Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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WHY? Who is that one person that they didn’t want to reveal???

The FBI agent in charge (Steven D’Antuano) then told Congress that the phone data from a major telecom company was corrupted. But the telecom company says the data was NOT corrupted. Uhh… The FBI lied? To cover up?

Now the FBI and other agencies are stonewalling Congress over WHY this investigation into what we’re told is the biggest domestic terror attack attempt in recent history just… stopped.

Oh, and the two people who “found” the “pipe bombs” on Jan 6 we’re a “woman carrying a basket of laundry” who is actually a swamp creature who works for an intel-connected org where she works on “disinformation.” LOL. And the other “bomb” was found by a plainclothes fed.

Both “bombs” sat in plain sight undetected for 15+ hours until both were found independently within 15 mins of each other also within 15 mins of the first breach of the Capitol.

And the frame rate of the one video the FBI released of the pipe bomber—which came from the DNC—was 1.2fps which is lower than any security camera on the market by 8x?? Which implies that the video was tampered with? By whom? What’s on the frames that were removed from the publicly released tape??

The implications of this are enormous.

We are closer than we’ve ever been before in totally exposing the totality of what an absolute, evil hoax J6 was.

Don’t lose steam now. Raise your voice. Get this over the finish line. Expose it ALL so everyone can see we aren’t crazy conspiracy theorists, that the Feds actually staged J6 to demonize MAGA after Biden & his ilk rigged the election.

You are the media. Make this famous.
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2ND worst?? he may have lapped Carter

Bill orielly rates Biden second worst president and James Buchanan as the worst because he could have prevented the civil war

Orielly also states that Biden still has a little over 10 days remaining and if he keeps doing what he’s doing (soros presidential medal, releasing death row inmates etc) he might and could end up being the worst

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