Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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They Really Do Want To Reduce The Population – 47 Shocking Population Control Quotes From The Global Elite That Will Make You Want To Lose Your Lunch​

January 5, 2025 by Michael
Oh WTF......

Micronova incoming. Dude I watch on YT has been predicting it would happen in the next 10 to 20 years. Basically, the sun keeps accumulating dust on its surface until it gets to a point where it blasts it off. The color of the sun looks different now than it did when I was kid. Its the buildup of this cosmic dust on the surface causing that.
I don’t remember if I first saw this guy’s YouTube page mentioned here or somewhere else, but he seems to have some good knowledge/information on women and their strange ways. I’m a happily married man for the past 29 years and I watch his videos just to gain a little insight or learn something from a different perspective on women. Worth a look gentlemen.

I like this guy and watch his stuff often. Thanks for sharing
I need your thoughts about something. Been battling with ex wife about my son (haven’t talked in 7 months).

Went after her about honoring thy father and mother and she responded with do not provoke children.

What are your thoughts about this? It’s pretty clear that the honor part comes first.

It's both and if you are like me, you might be getting hung-up on "righteous" anger.

Yes, your child should honor you. It is also true that you should not stir up your child.

I think in churchy talk there is often a justification for sin as "righteous anger," but the standard for righteousness is not held based on 3 biblical definitions.

1. There is a sin
2. You are angry about the sin against God, not you
3. Your response is not sinful

That is the criteria for righteous anger. I may get it right on step 1. I sometimes get it right on step 2. I rarely get step 3 correct, thus I am typically sinful.

So yelling at my kid or getting angry, or continuing to press my disobedient child on his disobedience in a way that doesn't de-escalate, but escalates, is sinful no my part and I have had to grow in this quite a bit and repent a lot.
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