Yeah because all of the corruption and theft from the SS fund had nothing to with the enormous cadre of people currently 65 year old or older being in power for the last 40 fucking years…
While Gen X has paid enormous amounts of our hard earned money into this system our entire lives, especially those of us making 6-figure salaries, the Boomers have never really had to worry about their SS income in retirement. So please forgive me if I don’t have tolerance to hear rebuttals from folks who don’t have the same solvency problem Gen X has. SS solvency is a non-issue for most Boomers - thanks to the responsible/unselfish generations that came before them.
My gen is now threatened with the benefit being depleted 5-7 years before retirement. And that is due to theft and corruption with Boomers in charge.
Who should we blame? The silent generation? The founders of the nation? Maybe we should blame the millennials! lol the baby boomers had everything in the fucking world gifted to them and they fucking squandered all of it.
They’ve had control for longer than any other generation in American history. Shit man, only now are Gen X changing the dynamic of power. Interesting as fuck how only now we’re seeing actual metrics of solvency on the SS system. Crazy right? Gen X leadership does the math and it’s obvious how fucked we are. But hey don’t blame the boomers… We don’t want to upset them while they’ve been retired since 55 years old, enjoying their cherished pensions, IRA payouts, Social Security, Medicare, sitting in their huge fucking houses they paid for when the cost of housing was orders of magnitude more affordable. It’s not their fault. Lol