Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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My great grandmother lived to be 104. Cooked everything with grease, lard, and beef tallow. Actually have a picture of her holding my oldest. 5 generations in one picture. High cholesterol is another Rockefeller medical scam to get people to take another petroleum based pharmaceutical. Been talked about in here multiple times. Statins as well. Glad the rest of the world is catching on. LAC wins again. Stay here for more info to keep the dealers away. Haha Skol!
I had a local Dr. here that was great. It had been close to 20 years since I had seen one, but dude was solid. He told me not to get the Vax, I knew I made the right choice. Actually took several minutes to talk about Trump with me as well.
Was he the one that does his prostate exams with his tongue? I believe the words you used were “he Pinocchio’d my butthole with his tongue.” That’s the dude you see like 7 times a year right?

Either why, no need to confirm. thanks for sharing.

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