Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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I loved how I was thinking .... they have an ocean... why don't they put that on the fire? Hilariously someone on the LA news livestream a day later said "we can't use ocean water because the salt would kill plant life".... Now I see those planes dipping into the ocean to get salt water and dump that shit right on the fire.

Turns out... fire is worse than salt. You're welcome California. You could have listened to the redneck and saved 5000 homes.
I loved how I was thinking .... they have an ocean... why don't they put that on the fire? Hilariously someone on the LA news livestream a day later said "we can't use ocean water because the salt would kill plant life".... Now I see those planes dipping into the ocean to get salt water and dump that shit right on the fire.

Turns out... fire is worse than salt. You're welcome California. You could have listened to the redneck and saved 5000 homes.
That's loony tune liberal thinking for you.
Question for residential real estate professionals(believe there are a few here):

With the new "rules" regarding commissions, are you seeing more buyers paying the 3% buyers commission or more sellers still paying it?

I mainly sell for builders so they are not changing course. They are still offering the 3% I am seeing commissions go to 5 and 5.5% total though.
I just read the LAPDW urban water management plan. Seawater desalination was excluded from the analysis due to high cost and environmental impacts. Not even considered in their planning. Desal plants are expensive to build, consume a lot of energy and getting rid of the salty concentrate is challenging. Seems like they need the water though.

The plan relies heavily on conservation and recycled water. Recycled water will be mostly used to recharge groundwater supplies that will be withdrawn for treatment to potable standards. The funny thing is that you basically have to build a desalination plant to treat wastewater to make it a suitable potable water source.

Only about 10%of their water supply is local (mostly groundwater). 90% comes from hundreds of miles away (mostly snow melt) through aqueducts and pipelines. 8% of the supply went to non-revenue water including spills, leaks, sludge and water consumed for maintenance of treatment and distribution systems. Another 10% of their supply is consumed by the government.

Long Cat, PE

The partisan hack NY judge conceded to reality -- that his best efforts failed and that he had no ability to jail Trump or otherwise impact his liberty in any way. The ONLY thing the combined efforts of the Lawfare brigades accomplished was 1) to expose them all as unscrupulous partisans lacking integrity and 2) attach the label of "felon" to Trump which will be temporary and failed to produce the outcome they desired.I think SCOTUS was wrong to not intervene because it was POTUS who said certain kinds of evidence cannot be used in a criminal trial of a POTUS or ex-POTUS, and that kind of evidence was used against Trump. They took up that challenge pretrial in the federal case in DC and directed the lower court to not allow that kind of evidence to be used. By not intervening -- and saying the errors could be corrected in the appeals process -- they undercut their own ruling that certain kinds of evidence cannot be used. They would have supported their own ruling by stopping the process prior to sentencing and telling the NY appellate court it needed to resolve the question of improper use of evidence against an ex-POTUS before the prosecution was made "final" by the trial court. BUT, the election was won by Trump regardless of the errors in the trial court, Trump is 9 days from being POTUS, the "stigma" of being called a felon is going to persist no matter what the outcome of the appeals process is in NY, and Trump will certain win that appeals process once it plays out and the "legal" implications of being a felon will all fall away. He suffers nothing more than a temporary "indignity" that wasn't going to change even if SCOTUS had stepped in.For Trump, going forward gave him another chance with the world watching to blast the process and all involved. Merchan's efforts to castigate him were completely ineffectual because Merchan long ago revealed himself to be a partisan hack judge without any judicial integrity at all -- a machine politician in New York wearing a black robe. The only people applauding him were the windup monkeys in the leftwing media banging cymbals together one last time.

Is this serious or an act, bizarre to me
Flood the zone. One day Elon will control the news cycle over UK politics, the next day Trump will dominate the news cycle with Gulf of America and invading Greenland, then next will be a "play" fight between different wings of MAGA. The whole time Trump is getting people ready and the media can't follow what's actually happening.

Flood the zone.


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