Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Gordon Chang has been banging the China is not a threat drum for years. I have been in a few meeting with him where he states China burns out in 50 years because of depopulation/1 child policy.
China may burn out before depopulation with billions burning down forests and eating the wildlife to survive if the economy and faux virus are as bad in China as said. F the virus it's everyone for themselves. No way China's regime could thwart billions in all out survival mode.
It Don't Get More Redneck Than This. Reminds me one time when the kids were small, and I was half drunk on my day off, and the wife caught me teaching the kids how to do blue angels. We were having too much fun I was supposed to be in charge while she went down town.
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I’m most impressed by the picture of the .38 on the wall.
If you are on YouTube with a following of a certain size there is basically 0% chance you are not a shill

And it's way easier and "profitable" to screech the talking points and sell t-shirts

I'm trying to step away as much as possible and got a litephone2 which is a "dumbphone" so I can't get on the internet lol
I listen to art bells reruns

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