Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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The Jennifer Aniston rumor is that she is either dating or had an affair with Barry. This feels like an attempt by the Obamas to make a lame attempt at throwing people off of Barry’s gay scent and Mike’s real id.
Isn't she supposed to have nasty female equipment and that's why guys take off on her? Barry wouldn't know the difference, and if she use to be a guy, he's already familiar with things
Someone earlier said she was a dude at one time, whatever it is, it has had a difficult time with men……probably still wood though
have to on principle



I don't mind paying a little in taxes to fund the government. Maybe go back to the percentage when first forced on people. What I hate is paying for all the bullshit wasteful spending we've seen the last 4 years like $150 B DEI funding, Ukraine funding, illegal funding, funding to cities and states used to thwart the will of the people (sanctuary cities/states), education grants to schools imposing this shit and much much more. Seems like that would be easy to stop on day one.
I don't mind paying a little in taxes to fund the government. Maybe go back to the percentage when first forced on people. What I hate is paying for all the bullshit wasteful spending we've seen the last 4 years like $150 B DEI funding, Ukraine funding, illegal funding, funding to cities and states used to thwart the will of the people (sanctuary cities/states), education grants to schools imposing this shit and much much more. Seems like that would be easy to stop on day one.
Agreed.. it goes deeper than this though. It started with Woodrow Wilson, also got screwed by Carter with the canal. Jerome Powell is the most powerful person in the world 🌎 and others take the blame when he transfers wealth.


Snoop Dogg performed at Trump’s inauguration.

Let’s unpack this:

In 2017 Snoop Dogg shot a person dressed as a Trump/clown combo.

Snoop spent the next several years bashing Trump AND Trump supporters.

Is Snoop Dogg now MAGA? Or is he just an unauthentic, insincere, sellout?

Walk with me.

Snoop has spent his ENTIRE career degrading women and glorifying pimping in exchange for a net worth of $160m.

Convincing young men that ‘bitches ain’t shit but hoes and tricks.’

Snoop has devoted decades encouraging young men to dehumanize women while he dresses, talks, and acts like a pimp.

Well, he’s not.

Calvin has been married to the same woman for more than 27 years.

Calvin even renewed his wedding vows at Charlie Wilson's ranch in 2008.

This man ‘crip walks’ at the Super Bowl halftime show while crip bullets rip through 6-year-old children in Chicago.

Calvin could choose to keep it real and teach young men the importance of a nuclear family and how to make a marriage stand the test of time LIKE HIS HAS.

But instead he glorifies the exact opposite of who he is in exchange for money.

Snoop doesn’t give a fuck about you. Snoop doesn’t give a fuck about Trump.

Snoop is EASILY one of the greatest contributors to the skyrocketing single motherhood rate.

Snoop is a complete and utter poser. The corniest person on the planet.

Zero spine. Zero foundation.

Snoop Dogg changed his name to ‘SnOoP LiOn’ after a short-lived faux conversion to Rastafari after visiting Jamaica in 2012.

He said he felt that he was a ‘reincarnation of Bob Marley.’

This dude doesn’t know who the fuck he is.

Don’t fall for it.

Crip walk on these nuts, Corn Dogg. 🌽
I don't mind paying a little in taxes to fund the government. Maybe go back to the percentage when first forced on people. What I hate is paying for all the bullshit wasteful spending we've seen the last 4 years like $150 B DEI funding, Ukraine funding, illegal funding, funding to cities and states used to thwart the will of the people (sanctuary cities/states), education grants to schools imposing this shit and much much more. Seems like that would be easy to stop on day one.
10% flat tax across the board. No loopholes no nothing.

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