Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Hey, he ended the war missing multiple body parts. We can cut him some slack.

Even missing those parts he had a romance with a debutante near the end of the war. I admire a man who can romance a debutante missing a couple of body parts.

He should have fell back to Macon and focused on stopping Sherman rather than the Tennessee adventure that ended in disaster.

The South's main problem was that there was only one Robert E. Lee to go around. If they had a cloning machine, they would have been in business.

President Davis actually asked Lee to take over the Army of Tennessee at Dalton in the Winter of 1864. However, Lee asked to not be sent.

Stonewall Jackson was a bad ass. Had he been at Gettysburg it may have come out different.

Longstreet was no slouch either. Had Lee taken his advice they probably win that battle
⚠️HUGE update on the Epstein files⚠️

-“Truckload” of files from SDNY were delivered to Kash
-Kash is investigating why SDNY withheld documents (Dennehy fired)
-Kash’s team are currently reviewing the thousands of files
-Bondi calls out Biden regime for sitting on these files
-Bondi says that the American People are going to see everything
-Bondi admits some information will be redacted for NATSEC and grand jury information

In other words, Bondi and Kash have the situation under control, and everyone just needs to let them do their work.

I understand everyone is anxious and angry, but Trump and his appointees have proven their intentions are legitimate.

It’s happening. The ball is rolling.

Me too, bro. Me too.

Tired to the core.
Had Stuart done his job, same thing. C’est la vie!
Longstreet dragged his ass on the second day. If the attack on the second day had been timely, as Lee ordered, they would have won.

Lee had to make the attack on the third day and yes it had some chance of success. Confederates did not have the Union's resources, they had to take chances.

If Jackson lived, they would not have fought at Gettysburg. Jackson would have moved his corps much faster into Pennsylvania than the Ewell did. He would have had the second corps attacking straight up the Army of Potomac's ass well east of Gettysburg.

There was only one Jackson and he was not all.

Lee and Jackson are the greatest soldiers that this country has ever produced...............even if you count the Marine Corps as soldiers.

Also, both Lee and Jackson are as American as apple pie. That is why they need their military base names and statues back. They belong to all of us.

I heard a historian say just the other day that the Army of Northern Virginia had a combat record that no American army has equaled in our entire history. True dat.

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