the air gun had so much force it would rip their arms apart if they flexed at the same time the trigger was pulled. We started waiting a second after the nozzle was placed on their arms to avoid this.

When nobody was in line, a piece of paper was held up to see how far back a person could move and still blow a hole into the paper. I think we measured it at 12-13 feet. Lots of force.
Owen Shroyer had a dude who's running against Crockett on his show today. Expect a bunch of bad news to come out about her soonish. He said she's not from the district and just kind of showed up and the politicos put her in there. He said she made a whole lot of enemies and people are talking. Not sure anyone is alleging crime but she's not a nice person was what it sounded like.
I live in the district and have for 39 years. I had never heard of her before the election. She was a part of some NGO in DC funded by USAID. That's where she apparently got enough money to buy 3 multi-million dollar homes. No GOPer has won in that district since I've been here. Black GOP candidates lost big.

Interesting observation driving around town. There are many mega-churches in the area. Full parking lots on Sunday. There are 15-20 houses and store fronts called churches with 1-2 cars at them on Sunday. In Texas, one can become a certified preacher in 24 hours simply filling out a form. Then they become tax exempt.
There was a guy named Paul Bondar who ran a big $$ campaign against Oklahoma Congressman & incumbent Tom Cole last spring/summer. He lived in Dallas, but supposedly bought property in the district to build a house and move in. There were probably 4-5 ads/hour on every station for months.
I'm not a huge Tom Cole fan, but this was the same thing. Guy was obviously backed by some money, and trying to primary Tom...
Can you say George Soros?


Then rescind all those EOs and pardons.

I'm not following. You mean copy past contents and post it below the link so you can read it w no acct?
I normally try to do that w anything meaningful
No. It means that in the same post there are conflicting entries. One is something good which would elicit a like, smile, love, Skol emoticon. The other entry is a negative which requires at negative emoticon.

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