In the real world, they would not be able to pass a mental fitness test.
Dude, that will suck if my one hall pass from the wife has a wiener. Does that make me gay? That woman/dude is a smoke show.The wild rumor is that she was born with a dick and transitioned as a teen. I remember that story from the Mainboard days.
Yep. I know few people use or write checks in today's world. However, almost 100% of my clients pay with a check and some use Zelle. Haven't taken a credit card in years. One client leaves a signed check but his manager doesn't know how to fill in the check blanks. I have to do that for him.Us old fks still got it.
Beginning to look more and more like Maui. Here's where I hope Trump's EPA slaps the developers with multiple EPA compliance studies which take years to complete.
And it going to snow all the way down to the border on Tuesday.They have lots of equipment they can sell to pay the damages. How about taking the damages from the salary of Tapper and the rest?
The money and food/lodging runs out on Monday.
What are the wild Aniston rumors?
Isn't she supposed to have nasty female equipment and that's why guys take off on her? Barry wouldn't know the difference, and if she use to be a guy, he's already familiar with thingsThe Jennifer Aniston rumor is that she is either dating or had an affair with Barry. This feels like an attempt by the Obamas to make a lame attempt at throwing people off of Barry’s gay scent and Mike’s real id.
Someone earlier said she was a dude at one time, whatever it is, it has had a difficult time with men……probably still wood thoughIsn't she supposed to have nasty female equipment and that's why guys take off on her? Barry wouldn't know the difference, and if she use to be a guy, he's already familiar with things
If they shut down the border as expected. No more free cell phones, Visa cards and more. No more flights by NGOs bringing in people from across the world.And it going to snow all the way down to the border on Tuesday.
have to on principleSomeone earlier said she was a dude at one time, whatever it is, it has had a difficult time with men……probably still wood though
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Agreed.. it goes deeper than this though. It started with Woodrow Wilson, also got screwed by Carter with the canal. Jerome Powell is the most powerful person in the worldI don't mind paying a little in taxes to fund the government. Maybe go back to the percentage when first forced on people. What I hate is paying for all the bullshit wasteful spending we've seen the last 4 years like $150 B DEI funding, Ukraine funding, illegal funding, funding to cities and states used to thwart the will of the people (sanctuary cities/states), education grants to schools imposing this shit and much much more. Seems like that would be easy to stop on day one.
Nah he’s not out there hiding to far.Be careful Shaun52. Watch out for your boy….or is he still hiding out in the mountains?
good readWhy Europe Fears Free Speech | ZeroHedge
ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to
good readWhy Europe Fears Free Speech | ZeroHedge
ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to
So then total bullshit to make people think he isn't a faggot. Got it.She’s having an affair with Barry Sotero
10% flat tax across the board. No loopholes no nothing.I don't mind paying a little in taxes to fund the government. Maybe go back to the percentage when first forced on people. What I hate is paying for all the bullshit wasteful spending we've seen the last 4 years like $150 B DEI funding, Ukraine funding, illegal funding, funding to cities and states used to thwart the will of the people (sanctuary cities/states), education grants to schools imposing this shit and much much more. Seems like that would be easy to stop on day one.