Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Couple of things on my mind
@Jayhox @MortgageHorn @Hoosier in Mad Town @WindyCityCoug @tgsio @TheRealJohnCooper and so many more
I want to say thank you. Y’all really helped open my eyes over the past couple of months when I first found out about this thread. I truly do appreciate your faith energy and passion and patriotism!
I do believe Q was onto something and may still be onto something. I believe the problem was and is the deep state got too involved and too big and completely dictated the entire situation.

President Donald Trump started a movement and I do not think it will die today. I will never forget what he did for this country. I will never forget him ending Hillary Clinton‘s political career. he fought for us and the deep state in my opinion had to involve fake race wars a virus from China all of the main stream media , fraudulent elections etc. to get rid of him. And they almost couldn’t do it.

as an optimist I believe that this is not the end of America. I do believe we have to fix election fraud or this will be the end of America. I also believe we need term limits in Congress I don’t know how that will ever happen but it is super necessary. I believe we need real journalism instead of this fake ass clown show media that we have today. Also social media needs to be controlled by some form of regulation

This is a very dark day for America!
this could be a bump in the road. If so we’re gonna need patriots to step up and be ready to run for office to change things to make America great again.

This could also be the end of America. All empires fall and they typically fall from within. and I say this to myself a lot never forget this is a fallen world. And that is why Jesus Christ paid ultimate price.

anyways those are my thoughts right now. I was hoping to see a miracle. I think Trump could have done some other things at the very end but I think he decided to bow out graciously. and move forward.

sorry for the sermon. But I will say this put your faith in God and everything will be OK. This world is not a easy place nor was it ever promised to be.

I am very grateful for Donald Trump. The first outsider to become president of the United States of America

May God bless President Donald Trump may God bless America and may God bless you all
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He will indict McCabe and maybe Comey and that will be the end of that.
I've been watching the cycle of attorneys in DC for quite some time now. Here's how this is gonna go down. Durham will be offered a position at one of the top law firms, paid a sh*tton of money, some public speaking tours, and that'll be his price for shutting down the investigation(s) and doing nothing. Remember tough talking Trey Gowd and how he never did anything other than talk? Where did he land again? That's right a fancy lobbyist law firm that will trade on his name and access to get what they want done. Durham will do the same. He either plays nice with our overlords or they will destroy him. Whatever patriotic attorneys we had in DC have been picked off one by one, their careers either ended or bought out. Bill Barr worked for the same firm that defended Epstein the first time around and then the guy who let epstein off the hook then, a few years later took a position at that firm.

The real power brokers in DC are these lobbyist firms and their financial backing. If you want to defeat the swamp it has to start there, but there's a huge fvcking problem with that because every other judge and us attorney are alumni of these firms. They make the key, core components of the uniparty and the deep state. You can only trust them to serve their own interests.
Yes I stopped watching Fox when they called Arizona before the polls had closed on November 3. CNN is completely ridiculous. But the thing with CNN is you know what you’re dealing with just believe the opposite of everything they say and you’re fine. Fox and that whole organization is full of hypocrites
I will never ever watch Fox News again
Me too. Won't be going back to Fox news.
Durham will not have a report. It is either indictments or nothing. He has Special Prosecutor status and the Grand Jury is still going. It is a wait and see what happens. Could be everything or could be nothing.
Does Special Prosecutor status really mean anything after Libs openly pissed on our Constitution? Doubtful

BUCK FIDEN and his healing, decency schtick. He’s a professional politician that has schemed and maneuvered to enrich his family while stealing from the American taxpayers.
Trump pulled in more outside the tent of the republican party than anyone in history. He got more votes than anyone in history. The dems had the voting machines, and were willing to put in whatever ridiculous numbers they needed for Biden to win.

Where Trump failed was not - as was said in this thread often - declassifying everything. He failed by putting a deep state AG in who slow-played the investigation right on out the door. An AG and FBI director who ignored Antifa violence, and spent the last 6 months telling everyone that instead, patriots were the real threat. An AG and FBI director who sent fewer agents to observe elections than the previous president did.

Trump should've made stopping election theft a primary issue. Shut the gov't down and make a fight of every republican senator who stands in your way. He'd talked about election theft for years, long before he ran for president.

But it's water under the bridge now, the steal is complete, and the rest of us are left to deal with the consequences.

I wrote a post on the old thread a few days after the election result stating that Barr and Durham fvcked Trump and fvcked all of us by not doing diddly squat revealing the result of Durham’s investigation into the Russia Hoax and not doing shit about Hunter Biden’s laptop, and even staying silent while the Pelosi House politically persecuted Barr’s fvcking boss, BDD, when he was simply asking Ukraine to investigate the Hunter Biden corruption that will now be swept under the rug.

I received a bunch of “LOLs”. But Barr and Durham fvcked BDD hard and fast and didn’t even say thank you when they got up and left the bedroom.
With or without cue, none of this makes any sense. The emasculation of Trump from 1/6 to now is stunning. I am most disappointed in the fact that he knew of massive election fraud 8 years before now and did absolutely nothing. Should have taken notice after the 2018 mid-terms that nothing would change. Betrayal is creeping into my thoughts of the last four years. Maybe the swamp was just too deep.
Everyone needs to tighten up their security. If we want to continue to communicate in private we need to start using encrypted email. im going to buy a cheap laptop and install linux. never use my phone or iPad. VPNs. Use an internet phone number, etc. Basically I’m going to compartmentalize all my communication. All user names need to be different.

im not the best at this shit but I’m hoping someone can do a “how to manual” to get everyone started.

until I know what the environment looks like I’m going to be paranoid and deliberate.
Everyone needs to tighten up their security. If we want to continue to communicate in private we need to start using encrypted email. im going to buy a cheap laptop and install linux. never use my phone or iPad. VPNs. Use an internet phone number, etc. Basically I’m going to compartmentalize all my communication. All user names need to be different.

im not the best at this shit but I’m hoping someone can do a “how to manual” to get everyone started.

until I know what the environment looks like I’m going to be paranoid and deliberate.
And everything I’ve ever said, written, typed, thought or queefed is satire.
The other thing I will say is that it didn’t matter that it was Donald Trump.

The MSM/Hollyweird/Coastal Elites would have gone hard resist and trash whatever Republican President had been, or ever will be elected. It doesn’t fvcking matter.

BDD could have run and won as a Democrat with the same populist America First policies and that same group would have loved him - because he was a Democrat.
With or without cue, none of this makes any sense. The emasculation of Trump from 1/6 to now is stunning. I am most disappointed in the fact that he knew of massive election fraud 8 years before now and did absolutely nothing. Should have taken notice after the 2018 mid-terms that nothing would change. Betrayal is creeping into my thoughts of the last four years. Maybe the swamp was just too deep.

1000% this....

Since 1/6 and his twitter going down the whole show was shut down. Its like he walked away.
I have followed this thread pretty closely since the beginning on rivals. I’m not sure how so many got duped into believing this Q shit considering it was completely implausible from the beginning. I think almost all you guys are intelligent good people, but I think now is the time for self reflection, which it appears many of you guys are already doing. Think about what made you susceptible to following which an outlandish movement. My guess is that many of you were unhappy with your own life and looking for someone or something to blame which is human nature. The government is never going to make you feel happy no matter who or what is in control. The only thing that can make you happy is you. Now is the time to stop obsessing over Washington and focusing on things that matter things that actually fulfill you. I have closely followed politics since I was a young teenager. Nothing has really changed over my almost 30 years of following it. The government has always had corruption. It has always favored the “elite”. It has been trending more liberal over those years. This didn’t start with Obama it has always been there in the underbelly. I have always viewed politics like a sport. There are always winners and losers but no one stays on top forever except maybe Bama haha. It is entertainment nothing more. What the federal government does on a daily basis has little to no affect on the average citizens daily life outside taxes.
One more thing on the election being stolen before I let you have your thread back. Was there fraud in the election? Yes there is in every election. Most of it is hard to find and prove because it is mainly done in hard to trace ways like ballot harvesting. Things that have been pushed like ballot stuffing and vote flipping are very unlikely. Just remember the people that were pushing those narratives are the same ones that were pushing the Q narrative. If they are willing to lie to you about one thing they are probably lying about everything. Good luck to you guys and try to find happiness.
Ok, I must say this is easy to take for me since I’m 1980 and used to this. I do not get too down since I’m free of government tyranny and try to lead my life by my morals and convictions so today should not alter the coarse of most in this thread. Stay even keel but as Trump taught us dig in and fight like hell where it matters.

Croot Overlord is correct that we need to get more involved locally. Challenge the school board and be vocal. Get involved in local politics if you’re not already. Only difference is now we cannot act like conservatives have in the past by keeping this private, recruit your neighbor and try to also get them involved. Know where your money goes and cut this shit off where needed. I see a bunch of folks in this thread talking NFL, fuck that shit. I loved it forever, but once they bent the knee to SJW’s- I said deuces, I challenge you to do the same. I now spend more time with my kids on Sunday having fun and teaching them life skills.

We owe the remainder of our adult lives to fixing this shit for our future generations and damnit I intend to do that. My grandfather flew 35 missions as a tail gunner on a B17 in WW2 and the least I could do continue to stand for what is right and not let the commie bastards take ownership.
I have followed this thread pretty closely since the beginning on rivals. I’m not sure how so many got duped into believing this Q shit considering it was completely implausible from the beginning. I think almost all you guys are intelligent good people, but I think now is the time for self reflection, which it appears many of you guys are already doing. Think about what made you susceptible to following which an outlandish movement. My guess is that many of you were unhappy with your own life and looking for someone or something to blame which is human nature. The government is never going to make you feel happy no matter who or what is in control. The only thing that can make you happy is you. Now is the time to stop obsessing over Washington and focusing on things that matter things that actually fulfill you. I have closely followed politics since I was a young teenager. Nothing has really changed over my almost 30 years of following it. The government has always had corruption. It has always favored the “elite”. It has been trending more liberal over those years. This didn’t start with Obama it has always been there in the underbelly. I have always viewed politics like a sport. There are always winners and losers but no one stays on top forever except maybe Bama haha. It is entertainment nothing more. What the federal government does on a daily basis has little to no affect on the average citizens daily life outside taxes.
One more thing on the election being stolen before I let you have your thread back. Was there fraud in the election? Yes there is in every election. Most of it is hard to find and prove because it is mainly done in hard to trace ways like ballot harvesting. Things that have been pushed like ballot stuffing and vote flipping are very unlikely. Just remember the people that were pushing those narratives are the same ones that were pushing the Q narrative. If they are willing to lie to you about one thing they are probably lying about everything. Good luck to you guys and try to find happiness.

You had me until the very end, and then you went full blown...I dont know..shill for the left.

You stated that there was no vote flipping or ballot stuffing even though you admitted that there was ballot harvesting...which is already illegal..which makes me wonder why you think they would stop at one illegal activity of ballot harvesting and not ballot stuff as well...makes zero logical sense at all, anyway.

1. We have a video of ballot stuffing in GA, we also have the audio accompaniment of the plan to do just that.
So do you not believe your eyes? They lied about the whole thing. They NEVER debunked that video not once. The more they got into it, the more their lies showed. That video was plain as day stuffing the ballot box, and tell me WHY poll workers are getting paid $100 dollars an hour? To do what? Which we have the audio to back this up...that they planned that ballot stuffing... I mean Bernie couldnt even afford to pay his workers 15 bucks an hour he had to fire a bunch...but Fulton County GA pays their election workers 100 bucks an hour? Funny how all of the pub witnesses that went and testified, that had worked the polls for YEARS were doing it without pay...

2. Why did the GA SOS LIE about the machines not having internet access, when we all know they do? Why lie about it, if you didnt do something wrong? Why lie about having to stop the count at night in several places if nothing was going on? This is when those improbable and mathematically impossible numbers came though. But you are simply going to ignore those right? I was always told math dont lie...was I lied to?

3. There are like 5 separate videos on election night that show live CNN coverage of thousands upon thousands of votes being flipped from DT to Biden...for no reason at all. And let me stop you from a LIB talking point... NO ONE at CNN not an intern, not a reporter inputs those numbers into CNN's screen, those numbers are input directly from the source they get them from the machine, so there is not data entry errors from some intern at CNN to explain this away. This falls directly in line with votes being switched on the back end from someone that has gotten inside the servers. These videos were from regular average people, none of these people were "in on it" with Sidney P and where di those votes go? Why did thousands of votes switch.

4. There were still hundreds of thousands of ballots with no chain of custody in how were they able to certify? Why was GA shredding election materials that they were supposed to keep for 22 months? MI as well? They threw away all of the envelopes? Whoops? Just an accident right?

5. Now tell me about the 200K PA votes that were more votes they received, then they actually sent out? This information has STILLL no answer for. Not snopes or any of those lib BS debunking fact check sites...

6. Explain all of the videos where regular people in the US are showing all of the vote switches done from the Edison data, and the negative votes..why would a voting machine 1. Ever show votes as a fraction and 2. EVER show negative votes? How could you have a negative vote? Why would one vote count as a fraction and not a whole vote?
Those videos show massive fraud in several states and vote switches.
can you explain that? They lemme guess, they made it up right? These people got together, and decided they would help promote Sidney Powell and Lins lies about vote switches right?

7. Now explain all of the mathematical impossibilities that transpired...the list is staggering...they reached the conclusion that the math was pretty much impossible for Biden to win...

Now I have to ask, did you even know about all of the stuff that I wrote above? Or did you not follow it close enough? Cause to me it seems like there is plenty of evidence that the voting machines were involved in flipping votes.

This would mean that you think Colm Montgomery who seemed very credible was also lying about their white hat hackers seeing the actual data going to foreign servers.
Would also mean that the Ramsland report of their forensic report on the Antrim Machines you also believe to be 100% bunk.

And you would also have to question why AZ wouldnt allow the forensic examination of the machines, and why ZERO places would allow forensic looks at the ballots...which would also point towards machine fuckery as well.

I dont know man, if you can explain all this stuff to me so that it makes sense, maybe I will listen...but for now...I have ZERO doubt that those machines flipped votes and more. There is just way too much independent evidence that was not even part of the Powell or Lin stuff that shows this..
Couple of things on my mind
@Jayhox @MortgageHorn @Hoosier in Mad Town @WindyCityCoug @tgsio @TheRealJohnCooper and so many more
I want to say thank you. Y’all really helped open my eyes over the past couple of months when I first found out about this thread. I truly do appreciate your faith energy and passion and patriotism!
I do believe Q was onto something and may still be onto something. I believe the problem was and is the deep state got too involved and too big and completely dictated the entire situation.

President Donald Trump started a movement and I do not think it will die today. I will never forget what he did for this country. I will never forget him ending Hillary Clinton‘s political career. he fought for us and the deep state in my opinion had to involve fake race wars a virus from China all of the main stream media , fraudulent elections etc. to get rid of him. And they almost couldn’t do it.

as an optimist I believe that this is not the end of America. I do believe we have to fix election fraud or this will be the end of America. I also believe we need term limits in Congress I don’t know how that will ever happen but it is super necessary. I believe we need real journalism instead of this fake ass clown show media that we have today. Also social media needs to be controlled by some form of regulation

this could be a bump in the road. If so we’re gonna need patriots to step up and be ready to run for office to change things to make America great again.

This could also be the end of America. All empires fall and they typically fall from within. and I say this to myself a lot never forget this is a fallen world. And that is why Jesus Christ paid ultimate price.

anyways those are my thoughts right now. I was hoping to see a miracle. I think Trump could have done some other things at the very end but I think he decided to bow out graciously. and move forward.

sorry for the sermon. But I will say this put your faith in God and everything will be OK. This world is not a easy place nor was it ever promised to be.

I am very grateful for Donald Trump. The first outsider to become president of the United States of America

May God bless President Donald Trump may God bless America and may God bless you all

Thanks, Brother. That means a lot. Not really sure how to feel right now. Something isn’t right. Something isn’t complete. If you separate what Q showed us about the world around us from what we interpreted as predictions of what would happen — what Q showed us is still true. How can that be left stone cold here at the end? Just doesn’t feel right. Early on Q said we would only know 20% of what was being done by good people (80/20). Q later switched it to 60/40. I still think that 40% is true about our world. What about the other 60%?

Not ready to just say Trump, Flynn, et al., are full of shit — that they just gave up.

Not yet. Through all of this I have advanced my career, strengthened my marriage, built my faith in what’s right. This isn’t about me. My kids’ future will deal with one of two paths. We were on the cusp of the right path and I am not yet ready to believe we can’t achieve it one way or another.

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