What a history. She's been a "police chief" in 5 different departments going back to the 2000s. Three small departments in Washington, then Spokane, then she took a position below Chief at the Kings County Sheriff's Office, then another position below Chief for Chicago PD, then she was hired as Chief of Oakland PD, and -- after getting FIRED in Oakland -- Chief in New Orleans.But just as icing on the cake -- she was FIRED by Oakland because it was claimed she made false statements concerning assistance provided by two Oakland PD Officers to ICE as part of a raid that resulted in deportation of those arrested. She claimed ICE told Oakland PD it was a human trafficking case, so two Officers were authorized to block off the two ends of the street while the raid took place.That's it. The morons in the shiit-show City of Oakland fired her because they didn't think she gave them truthful answers about blocking streets off. These people all deserve each other.