Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads

Little OT, but when rivals started to suck about the time we all left, I switched over to Blue and Gold for Notre Dame. There was one guy I liked that covered recruiting, but can't stand the rest especially this little pussy Tyler Horka.

This Fuck actually wrote a story on game day saying we ND fans should just sit back and have a beer and accept getting our ass kicked by Ohio State. I told him on the board for everyone to see that his story was stupid and disgusting. Many others agreed.

Yesterday he wrote a story saying North Carolina is finally primed to kick our ass. What kind of writer does this? He is a known Texas fan which is fine but why the hell would they hire this dick to write on our site?

Why North Carolina might finally be primed to beat Notre Dame football​

I wrote in that post that I'm quitting this site one day before my membership expired to which he replied with a sarcastic gif "But Why?"

I replied "Mostly because you're a Vagina"

I got banned for constantly trolling and calling Tyler Horka a Vagina. I haven't trolled any site ever in 15 years but I guess that is how a vagina would react, lol

F'n Vagina!
I would have called him a pvssy 😎

I've got goats and horses. The horses always loved the goats until I got a certain billy that was an absolute asshole. He fucked around with the gray one day and he turned around and bit it by the neck and threw it.... Then he took his front hooves and stomped it in the ground. I have no ideo how that didn't kill that billy.

The billy kept getting meaner and would attack my gf. She got to where she would call the horses up before she fed because Shadow wouldn't let that bill anywhere near her. LOL. That billy ended up dying of a mysterious illness. Vets still don't know what it was.
Maybe he got lead pizzen
There’s a simple way to handle this when Trump gets back in office. Anyone who voted to confirm the 2020 election results should be arrested and sent to Gitmo on treason charges. Give ‘em a choice of life in prison or the death penalty.
US Russian Translator gives his interpretation of Putin's speech. Not pretty.
He says Putin has no reverse gear. He will use Nukes if pushed.
He is calling up 300,000 Russian Reservists with Military experience immediately.
He will put Russia's Nuclear Umbrella over the new Russian Territories of the former Ukraine that vote to join Russia again.


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