Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads

Hunter started sexting her and her friends around 12

-Hunter started touching her not long after

-Hunter ended up getting Natalie preggers

-Hallie found out Nat was preggers and confronted Hunter

-Massive fight after Hallie finds texts and vids and pix of Natalie on Hunters laptop

-Hallie throws the laptop in the pool

-Hunter fishes the laptop out of the pool and takes it to a repair place to try to save it, his life is on the

-The whole Biden crime family sorts things out, they all agree, Hunter needs to be put in a long term rehab facility.

-Hunter doesnt wanna go but he goes anyway to "save the family"

-Joe agrees to run for president in hopes to cover everything up

-Hunter is in long term rehab at least 6 months from early fall 2019 thru early summer 2020 and forgets about the laptop


-Laptop repair man finds kiddie porn and calls the FBI

-FBI sees whats on it and insta'memoryholes it cause they are running cover for the Biden Crime Family

-Hunter gets out of rehab early summer 2020 and is seen in paparazzi photos with a new wife and a newborn baby. (Nats baby)

-Hunter and new wife are hidden in a condo in cali, its believed to be in Malibu.

-Pretty much every media, social media, 3 letter agency, all run cover for Biden and Co and then rig the election six ways to sunday to get him in power.

Laptop repair man calls Rudy and turns over the copy of the laptop
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Night Train Express
17.5% alc. by vol.

Don't let the 0.5% less alcohol by volume fool you, the Night Train is all business when it pulls into the station. All aboard to nowhere - woo wooo! The night train runs only one route: sober to stupid with no roundtrip tickets available, and a strong liklihood of a train wreck along the way. This trainyard favorite is vinted and bottled by E&J Gallo Winery, in in Modesto, CA. Don't bother looking on their web page, because they dare not mention it there. As a clever disguise, the label says that it is made by "Night Train Limited." Some suspect that Night Train is really just Thunderbird with some Kool-Aid-like substance added to try to mask the Clorox flavor. Some of our researchers indicated that it gave them a NyQuil-like drowsiness, and perhaps this is why they put "night" in the name. The picture (above right) shows that the subject that drank Night Train is down for the count, while the Cisco guzzling subject is ready to rock. Guaranteed to tickle your innards.

Lost some time in a different era with this
I remember funneling MD20/20 Red Grape (Goat MD) while in college, with a young Co-ed…she later became my wife. lol.
Never had one. Never will. Pre-internet me was just as suspicious as current me.

I'm guessing Big Pharma manufacturers are adding all sorts of preservatives and other additives, sinister or not (see Covid mRNA Death Jabs), to the current vaccines which weren't included in those from decades ago. People are reacting to these additives. Similar to what we saw recently where Wonder Bread of the 60's has only 5 ingredients and now has 25 or so. It's the additives which seem to be causing the problems.

Like you, I've only had 2-3 flu shots in my entire life. And only had the flu a couple of times. The only vaccination I take now is Tetanus.

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