Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Welcome to part 1 of The Conclusion to the Fall of the Cabal!​

A brand new series about the identity of the Cabal.

By Cyntha Koeter

Part 1 – The Pyramid of Power

In this episode we discover the 3 nails of power that rule the world. We dive into the first one of them and discover the power that financial institutions have over our lives. Financially spoken, the One World Government is already up and running!

The Cabal is not one person nor a fixed group of persons. It consists of Committees, Groups, Think tanks, more commissions and NGO’s. They are always unelected and unaccountable for their deeds, but their decrees and treaties are binding worldwide.

How is that possible? You will find out in this first part of THE CONCLUSION!


I am expert in influenza and have consulted with the WHO over the past two decades on the topic of flu vaccines. This is one subject matter I am extremely knowledgeable about.
What is happening now with "bird flu" is another psyops campaign being conducted by the administrative/deep state against the American people. They know and we know that the "vaccines" being produced will be ineffective, as all flu "vaccines" are.
The government is chasing a rapidly evolving RNA virus with a syringe. Just like they did with HIV and C-19.
All the while they are getting prepared to roll out masks, lock-downs, quarantines, etc.
All the while getting ready to roll out mRNA vaccines for poultry and livestock, as well as for all of us.
The more they test, the more bird flu they will find.
This "pandemic" is nothing more than an artifact of their newly developed protocols to test cattle, poultry, pets, people, and wildlife on a massive scale for avian influenza. In years past, this was not even considered.
Of course, these facilities producing the tests have been repurposed from the COVID-19 testing facilities. More regulatory capture.
The questions are:
Will we all comply?
Will we be forced to comply?
Will President Trump go along with the PsyWar / psyops campaign again?
We will know soon enough.
Sorry for you loss. It just sucks to lose someone under these circumstances.

My dad was in the hospital since Christmas Eve. Mini-stroke. Having double vision and one of his eyes isn't working. And this is with him on Eliquis. Come to find out, he has a Lupus-like auto-immune disease (APS or APLS, it was called both by medical staff) that causes him to clot and the blood thinner he's on is ineffective against. So, either the Vid or the J&J vax he took triggered this auto-immune issue (you know which one I'm blaming).

Short story long, they think it's manageable, but he's got a road ahead of him. He was on the Carnivore diet, which he has to drop now because the APS increases his stroke chances in addition to his high Cholesterol (apparently he can't process the cholesterol like "normal" people due to the condition).

Nothing will happen, because most of the public are too trusting of "The Man" to see the truth when it staring them in the face. But we will keep fighting the good fight.
I’m really sorry to hear this. I’ll be praying for his recovery and peace and comfort for your family.

I would recommend looking into The Wellness Company. They can help folks who have been affected by the vaccine or long COVID (if the person affected refuses to believe it could have been the vaccine). It says that they conduct virtual visits, including about vaccine injury. The virtual visit link is

I begged my BIL to look into the company. He “kind of” looked into but got so mad at me that he banned me from visiting my sister for two weeks (which ended up being during the final two months of her life). And he had previously acknowledged that it could have been the vaccine that did this to her (though it took him a long time to come around to it).

I know another poster on here shared that he detoxed some auto-immune issues using nutramedix’s protocol. Worth looking into. I think this was it but hopefully he can jump in and correct me if it was something else:

I don’t trust anything anymore. I think all of the medications they put my sister on and the hundreds of MRIs and CT scans did nothing to help her. Big pharma wants us to get sick and stay sick so that we are endless cash cows for them.

My prayer is RFK Jr. is going to get in there and expose things and turn things around quickly for people in need like your dad.
I grew up in Dallas watching this team and I love the triplets. But Emmitt will tell you all the time it's because of him and that O line.

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About the triplets during their run

When each was on IR the team had varied success

Without Emmitt the winning percentage was terrible

Without Irvin it was a bit lower

Without Aikman it was about the same
Buckle Up IMO we are living in the biggest bubble ever known to man & this time it's everything at once...

At or Recent All Time Highs

Real Estate
The Dollar
Credit Card Debt
Student Loan Debt
Corporate Debt
Government Debt

I hope I'm wrong as the last 2 years have not been the best in my industry. The forecast is for more of the same this year.

At some point it all breaks.

Maybe that is the great reset.


Well at least 75% of my competition is done.
All the big boys including Buffet are in cash or shorting the market. They know something. They kept this economy afloat to win this election and now that they've lost there is no reason to keep the charade up... they'll just blame it all on Trump.
Chicago is the butthole of America. Prove me wrong.
2 years ago the queen and I took our boys to Chicago for spring break. We were staying just off of Michigan Ave at the river, a decent area. The second day we were setting out in the morning to do some exploring, and I noticed a man make a bee line across the street towards us. It was a homeless dude wearing a long trench coat. He walks towards me and stops and tells me “I’m about to kick your ass boy” with a fist raised and one hand in his pocket. I was not worried about the fist, just the hand that I could not see. I proceeded to tell him that if he’s fighting me, he’s fighting these two behind me also (my boys are 6’1” and 6’4”). He takes a look at them and decides against it. Walks off calling me every name in the book and we had a good laugh. Welcome to the Windy City mother fuckers!

This was the Jackass that went on fox business and other network business channels in March 2020 saying he’s going all in on s&p and everyone should do the same…. While he was shorting the s&p. He made billions.

Yet he could be correct, Fannie and Freddie will probably do what he says, there’s a few more years left before housing collapses.
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