Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
Something that will effect everyone no matter your political proclivities...

I suggest reading it and protecting your self if and when they pull the plug.

You've all heard of The Great Reset? How do you suppose they'll accomplish that?

They already changed all the laws to do it!

How To Survive "The Great Taking" In 2025

David Webb, a former hedge fund manager, and Wall Street insider, has blown the lid off a diabolical plan more than 50 years in the making in a shocking new book.

He calls it The Great Taking.

I consider it an urgent must-read (available for free here).

Here’s the synopsis (emphasis mine):

It is about the taking of collateral (all of it), the end game of the current globally synchronous debt accumulation super cycle.

This scheme is being executed by long-planned, intelligent design, the audacity and scope of which is difficult for the mind to encompass.

Read more here...
Got my haircut today and the lady who cuts my hair and I briefly discussed the fires. I talked about all the history and art that is lost in the fire. Then followed up with they get what they voted for and the policies of the delta smelt above people. She was appalled. I asked her why we shouldn’t blame the people that live in the area for how they vote? She had no answer. Why don’t they ever have an answer other than because?

She has big tits and gives a serviceable haircut so will go back.
Fuck yeah!!
Got my haircut today and the lady who cuts my hair and I briefly discussed the fires. I talked about all the history and art that is lost in the fire. Then followed up with they get what they voted for and the policies of the delta smelt above people. She was appalled. I asked her why we shouldn’t blame the people that live in the area for how they vote? She had no answer. Why don’t they ever have an answer other than because?

She has big tits and gives a serviceable haircut so will go back.
Appropriately the passable haircut is listed as the second reason
Got my haircut today and the lady who cuts my hair and I briefly discussed the fires. I talked about all the history and art that is lost in the fire. Then followed up with they get what they voted for and the policies of the delta smelt above people. She was appalled. I asked her why we shouldn’t blame the people that live in the area for how they vote? She had no answer. Why don’t they ever have an answer other than because?

She has big tits and gives a serviceable haircut so will go back.
Where? This helps

If the Coastal Commission does as expected in taking years to give approval to rebuild, assuming they give approval, the pain will get spread over several years rather than one year. Might help a bit.

LOL like that isn't ominous....

Or Vance could do like countless gov't workers have done the past 4 years and take government airplanes to the game or on vacation at taxpayer expense. Talking about you, John Kerry.


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