Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
Random thought: whatever happened to Steve Mnuchin?

He's Mnuchin this...


Don't blame him.


Anytime a talking head utters one iota of disinformation, slander, untruth, defamation or anything else the network and the person must be sued for outrageous amounts. Do like Trump and get them to settle for massive amounts of money. Eventually their insurance companies will deny the claim/coverage and jack their premiums to Uranus...or theirs. It's the only thing these people understand.
I’ve got a patriot buddy who thinks Tulsi is a plant. Who’s got a good elevator speech on why he’s wrong and she can be trusted. TIA
I don’t believe she’s a plant for a second. She was legit treated like shit by the DNC and Killary in 2016. Then in 2020 when she bitch slapped Camela Harris in the debates, they once again treated her like shit. They put her on a TSA watch list so she had air marshals following her around on flights. She started to see the light and decided the demoncrat party was no longer for her. She on record on multiple podcasts (Rogan, Sean Ryan, Jack Carr) saying all of this. Hell hath no fury as a woman scorned they say. She was scorned in a bad way by the demoncrats. She’s all Trump now.


I posted a quick question on X regarding this video... Thoughts??

Quick question regarding the framers and their original intent with regards to "residents" and representation. When the constitution was written, there were multiple states with large Native American populations residing inside the state borders. Do you think they intended for them to be counted in the census?

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