America has become a huge Penal Colony.It’s a shame the surveillance state is so evolved that you can’t protest outside of some buildings without being identified.
It’s a shame that millions of people aren’t outside those gates protesting each branch and substation..
The whole fucking lot is bad.
Eventually if there is no justice. Some folks will want an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a life for a life.Still, they walk around freely, without a care.
Haha, is he calling you by your first name? My 17 y/o daughter does the same when I get “preachy”My son, who plays for VMI has a game Thursday at Fordham in the Bronx. He tells me that my wife and I have to bring our fake vaccine cards because they will not allow unvaccinated people on campus or in the arena. Apparently that’s not the case for the players anymore, because he is not jabbed. Here is our text exchange…View attachment 156026
Weird.Haha, is he calling you by your first name? My 17 y/o daughter does the same when I get “preachy”![]()
My son, who plays for VMI has a game Thursday at Fordham in the Bronx. He tells me that my wife and I have to bring our fake vaccine cards because they will not allow unvaccinated people on campus or in the arena. Apparently that’s not the case for the players anymore, because he is not jabbed. Here is our text exchange…View attachment 156026
She did because she was with the DoJ.
She's now with the ATF (we've had a few talks)
All I know is its a 'growth' on her edrenal gland. Thankfully, there are 2. They removed the entire gland as the growth had completely taken over (I know I'm not saying this medically correct so bear with me) and was kinda going haywire.
71% is the time it's benign and there are treatment options. What scares me is that she was immediately sent to this doctor (one of the very best) and he said's too big and fast growing. We aren't treating. It's coming out and then we'll figure it out from there,
On the plus side, when she called he was in the room so he could talk to me. Whatever it is, he's 100% he got it all. There was nothing he saw that suggested anything else was a problem, And he sat outside her room all day, so I know she's in the best hands.
She has other health issues she's been dealing with and I just need her to be okay,
And as far as the jab/health issues, my daughter (the D1 athlete, perfectly healthy until she wasn't until she got the second dose (against my wishes) is going back for more tests. Again.
She's 23. She's an athlete. Figure this shit out and fix what y'all broke, right fucking now.
This girl now has to be careful standing up to get off the sofa or out of bed.
View attachment 155883
payed and THREATENED.His parents like the Scalia family was paid to be quiet and not push for a reason for their deaths.
My third daughter calls me by my first and middle name… I shut her phone off and she said “Daddy”!!!!Haha, is he calling you by your first name? My 17 y/o daughter does the same when I get “preachy”![]()
Pretty typical of college aged kids. Cracks me up.Weird.
No source. Just an opinion but plausible given what we see going on and what we've learned since these deaths. If Scalia is still on the court then Gorsuch replaces Kennedy rather than replacing Scalia. Thomas, Scalia, Alito and Gorsuch would have been solid and perhaps 4 votes on a variety of issues which could have been heard vs weren't. Add Roberts or Kavanaugh/ACB and there may have been many 5-4/6-3 decisions on cases heard or cases not heard but may have been. Now place Garland on the court instead of Gorsuch given what we've seen of Garland's performance as AG. Then it's Kagan, Sotomayor, RBG, Garland and Kennedy and a wishy-washy Roberts during Obama's last year. Decisions likely would have been much different.
Why would Scalia go to remote West Texas if he had been in poor health? Why did the family decide not to investigate his death? That assumes the FBI would have done a thorough investigation. Based on what has been released recently and what we've seen of the FBI the past 7-8 years (probably longer) there is no guarantee they would have found foul play had there been any. Likely another cover-up given Obama/Holder were running the show then.
It has always been curious that he died "peacefully" in his bed on a hunting trip when there was no indication he had medical issues and there was no in depth investigation of perhaps the most powerful SCOTUS Justice at the time. All this before the clot shots too.
Seth Rich’s parents have another son to keep alive.payed and THREATENED.
Prayers your way my friend.Hey. I'm asking for any of y'all who pray to please pray.
Many of you have read my posts over the years about my sister. She's kinda a badass. I don't want to give out many of her personal details, but she is dealing with something medically and we need the best, most typical results in a few days. Odds are what she is dealing with is benign () but it's still going to be a very painful recovery, no matter. And when she was sent in for a consult and biopsy, the surgeon took one look and said nope. That's coming (Her surgeon is one of the best specialists in the nation.)
She had surgery today and then called me tonight. I just talked my baby sister to sleep 2 time zones away. I really need her to be okay.
*And I asked if she wanted me to come out there. She's my kinda girl. No. She just wants to be let be.
My third daughter calls me by my first and middle name… I shut her phone off and she said “Daddy”!!!!
Loved the Phog the one time I was there.@Hoosier in Mad Town found out what it’s like to enter The Phog.
Old Hard Ass John. Ha Ha Ha.Weird.
Prayers. And I say fuck it and go visit her.Hey. I'm asking for any of y'all who pray to please pray.
Many of you have read my posts over the years about my sister. She's kinda a badass. I don't want to give out many of her personal details, but she is dealing with something medically and we need the best, most typical results in a few days. Odds are what she is dealing with is benign () but it's still going to be a very painful recovery, no matter. And when she was sent in for a consult and biopsy, the surgeon took one look and said nope. That's coming (Her surgeon is one of the best specialists in the nation.)
She had surgery today and then called me tonight. I just talked my baby sister to sleep 2 time zones away. I really need her to be okay.
*And I asked if she wanted me to come out there. She's my kinda girl. No. She just wants to be let be.
Indeed, this is a very weird generation. She’s a good kid, so I’m willing to look past itWeird.
Just wear one of these.All you homies giving @ttyh shit about Texas most recent "Natty"
I ordered this t-shirt for you don't have to be Jelly anymore
Merry Christmas
View attachment 156033
Does Stacie do the same?she said “Daddy”!!!!
Just wear one of these.
View attachment 156035
The elite of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has been defeated!
The elite unit of the Ukrainian army suffers heavy losses in the battle for Bakhmut.
The 214th OPFOR battalion was created with the support of NATO. The training of the soldiers of this unit was carried out by foreign military personnel. The preparation was carried out according to the standards of the armies of the North Atlantic Alliance. So the best Army in the EU with 8 years of solid training in every device of war by NATO just had their asses handed to them by te gathering storm of Russian troops. There is no way to sugar coat this, the sooner the women of Ukraine hang the bastard of Kiev with piano wire upside down by his nuts the better for Ukraine. A whole generation of Ukrainian young men gone. 400,000 casualties. This is 8 months in now. By 12 months as the juggernaut gets really rolling Ukraine will have lost 700-750,000 men.
Biden and Boris and the Head of NATO should in all honesty be tried for Crimes Against Humanity for not allowing a Peace deal in March.
All to make money for the US MIC.
The Kiev CrackHead has committed his strategic reserves from Kiev to try to hold out.
Συντριβή των επίλεκτων ουκρανικών δυνάμεων στο Bakhmut: Οι Ρώσοι αποτελείωσαν το Τάγμα OPFOR και την 93η Ταξιαρχία - Απόπειρα διαφυγής μέσα από κόλαση πυρός - WarNews247
Όλες τις διαθέσιμες στρατηγικές εφεδρείες μεταφέρει η ουκρανική στρατιωτική Διοίκηση στο Bakhmut μετά την ήττα των επίλεκτων δυνάμεων OPFOR και